Chapter 576
At the huge intersection, it was countless times quieter than when Li Xiao first appeared.

With so many people here, no one could have imagined that the battle would end so quickly, so many people just blinked their eyes a little bit distracted, and the two centurions fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

To kill two people with one move, even the leader of a thousand people may not have such strong strength, right? How did that outsider do it?
Of course Li Xiao would not tell them the truth that soldiers never tire of cheating.

He didn't come here to compete with anyone, he wanted to seize all the time and race against time to expand his power so that he could go further afield.

Without looking at the two people who were unconscious on the ground, they raised their fingers and pointed towards each other.

"Your boss has lost. It's your turn. Either submit to me or take a look at those guns."

What a simple and clear sentence, anyone who doesn't understand what Li Xiao means is a fool.

Without anyone taking the lead, more than 200 young men threw away the weapons in their hands and shouted loudly: "Take refuge!"

If anyone took a look outside the city at this time, they would be shocked to find that Li Xiao Road, which was less than ten kilometers long before, suddenly extended out and reached fifteen kilometers.Chang Qing's powerful players are only at this level.

But this is only shown on the surface, and in fact, when Li Xiao truly shows his strength, it is not a problem for Li Xiao to single out the left and right champions.

Of course, now is not the time to say nonsense.

Li Xiao felt the success, so he took advantage of the victory and pursued it.

"Everyone picked up their weapons, divided the troops into three groups, and followed Zhang Shuang, Wang Qiang, and Gao Jiang to recover the other streets."

With Li Xiao's order, those who have just taken refuge here still don't understand who to recover at this time.

But soon, they knew the answer.

Once the left and right giants died, their subordinates had no leader. Zhang Shuang and Wang Qiang each led a team to crush them directly. Gao Jiang's side was easier. Xu Ziang had only a dozen people under him. Seeing them go and return, the number of them was even greater than before. Many, really didn't even have a little resistance, so I raised my hands and surrendered.

When the sky was dark, the entire eastern area of ​​Tian'an Town finally returned to calm.

But no one’s heart can be peaceful anymore.

Because overnight, the five centurion forces that had been entrenched in Tianan Town for decades were all wiped out and unified into one force.

And the leader of this force is none other than Li Xiao, an outsider whom no one looked down upon before!
It has only been a week since Li Xiao came to Tian'an Town, and he has accomplished a feat that many people here can't even imagine in their lifetime, becoming the number one boss under a thousand people.

I believe in the process, and fortunately the results are quite satisfying.

After tonight, the area where Li Xiaoneng moved directly reached about 25 kilometers, which was less than five kilometers away from Gao Xiaoyu, the worst head of thousands in Tian'an Town.

However, this is not the end, bigger troubles have just begun.

On the same night, Chang Qing and Xu Long, the two thousand-man commanders, led a chaotic fight, and finally alarmed the chief of defense, and then forcibly suppressed them.

On the one hand, the younger brother died, and on the other hand, the right-hand man died.

Both sides accused the other of being a criminal, but neither admitted that they did it.

After finally calming down, and looking back, Xu Long and Chang Qing almost went mad with anger.

The forces that were supposed to belong to them have all become Li Xiao's domain, but that guy has a smooth road and has gone further.

But Xu Long and Chang Qing lost so much manpower base, and the road was shortened by more than two kilometers.

At this time, if you still can't see it, everything is Li Xiao's fault, and they have messed up to this point in vain.

New and old grudges combined, the two wanted to mobilize the defense force, but they encircled and suppressed Li Xiao.

But just after going through a bloody battle, his subordinates were exhausted. Even if they had the energy to fight again, the Chief of Defense would not want to see them go on like this.

It was an important time to change shifts, and the Chief of Defense of Tian'an Town was still looking forward to serving in Black Dragon City. If there was turmoil in Tian'an Town at this time, how could he go further.

Besides, Li Xiao's outsider gradually integrated the forces around Tian'an Town and made them into a single rope, but he still couldn't get out of Tian'an Town's control area, which indirectly increased the career of the chief of defense a lot.

How could he watch Chang Qing and Xu Long destroy things that were of benefit to him?

The Chief of Defense came forward, deprived the two of their right to deploy troops, and shut them down for seven days. He also made it clear that the next Chief of Defense of Tianan Town is still uncertain. It was handed over to He Haoran, another head of a thousand people.

In the end, this decision can be regarded as completely grasping the lifeblood of Chang Qing and Xu Long. No matter how great the hatred between the two is, it is not as important as sitting on the position of the chief of defense.

They must not fight so hard that others can take advantage.

Just wait, when all the dust settles, no matter who gets the chief of defense position, they will seek revenge on Li Xiao.

This guy is in Tian'an Town, so he can't escape!

The seven-day closure is relatively too short, as short as an ordinary office worker, blinking, and it's Friday again, and you can take a two-day holiday.

However, Chang Qing and Xu Long may never imagine that Li Xiao is a person who chases time and will never stop waiting for someone.

After a day of repairing, Li Xiao made sure that his road had been extended to 25 kilometers and no one had retaliated, so he adjusted his mood and came to Tian'an Town Center Middle School again.

When he came here last time, he was just a small person, so small that Gao Xiaoyu didn't like him, so he picked up the pointer and drew it at will.

But this time, he was still facing the same woman, but he was sitting on the reception sofa in the other party's office, sipping exotic tea lightly.

He was thinking about the leaves of what kind of plant it was, and the brewed tea was so fresh, if it was taken outside, packaged and sold by the gram, it would definitely earn a lot of money.

It's really hard for him to relax occasionally at this time, and still have the mood to think about making money.

Gao Xiaoyu didn't know what he was thinking, but simply looked at this man, feeling more and more that he had a strange sense of mystery.

I dodged her attack before, so I won't talk about it.

In just a few days, he became an existence second only to the leader of a thousand people in the entire Tian'an Town. This is really beyond the reach of ordinary men.

I came here specifically to annex her power, right?
Thinking of this, Gao Xiaoyu couldn't tell what kind of mood she was in, and smiled slightly: "Li Xiao, tell me, what do you want me to do."

"Two things."

Li Xiao put down the teacup, got straight to the point, reached into his pocket and took out a crystal clear green stone, and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

As soon as the question came out, one could see the shock on Gao Xiaoyu's face.

"This is... the raw stone of life? How did you have this?"

(End of this chapter)

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