The toughest man in the city

Chapter 574 Tianan Town Riot

Chapter 574 Tianan Town Riot

With one order, an unimaginably tragic war broke out at the intersection of Hongyuan Street.

Li Xiao's three major generals led nearly [-] people, directly crushing the defense line of Xu Ziang's remnants and defeated generals.

This side has not been able to get orders from the boss for a long time, and at the same time of sticking to it, they are trying their best to contact other centurions for support.

Chang Qing's left and right titans' team received the distress signal, and they all cursed at that time.

The whereabouts of their bosses are unknown, who has the mood to care about other people's lives and let Xu Ziang stay cool.

At the same time, the two centurions who wanted to get close to Xu Long before, received the news of asking for help at this time, and sneered at the same time.

I still want Lao Tzu to be your guard, no way!

Randomly send out two or three people, go there for a walk, everyone should sleep.

A total of seven centurion forces, four ignored Xu Ziang's call for help, and the remaining three were not simple and honest people, thinking that tonight must be the same as the previous two days, with heavy thunder and little rain, fools That's why I still run over there, let's wash up and sleep, don't care.

Li Xiao applied the story principle of "Wolf is Coming" to this place, and the effect is amazing.

On the night when he was really going to destroy Xu Ziang's forces, no other forces came to support him.

The crowd fought like a broken bamboo all the way, and almost wiped out the remaining power of Xu Ziang's men.

When the remaining dozen or so people huddled in the central building of the street, the people from other places could hardly reach the street entrance. At a glance, the whole street looked like a purgatory on earth.

Those who hadn't seen such a tragic scene in countless years were all frightened and stupid, and hurriedly contacted their boss to report the situation here.

"It's not good, Xu Ziang is going to be wiped out!"

The same sentence resounded in the ears of all the centurion forces.

The two centurions who wanted to get close to Xu Long almost jumped out of the bed. After making sure that it was not his subordinates who made fun of them, they were so frightened that their souls almost flew away.

Xu Ziang couldn't really be wiped out.

Everyone understands the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Besides, that Xu Ziang is still an important bridge for them to connect with the commander Xu Long. How can they just watch him be wiped out.

The two of them didn't discuss it in private. At that time, they rushed to Hongyuan Street with all their strength at full speed.

They did their best to rescue Xu Ziang, and if they could surround Li Xiao, that outsider's force and wipe it out completely, it would kill two birds with one stone.

The two planned well. After meeting, they immediately sent a message to other forces to gather all the superior resources to deal with Li Xiao together.

The other three understood what they meant and acted immediately.

The titans on the left and right also wanted to participate in this operation, but two bad news came one after another, making them completely lose the mood to deal with Li Xiao.

The left and right heroes were all dead, and their bodies were found in the jungle on the outskirts.

The boss is gone, God knows how panicked those subordinates are, and Chang Qing, who is their boss, is extremely furious.

Those were his confidants' left and right hands, and they were cut off in unison, but he didn't know anything about it.

Who the hell did it!

At this time, the people under the left warrior tremblingly said: "Chang Qianchang, the brother who found the body of the left warrior reported that he saw the left warrior typing a word on his mobile phone."

"What word?"



Chang Qing was furious, and slapped down the table in front of him.

No one would doubt the message left by his confidants before they died. People are going to die, will they lie?

The person who killed the left and right giants must be Xu Long, and only Xu Long can do it so quietly that he has no sense at all.

Chang Qing thought he had found the culprit, but he never imagined that the left warrior might also be deceived.

When Li Xiao went to deal with the left warrior before, the reason why he covered his face was that he didn't want to expose their identities prematurely, in order to be on the safe side.

Before his death, General Zuo asked him who he was, and he said that he was the one Chang Qing had offended. Evil words at each other can be regarded as offending him.

But General Zuo didn't know this, he only knew that Xu Long was the only one in Tian'an Town who had the guts to target Chang Qing.

The contradiction between the two parties is very deep, and they have long been incompatible. It is also true to say that they offend each other.

So the misleading information left by the left warrior before his death made Li Xiao's plan even more perfect.

But Chang Qing is not a simple-minded person. He said in his heart that these days Xu Long and him are fighting for the position of the next chief of defense. The other party probably doesn't have time to kill people. Could it be someone Deliberately sow discord?

As soon as this idea came up, the person next to him said another word.

"Report, it has been found out that the left and right titans were all killed by guns. After inspection, all the remaining shell casings are the same as the weapons used by the Xu family brothers."

As soon as these words came out, all of Chang Qing's doubts disappeared.

Kill with a gun?
Only you are well-equipped, don’t you know that my Chang Qing’s men are also well-equipped with weapons!

"Mobilize a thousand-man defense force to follow me to find Xu Long."

Chang Qing was furious, and dispatched troops to kill Xu Long's territory.

At this moment, Xu Long was about to wash up and rest. The first news he got was that his younger brother Xu Ziang had died, and he died in his bedroom.

The dozen or so people who were forced by Zhang Shuang to return to the tallest building in the center of Hongyuan Street were at the point of life and death, so they couldn't care less about other things. It was found that Xu Ziang was already dead.

Panicked, the only thing they could think of was to report this matter to Xu Long.

When Xu Long heard the news of his younger brother's death, his brain almost exploded, and he subconsciously asked, "Who did it?"

Those little guys didn't have time to check the death time of the corpse, they only saw bullet casings all over the floor, picked up one and replied: "Master Zi Ang was shot to death, the bullet, the mark of Tianyuan Town is engraved on the bullet."

"Tianyuan Town! Changqing!"

Almost instantly, Xu Long was sure who the murderer was.

Tianyuan Town is forty kilometers away from here, if the people from there really called, how could it be just to kill his brother.

Chang Qing is the only one who uses Tianyuan Town's marked weapons.

In addition, these days, Changqing and he are fighting for the position of the chief of defense. They have already said that they would cut off his wings and weaken his strength.

The murder motive, evidence, everything is there, who else can it be if it is not Changqing.

Just as the candidate for the enemy was determined, his subordinates immediately came to report that Chang Qing led a thousand-man defense force and came over aggressively.

"Well, you Changqing, it's not enough to stab a knife in the dark. Are you planning to come with a sharp knife and a sharp gun? I, Xu Long, will be afraid of you? Mobilize people and fight!"

With an order, Xu Long's [-]-man defense team also dispatched.

In this way, after Li Xiao's planning, the largest riot in the history of Tian'an Town finally took shape under his influence.

(End of this chapter)

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