The toughest man in the city

Chapter 507 Take Care of Your Woman

Chapter 507 Take Care of Your Woman
As soon as the two bodyguards who were hiding in the dark took action, Li Xiao knew that he had met a real master.

Any one of these two is similar to Flying Fish in the Wild Beast combination, and it can be said that they are the top characters he has ever seen after returning to China.

Such people should only exist in two places.

One is the military region, and the other is the side of the seven directors of Huasheng Security Company.

But why Fu Qingcheng can still be protected by such a master? This woman's status is not that high.

I can't care about that much now.

Even though he was worried about Sister Yi's situation and was burning with anxiety, he had to force himself to calm down and confront the opponent in front of him.

The problem was that the reality made him unable to calm down at all. Just as he was being entangled, another master bodyguard pulled Fu Qingcheng away quickly.

This is a professional, who only cares about protecting the safety of the target. It is not like those amateurs who know the situation is dangerous and stand aside to watch the show.

The two newly appeared are Li Linchuan's personal bodyguards.

I won’t explain why the engineer, who seems to only know how to draw, has such a high level of bodyguard protection.The key is that when Fu Qingcheng expressed his intention to deal with Li Xiao for the first time, Li Linchuan asked these two bodyguards to accompany him to protect his wife.

At this time, the two finally came in handy.

But they weren't enough to change the ending.

At the moment when his figures crossed again, Li Xiao chose a tricky angle and kicked the man in front of him in the heart.The top bodyguard who had never been hurt by punches since his debut, this time he vomited blood and flew backwards.

And Li Xiao didn't even look at his own results, after landing, he chased towards Fu Qingcheng like a whirlwind, and finally arrived here before the opponent was about to get in the car.

The remaining bodyguards were helpless and could only shout "Drive, leave quickly", and then took the initiative to meet Li Xiao.

And his companions, even though they were injured, still rushed back and joined the battle group.

One-on-two, it will take time for Li Xiao to get rid of such two masters.

If Fu Qingcheng can seize this time and drive away quickly, it will really take a lot of effort for Li Xiao to find her.

But, will Fu Qingcheng leave?

She was here tonight to kill Li Xiao, but her goal was not achieved, how could this crazy woman leave so easily.

Leaning on the car, Shi Shiran lit a cigarette and let out a strange smile.

"Li Xiao, are you looking for Qin Anyi? Let me tell you, you can find her by jumping off the viewing platform over there."


Amidst the roar, Li Xiao's movements sped up again, and the two top bodyguards complained incessantly, and they didn't even have a chance to speak, just because they were a little careless, they would be tortured and killed by Li Xiao on the spot.

Fu Qingcheng never cared about other people's feelings, smoking a cigarette, still provoking Li Xiao there.

"Li Xiao, there is actually one thing you can be thankful for. I am a woman, so I didn't let Qin Anyi suffer any humiliation. If it were another man, it would definitely make your beloved feel great sorrow before he died. Haha , is it painful?"

"Do you know that when you destroyed my son's tombstone, my pain was a million times greater than yours now."

"I've even dreamed of killing you these days."

"go to hell!"

The three masters exchanged moves, moving around in the night, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

Fu Qingcheng didn't think about who to distinguish at all, and suddenly pointed the delicate pistol in the small bag, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

This woman is really a lunatic. She is not afraid of accidentally hurting the person protecting her.

At the moment of the gunshot, Li Xiao tapped one foot on the ground and quickly retreated.

At the same time, the two bodyguards distanced themselves and rushed towards Fu Qingcheng, only wanting to take that woman away with forceful means.

But they were still not as good as Li Xiao. Li Xiao, who had clearly retreated, rushed straight to Fu Qingcheng at a faster speed after getting rid of the entanglement of those two people.

In this case, even if the two bodyguards could go to Fu Qingcheng's side, they couldn't stop Li Xiao from getting close.

It was too late, but soon, the two bodyguards made the same choice, kicking Fu Qingcheng at a suitable angle instead of aiming at Li Xiao.

They had wanted to kick this kick for a long time.

But instead of kicking Fu Qingcheng to death, he kicked him far away, not giving Li Xiao a chance to get close, and blocked him again.

Fu Qingcheng, who rolled out, bumped into the fence of the viewing platform before barely stopping. He felt that his bones were about to fall apart, and he slowed down for a while.Without thinking about anything else, I found the pistol that had been thrown not far away, and took it in my hand again.

The two bodyguards almost collapsed.

Li Xiao was also agitated in his heart, and he was going to kill these two guys who stood in his way without holding back.

The situation is delicate, even if they noticed that there were two cars driving towards the viewing platform at high speed, they were in no mood to pay attention to it.

However, those who can still come here at this time, how can they be easily ignored.


A loud shout broke the darkness of the night.

Then there was a familiar cry that made Li Xiao tremble violently.

"Xiao Zi, stop it."

It’s Sister Yi!

Sister Yi, who had just been taken away, was brought back at this moment.

He still cared about fighting to the death with someone, and suddenly turned his head to see Sister Yi who was safe and sound, so he rushed over as fast as he could.

Miss Yi is fine.

On the way when he was taken away just now, he met another person, and it was that person who brought Sister Yi back and ended the bloody storm.

After listening to Sister Yi's narration, Li Xiao calmed down, and then turned to look at the viewing platform.

At this moment, a person stood in front of Fu Qingcheng, firmly blocking the woman behind him.

Facing this person, Li Xiao is not particularly unfamiliar, but he really doesn't understand why this person appears here.

"Li Linchuan?"

That's right, the person who brought Sister Yi back was Fu Qingcheng's husband-in-law, Li Linchuan who grabbed Li Xiao and saved him from falling to his death on Wutai Mountain.

"Little brother, we met again. I just didn't expect to see you here."

Li Linchuan was equally astonished, and he never thought that the person who helped him casually that day would have such a big conflict with his wife.

If the environment were changed, they might sit down and have a drink and have a good chat.

Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity.

Li Linchuan could only sigh slightly and said, "Fu Qingcheng is my woman, I will take good care of him."

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious, it is to let Li Xiao let Fu Qingcheng go.

What else can Li Xiao do, how can I say, the other party is also his savior.

"For your sake, I won't pursue it. I hope you can really manage your woman well."

(End of this chapter)

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