Chapter 508

Li Xiao shouldn't let Fu Qingcheng go.

With everything she designed today, she deserves to die.

But Li Xiao was not a real cold-blooded animal after all, nor was he a murderous demon. When he saw that Sister Yi was safe and sound, all the anger in his heart dissipated.

Coupled with the appearance of Li Linchuan, he didn't want to kill his woman in front of his savior.

Therefore, he chose to let Fu Qingcheng go for the second time.

After taking a deep look at Li Linchuan, he slowly turned around and took Sister Yi's hand.

This action made the two top bodyguards heave a sigh of relief.

Because they were very convinced that if Li Xiao insisted on killing people, it was the limit for the two of them to stop him for a moment, and they couldn't change the final result.

Fortunately, everything ended with Li Linchuan's arrival.

Li Xiao held Sister Yi's hand and walked forward. The moment he looked up, he saw another unexpected person.

Why would Su Manyu's mother come here?

He was a little stunned.

Mother Su's face was a little pale, and she forced a smile: "I just passed by, or I will send you back."

It's really hard for Su's mother to remain calm and speak at this time. She followed Li Xiao all the way here, and she really witnessed how terrible things happened here.For a woman who has lived in a boudoir all year round, even if she has heard of this kind of thing before, it is the first time she experiences it personally, she is still quite frightened.

What's even more rare is that this mother always thought that Li Xiao couldn't die, otherwise her daughter would also collapse.

Only then after meeting Li Linchuan did he persuade the bodyguard Yang Yang to bring her to the scene.

Fortunately, the results are not too bad.

At least, Li Xiao was unscathed.

She can also feel at ease.

Facing Aunt Su, Li Xiao nodded his thanks with respect to his elders, and was about to get in the car with Aunt Su and leave.

Everyone seemed to think it was all right.

But the fact is.

After tossing and tossing for a long time, has anyone considered Fu Qingcheng's feelings?

For the first time in her life, and also the first time after her son's death, she became ruthless, intending to use Li Xiao's life and blood to start her path of revenge.

The results of it?
Is it as simple as that?
"Die, all deserve to die."

In the cold wind, Fu Qingcheng, with his head down, uttered these words softly. Others might not be able to hear them, but Li Xiao's ears moved slightly, and he turned his head suddenly to look over.

With just one glance, he saw an unbelievable scene, Fu Qingcheng raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Li Linchuan.

What's the situation, why is that woman crazy?


At that moment, Li Xiao only had time to shout out.

It was also his reminder that woke up the two top bodyguards who were all focused on him. It was too late and then quickly, and the uninjured bodyguard flew up and rolled Li Linchuan on the spot.

The gun went off.

The bullet grazed Li Linchuan's arm and flew out without slowing down at all. It rushed straight over, and by coincidence, the next target was Sister Yi.

Li Xiao is not a god, he can dodge bullets because there is a special existence in his body that will give him an early warning.

But the person he cares about is in danger, and he can't predict it.

At that moment, he only had time to turn around and stand in front of Sister Yi.

But the bullet still grazed his ear and flew over, leaving a long bloodstain on Sister Yi's face.


Sister Yi groaned in pain, the wound on her face was hot and stinging, and the blood irritated Li Xiao's eyes.

This blow is not fatal, but it will disfigure Sister Yi.

"Damn you!"

Amidst the roar, Li Xiao dashed forward and reached out to grab Fu Qingcheng's throat.

At that moment, Fu Qingcheng also panicked, pointing the gun at Li Xiao and frantically pulling the trigger.

A violent gunshot broke out. Yang Yang hugged Sister Yi with his left hand and Mother Su with his right hand, and lay down on the ground.The two top bodyguards also desperately protected Li Linchuan.

No one saw the specific situation, but felt that after a long century, the gunfire finally stopped with Fu Qingcheng's scream.

Everyone looked up in unison, and saw an extremely unbelievable scene.

Fu Qingcheng, who thought he would die tragically on the spot, was standing there safe and sound, while Li Xiao seemed to have received a huge blow, soaring into the air, over the guardrail of the observation deck, and fell into the Yellow River with a plop.

Li Xiao was injured and fell into the river?
When everyone realized what the scene just now meant, Sister Yi was the first to react, screaming in panic and rushing over, grabbing the handrail of the viewing platform and about to jump down.

Su's mother is a kind person, at least she kept a little calm, subconsciously obstructing sister Yi's attempt to seek death.

The two were tugging at the edge of the viewing platform, and the crazy Fu Qingcheng made another move that no one could understand.

"All go to die, all have to die!"

Amidst the roar, Fu Qingcheng pushed Sister Yi and Mother Su, and fell over from the edge of the fence.The panic-stricken two danced and grabbed Fu Qingcheng's arm and sleeve, and pulled the crazy woman down together.

There were several loud splashes of people falling into the water.

No one could have imagined that things would develop into this situation.

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? Save people, call someone, call me everyone here in Qinghe!"

Li Linchuan no longer looked steady and calm.

What happened tonight was so exciting, he thought that his arrival would be enough to calm everything down, but he never expected that Fu Qingcheng would have such a big resentment towards him and Li Xiao.No matter who she wanted to kill just now, the final result was that Li Xiao, even those three women died here.

How can he explain this to the Fang family, the Su family and others.

The injured bodyguard took out his mobile phone and dialed the number as quickly as possible to call someone. Yang Yang and the other bodyguard took a deep breath and jumped down the Yellow River.

Those who have never really seen the Yellow River have no idea how terrifying the Yellow River vortex here is.

The calm river on the surface is actually undercurrents. No matter how good your water skills are, once you are caught by those undercurrents, you will sink into the endless abyss like being dragged by evil spirits.

Li Linchuan stood by the fence, watching the rushing river nervously.

Knowing that at a certain moment, tens of meters away, there was a crash, and his top bodyguard surfaced with a woman in his hand.

Li Linchuan didn't care about his identity anymore, he slid down the steps of the viewing platform and pulled him ashore with all his might.

"Mr. Li, it's Madam."

Fu Qingcheng was the first to be rescued, and then on the other side, Yang Yang sent Sister Yi ashore in a sullen manner, and jumped into the water again.

Without Li Linchuan's orders, the bodyguard turned over and jumped into the water.

Li Linchuan couldn't imagine that with such a delay of several minutes before and after, whether the remaining Li Xiao and Mrs. Su would still survive.

With a gloomy face, his eyes stretched out, and he seemed to see a female ghost in white floating on the river in a daze.

Li Linchuan was so startled that the hairs all over his body were about to stand on end.

(End of this chapter)

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