The toughest man in the city

Chapter 506 Walking with the water of the Yellow River 1

Chapter 506 Walking with the Yellow River Water
Yellow River Observation Deck.

When Li Xiao came here last time, he was not in a good mood.

It was watching Chu Lingfeng pursue Ning Xiaoxi and make a fake hero rescue. In the end, Ning Xiaoxi also helped the surname Chu to speak, which made him feel quite aggrieved.

However, it's all in the past, and there is no need to bother with it.

Fortunately, he had the experience of being here last time, so he was able to rush there as quickly as possible.

Ten kilometers away from the viewing platform, some people hidden by the side of the road saw his car passing by and immediately reported the situation.

On the viewing platform of the Yellow River.

A stone table, a table of food and wine, and two beauties with a difference of ten years in age.

Fu Qingcheng held his wine glass and smiled slightly: "That's right, that kid is still a man, at least he came much earlier than I expected."

As soon as these words came out, Sister Yi's face suddenly became much gloomy.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

"Ms. Fu, things really haven't come to a life-and-death situation. I'll go and tell Xiao Zi that we can help you erect your son's tombstone together. Even if you ask him to apologize to you, I can kneel down and apologize to you. .”

It can be said that the period when Sister Yi was "invited" by Fu Qingcheng was quite torturous.

And in the process of suffering, she also gradually understood what kind of conflict existed between Fu Qingcheng and Li Xiao.

It stands to reason that if this kind of thing is put on others, it really won't get to the point of dying.Moreover, Fu Qingcheng is also a poor person, and Sister Yi's kind heart was deeply touched.

Let me ask you, is there any woman in this world who can bear the pain of her own child being orphaned but powerless.

But no matter what, this couldn't be the reason why Fu Qingcheng wanted to kill Li Xiao.

"Ms. Fu, tell me, apart from an apology, what kind of compensation do you want. No matter what, I agree to it, even if you ask me to die for Xiao Zi."

Speaking of this, it was Sister Yi who was begging.

It's just that, with someone like Fu Qingcheng whose artistic conception is insane to the extreme, any normal communication is impossible.

"Apology? Compensation? Will this bring my son back to life?"

Fu Qingcheng stared at Sister Yi's eyes for a moment, then smiled: "You are very good, you are very similar to me when I was young. Maybe, if my son is still alive, I will definitely ask you to be my daughter-in-law. But it's a pity. .”

After saying this, Fu Qingcheng waved his hand casually.

Immediately, two female bodyguards walked over, set them up and sister Yi left.

Today, Fu Qingcheng set up a plan to use Sister Yi to lure Li Xiao over. Now that Sister Yi's role has taken effect, why let her stay here and watch her beloved die tragically.

Although Fu Qingcheng was crazy, he hadn't reached the point of killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The two female bodyguards took Sister Yi away and disappeared into the night.

Fu Qingcheng poured herself a drink and was already seventy percent drunk.

This time being released on bail by Long Zicheng and Ye Lingtian, she knew that the most important thing she should do was to kill Li Xiao.

Only by killing that guy can we cancel everything before.

Everyone is dead, even if the Fang family, the Ning family, and even the Su family are united, so what? Do they have the ability to bring the dead back to life?

If you don't have the ability, you have to accept the fact that Li Xiao is dead.

And she won't die, she still has to continue to be arrogant relying on everything she relied on before, and cultivate her own power by the way, and make a ruthless attack on the Li family in the south of the Yangtze River.

After living in a daze for more than 20 years, she didn't realize until a few days ago that she had to avenge her son, and if she wanted to avenge, she must have the same power as the Li family in Jiangnan.

She can't do that big on her own, and she needs help.

And Chu Muchen was the first helper she found.

Playing with a piece of jade in his hand, thinking about his future revenge plan.

That piece of jade was obtained from Sister Yi. It was the jade that Chen Jiuge threw on Li Xiao at the beginning, and was turned around and given to Sister Yi by that guy.

Fu Qingcheng said that her daughter's things needed to be returned to their original owners. Of course, after capturing Sister Yi, she would ask about the whereabouts of the jade and send someone to fetch it.

The slight coolness from the jade made her recover a little bit of sobriety.

Also after waking up, he heard a gunshot from a distance clearly and unmistakably.

Li Xiao arrived and was already in contact with the "drag and earth net" she arranged on the periphery.No matter how powerful that guy is, he can easily kill the famous killers on the killer list, but he is still a human being after all.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands, this time Fu Qingcheng spent a lot of money, and even asked Ye Lingtian and Long Zicheng to sponsor him to create a brutal mercenary team to kill Li Xiao secretly.

God can't live!
From the silence at the very beginning, to the muffled gunshots, screams of pain, and screams of anger, and then gradually subsided at the end.

Fu Qingcheng sighed, casually hung the piece of jade on his chest, and raised his fingers to the side.

Immediately someone came over with a shawl.

In the night wind, Fu Qingcheng stood in person slowly, standing on the viewing platform, looking at the Yellow River in the darkness, for a moment, he just wanted to jump down, and it was over.

But in the end, she still didn't put that idea into reality.

"It's over. The person I wanted to kill is finally dead, but why is there no sense of accomplishment? Tell the people outside and deal with it for me. I don't want to see that guy's death and dirty my eyes. It's best Yes, let him go with the water of the Yellow River."

After saying this, Fu Qingcheng turned around slowly, wanting to leave here.

But after turning around completely, the scene in front of her made her freeze in place.

There were only two people left to protect her, and they were already lying on the ground. Standing not far behind her was Li Xiao, whom she thought was dead.

"Where's Miss Yi?"

At this moment, Li Xiao was like a demon who came out of hell, his whole body was covered with blood, but not a single drop of blood belonged to him.

The "heavy net" arranged by Fu Qingcheng did bring him a lot of trouble, but it was not enough to kill him.

He only wants to know one thing now, and that is...

"Tell me, where is Miss Yi!"

Amid the roar, Li Xiao was like lightning, reaching out with one hand and grabbing Fu Qingcheng's throat.

At that moment, Fu Qingcheng had already lost her ability to think, because she really couldn't imagine how powerful a person must be to get out of the killing array she arranged safely.

Perhaps in the next second, she will taste the suffocation of her throat being choked.

Li Xiao also thought that he could subdue Fu Qingcheng, and tried every means to find out where Sister Yi was.

But at this delicate moment, two figures seemed to appear out of nowhere, one pulled Fu Qingcheng away in an instant, and the other punched Li Xiao.

The situation was changing so fast that even Li Xiao could not have expected it.

(End of this chapter)

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