Chapter 123
People say that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have good fortune, and this saying is also effective when applied to a company.

Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. encountered a drug safety crisis. It almost closed down for rectification, and its reputation was ruined. Many middle and high-level employees even resigned and changed jobs, which made the entire company short of personnel and was in danger.

However, as Qian Duo's conspiracy was revealed and he successfully survived the crisis, Jiangbei's elite operation team began to contact the company's development affairs remotely.

The entire Jiangdong Pharmaceutical seems to be rejuvenated.

The person who runs the operation team sent Ning Xiaoxi a big gift before he formally joined the company.

The World Pharmaceutical and Health Organization placed a vaccine production order worth hundreds of millions to Huaxia to aid in the control of infectious diseases in North Africa. Jiangdong Pharmaceutical defeated other large pharmaceutical companies and successfully grabbed the order.

The whole company immediately entered the full-speed operation mode, focusing on the production of that batch of vaccine drugs.

As long as the order is completed, Jiangdong Pharmaceutical's development prospects are simply limitless.

Chen Defa, who has been in charge of the company for a long time, of course hopes that the company will get better and better. When talking about this, his eyebrows are beaming, and his face is full of pride.

But Li Xiao really didn't feel much.

No matter how much money Jiangdong Pharmaceutical earns, it is impossible to distribute it to him. It can only indicate that his wish to defeat Ning Xiaoxi is getting further and further away.

"It's boring."

Li Xiao shrugged indifferently and asked, "Old Chen, have there been any handsome young men who come to the company to pursue Ning Xiaoxi recently?"

"Eldest Young Master pursues Mr. Ning? No."

"That's good. Old Chen has a mission for you. If there are any more dog-like guys who come to the company with great fanfare to try to pursue Ning Xiaoxi, let me know as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, Li Ban, I promise to complete the task."

Chen De snapped to attention and stood up, making a promise.

Only then did Li Xiao walk into the company contentedly.

He still had the same speculation as before, suspecting that there was some stupid young master who, in order to pursue Ning Xiaoxi, tried to kill Qian Duo to win the favor of that young lady Ning.

No matter what Ning Xiaoxi thinks, anyway, Li Xiao doesn't want to see that kind of idiot who doesn't take human life seriously, take a step closer to Ning Xiaoxi, as long as that person dares to come, he promises to let the other party go away in despair.

He has thought up all kinds of countermeasures and is just waiting for someone to come to his door.

But after waiting for half a month, everything was very peaceful, which made Li Xiao wonder from the bottom of his heart, whether he had guessed something wrong.

The trajectory of life seems to have returned to the previous rhythm.

Every day at two o'clock and one line, Ning Xiaoxi is picked up and sent to work, and she changes her tricks to satisfy that girl's pursuit of delicious food.

If it weren't for the small building opposite Jiangdong Pharmaceutical, which was renovated at an extremely fast speed and had a new look almost every day, Li Xiao would have suspected that time had stood still, as it had been for decades.

There is no blind killer to deal with Ning Xiaoxi.

There is no such thing as a foolish young master who tried every means to get close to Ning Xiaoxi.

There was only one night when I suddenly received a call from Sister Yi.

At that time, Li Xiao was lying on the sofa in the villa like an old man, watching Ning Xiaoxi washing dishes from the side.

I really don't know if this kind of rhythm continues, whether that eccentric lady will be educated by him to be a real good wife and mother.

The cell phone rang suddenly, and when he saw the word "Sister Yi" on the caller ID, he got up abruptly, ran to the courtyard, and answered in a hurry.

"Hello, Yi, Miss Yi."

When calling out this title, Li Xiao was extremely nervous, afraid that there would be some bad news from Sister Yi.The old lady's health has always been poor, he should be respected by his side as a son, but Sister Yi's indifferent attitude towards him, and Ning Xiaoxi's restraint made him always in a dilemma torment.

Fortunately, just listening to the calm breathing sound from the other end of the phone, he guessed that there was no emergency.

Sister Yi suddenly took the initiative to call, what was she trying to do?
He waited for a long time before he felt that sister Yi had made a lot of determination and spoke.

"Li Xiao, can you do me a favor?"

"Sister Yi, tell me, let me do whatever you want."

"Yes, it's my mother's business. In order to save money, my mother has refused to take medicine."

Sister Yi's slowly narrated words lingered in her ears. Just calling her "Mother" made Li Xiao feel as if he had heard the most beautiful voice in the world, and his excitement was uncontrollable.

Don't think it's just a simple address change, but the word "We" indicates that Sister Yi has begun to accept him and no longer resents him as before.

The boulder that was pressing on his heart seemed to be removed all at once. He pursed his lips and listened carefully to Sister Yi's narration without making a sound.

My wife is out of drugs.

I still remember the first time when I met my mother and sister Yi in the hospital, Li Xiao heard the conversation between sister Yi and the doctor. My mother suffered from chronic cardiovascular disease and needed long-term medical treatment.

But the best medicine is always the most expensive.

More than 1 special medicines for a course of treatment were used to take half of the dose in the past, just to minimize expenses.

This directly led to the last time my mother suddenly fell ill and was admitted to the hospital.

After being discharged from the hospital, under the strong pressure of sister Yi, my mother was willing to take medicine normally.

But after the medicines bought before were finished, the old lady refused to let sister Yi go to buy new medicines.

The old man always said that at her age, it would be a waste to take even the best medicine, and it would drag Sister Yi's life away.It's better to stop the medicine and let fate live or die.

No matter how much Sister Yi tried to persuade her, it was useless.

But at this time, the family didn't have much money left, and they couldn't afford new medicines at all.

Sister Yi was really desperate, so she made up her mind to call Li Xiao.

"Li Xiao, my mother's body can't be delayed. The money to buy the medicine should be regarded as my loan from you, and I will definitely return it to you in the future. If I have troubles because I don't have money to buy medicine, I really don't know what to do. Explain to Chaozi. The medicine is more than 8000 for a course of treatment, you can just buy a course of treatment for me, and I will find a way by myself in the future. I, I can write you an IOU. Li Xiao? Are you still listening?"

Sister Yi asked tremblingly.

Li Xiao felt a pain in his heart like a needle prick. If it wasn't for him, how could my old lady be so reluctant to take medicine.

"Cough, sister Yi, I'm listening. Please send me the name of the medicine I need. From now on, you don't have to worry about the medicine, I will take care of it all."

"No, Li Xiao..."

"Stop talking, Miss Yi. Send me the medicine first, and I'll buy it now."

Li Xiao really hung up the phone with an indescribable mood.

Not long after, the phone vibrated again, and Sister Yi sent him a picture.

Quickly click to open, just want to see what kind of medicine my mother urgently needs, but when he saw it, he was stunned.

How is it a picture of a leaflet?

(End of this chapter)

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