Chapter 124

"Heavy benefits! Medicines with an original price of more than 1 yuan now only cost [-] yuan, and there are [-] million prizes to be given away..."

On the pictures sent by Sister Yi, colorful and green fonts stand out.

Li Xiao was stunned for a long time before he remembered where the leaflets he picked up casually in his old lady's ward a few days ago came from.

It turned out that from that time on, Sister Yi had already planned to buy this medicine.

It's just because I don't have any money in my hand that I procrastinate and procrastinate until now.

It doesn't matter whether the big prizes on this flyer are true or not, as long as it is confirmed that the old lady needs to take this kind of medicine.

A course of treatment is eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. How could Tangtang Huofeng pay attention to such a small amount of money? For the sake of my mother's long life, buying one hundred and one thousand courses of treatment is... uh.

When subconsciously raising his hand to touch his pocket, Li Xiao was embarrassed.

He has no money now.

Since returning to China more than a year ago, all special income has been cut off. When I joined Huasheng Security Company, I failed to do a single job and owed the company a huge amount of liquidated damages.After finally accepting the task of Ning Xiaoxi, his life became stable, but the board and lodging were provided by Miss Ning, and he himself only had the change of [-] cents for buying vegetables every day.

Where can I get eight thousand eight hundred and eight to buy medicine?
Wait, who said I have no money.

Damn, almost forgot the most important thing!

Holding the phone, Li Xiao searched for Deng Ziling's number as quickly as possible, and dialed it directly.

As soon as the phone was connected, he opened his mouth and said, "Sister Ling, Qian!"

Back then, when he accidentally rescued Kaili, the royal princess of Western Europe, he agreed to offer a reward of 5000 million and [-] percent, and it was a full [-] million US dollars in his hands.

If the money goes bad, what kind of medicine will my mother take? She will go directly to the best hospital in the world for treatment, and she won't have to worry about money in her life.

This Ling sister is really unreliable, it has been so long, that Kelly should have gone home long ago.

But if he didn't take the initiative to ask, Sister Ling didn't know to tell him about the rewards. Could it be that she wanted to take all the rewards for herself?
"5000 million dollars, not a penny less, call me quickly."

Li Xiao was like a creditor asking for a debt, without any polite words.

Deng Ziling on the opposite side was stunned for a long time before realizing what was going on.

"Li Xiao, you are insane, you ask for money every time you call, do I owe you?"

"Sister Ling, you owe me the reward. How long has it been since I offered the reward? If you want to take all the money, there's no way!"

Hearing this, Deng Ziling almost fainted from anger.

Li Xiao said that she owed him, but she still felt wronged.

Ever since Li Xiao picked up Kaili, she really used all the resources under her hands, and even personally escorted the royal princess home.

As a result, the person was delivered, but the money disappeared.

I called several times to inquire about Jinquanma Company and the foreign affairs agent of the Western European royal family, but there were all kinds of prevarications there, and it summed up the same meaning.

The money is in Princess Kelly's hands.

The person in charge of issuing the reward announcement was not Kelly.

The eccentric princess didn't give the money, so the rewarders paid it out of their own pockets.

But the problem is, who can pay such a large sum of money except Kelly.

Even if Deng Ziling scolded those who offered rewards, those guys have nothing to do. Princess Li is happy, and the money will be in place.

Because of this matter, Deng Ziling was furious for a long time.

Now that Li Xiao called to ask for the debt, she still couldn't stop complaining.

"Li Xiao, I can't help it. I can't control those people, and I don't have much weight in talking to a girl. If you have the ability, you can go to that Princess Kaili to ask for money. Don't ask me, I'm bothered too !"

With a word of anger, Deng Ziling made a gesture to hang up the phone.

Li Xiao's whole body was not feeling well, so he hurriedly said, "Wait a minute, Sister Ling. Okay, it's fine if the money doesn't come for the time being. I need money for emergency now. Do you have any spare money on hand, just lend me a hundred dollars?" 80, I will return it to you after the reward is issued."

Li Xiao understood that Princess Kaili's temperament better than anyone else. If that kind of person wanted to renege on her debts, she could rely on Deng Ziling.

It was his fault that he misunderstood that Sister Ling wanted to take the reward for herself.

But if you make a mistake, you can't delay doing business.

He changed his attitude as quickly as possible, only asking to borrow some money from Deng Ziling for emergency.

But the harsh tone just now had already offended the elder sister terribly.

"Li Xiao, do you still want to lend me money? After more than a year, do you still lend me less money? I paid you all the liquidated damages in advance. Have you ever paid me back a penny? If you want to borrow money, I don’t have it. I have the ability to go to the gate of the Western European royal palace by myself.”

With a clicking sound, the phone hangs up.

Li Xiao was in a hurry to call again... the phone is turned off!

"Damn it, isn't this a scam?"

It's over, the most wealthy avenue is suddenly blocked.

Even if he really wanted to go to Western Europe to ask for debts, he couldn't wait for his old lady, he had already promised Sister Yi that he would buy medicine and send it there immediately.

"I still don't believe it. My worth of 5000 million US dollars can still make more than 8000 yuan stumped."

Holding the mobile phone, he rummaged through the address book and found Chen Defa's number.

"Hey, Old Chen, Jiang Hu is in an emergency, lend me some money."

"Li Ban, how much do you need?"

Chen Defa replied very openly, Li Xiao only felt warm in his heart, did you read it, this is our personality charm, if you ask buddies to borrow money, no one will frown.

"Old Chen, I'm not being polite, just lend me eight thousand or eight thousand, forget it, nine thousand, I can pay it back when the time comes."

Li Xiao opened his mouth and said a number.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, and an ominous premonition instantly spread throughout his body.

"Uh, Li Ban. My, my child has just entered high school and is in need of money. I have to pay back a mortgage of more than 5000 yuan every month. What I have on hand..."

Chen Defa's voice became smaller and smaller, and he lost the momentum he had when he just answered the phone.

Thinking about it, he is a security captain with a monthly salary of more than 4000. There are old and young in the family, so how could he take out so much money to borrow money all at once.

Li Xiao felt that he was in a hurry to go to the doctor, and he asked someone to borrow money without thinking about his situation.

He scratched his head in embarrassment: "Ha, it's all right. Old Chen, you have so many difficulties over there, and you never told me about it. Do you need me to lend you some?"

"No, no, no, Li Ban, I, I don't know what to say."

That's how it is when asking someone to borrow money. It's embarrassing for both the borrower and the lender.

Li Xiao needed help from other people, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but he was ashamed to say that he could help others.

When the phone was hung up, his whole body was like a frosted eggplant, wilting.

Just at this moment, a light cough came from behind him.

Li Xiao suddenly regained his spirits.

Damn, guarding Jinshan to beg for food, really stupid.Ning Xiaoxi has money, so she can just borrow it from her.

(End of this chapter)

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