Chapter 122
Xu Youwei left, very cleanly.

Even if he passed by the ward with a lot of money, no one around him stopped him, and he didn't show any intention of killing people to earn a bounty.

As the saying goes, saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda.

Li Xiao directly saved Qian Duo, and indirectly helped a jobless young man rein in the precipice, so as not to step into the abyss of crime.

Infinite merit.

As for what will happen to Xu Youwei in the future, he doesn't care.

He is more concerned about who is the person who wants to take Qian Duo's life.

The number one young man in Qinghe must have done many outrageous things in the past. He offended countless people, but he has always lived a good life. There is no reason for his former enemies to trouble him.

Then only this latest time, the conflict with Ning Xiaoxi could be the direct cause of endangering his life.

And who were involved in that conflict?

Two names instantly appeared in Li Xiao's mind - Ning Guanming and Chu Lingfeng.

Everyone thought that Qian Duo had arranged for Ning Xiaoxi to be attacked by a killer on the observation deck of the Yellow River.

A person like Ning Guanming who loves his daughter to the bone, how could he not take any action when he meets a guy who dares to hurt his daughter.

It seems reasonable to find a killer to kill Qian Duo to vent his anger.

But the problem is that Ning Guanming is a person of status anyway, even if he really wants to kill a lot of money, it doesn't make sense to hire a killer who is not popular.

Besides, Qian Duo has been in the hospital for so long, and Ning Guanming specifically went to the police and demanded that the criminals be punished. He obviously wanted to solve the problem through legitimate channels, which meant that he was even less likely to go private. A killer is hired down there.

Excluding Ning Guanming, it was Chu Lingfeng.

In order to pursue Ning Xiaoxi, that guy directed a good show of a fake hero saving the beauty, but in the end he met a real killer and screwed up, so he hastily pushed Qian Duo out as a scapegoat.

In order to fully confirm the identity of this scapegoat, it is not impossible to find a killer to kill Qian Duo.

But still the same sentence, a son of a family like Chu Lingfeng is also a person of status.

Just talking about the five fake killers who acted with him that day, one of them randomly pulled out outperformed ten Xu Youwei.

Chen Lingfeng couldn't do such a stupid thing.

Of course, that guy's methods of chasing girls are clichéd, but after a few contacts, Li Xiao is sure that the other party is an honest gentleman, and he won't do stupid things like paying for murder.

Therefore, Chu Lingfeng also ruled it out.

Now, the problem is a bit more complicated.

Li Xiaosi thought about it, but he couldn't think of anyone who was so stupid to hire Xu Youwei for 20 yuan.

However, one thing is certain, people who try to ask for money and life have no more than two purposes.

One is to blame Ning Xiaoxi, and cause Ning Xiaoxi trouble by taking advantage of Qian Duo's death.

The second is to flatter Ning Xiaoxi, wanting to spend a lot of money to win Ning Xiaoxi's favor.

The second possibility is more likely, and only some brainless dudes who are trying to court Ning Xiaoxi will do stupid things like paying for murder.

Like a detective, Li Xiao peeled back the cobwebs, thinking that he had guessed a result that was infinitely close to the truth.

But he never thought that if Qian Duo died, he would be in the biggest trouble. After all, he was the one who caused that Young Master Qinghe to be admitted to the hospital.

Whatever the truth is.

Anyway, it was very quiet tonight, and Li Xiao finally had a good sleep.


Another sunny morning.

Chen Defa, who took charge of the company, put on the newly issued security uniform, stood in front of the company's gate full of energy, turned his head to see the doubled security force under his hands, and felt as if he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

In order to welcome the upcoming Jiangbei elite operation team, Jiangdong Pharmaceutical expanded the security team, reorganized the driver class, and even had someone clean the exterior walls of the entire company building.

This kind of treatment was probably only given to Ning Xiaoxi when Mr. Ning came to Qinghe to take office.

Chen Defa has no right to take care of how the superiors arrange.

He only knew that when he invited Li Ban to a meal, everything Li Xiao promised during the dinner was fulfilled.

He is also the captain of security, and his salary has also been raised a lot.

I specially bought a box of Nine-Five Zun and put it in my pocket, waiting for Li Xiao to go out as a thank you when he came to work.

But it's been almost a week, why hasn't Li Ban come to work yet?

Chen Defa looked up at the five-story building that was being renovated across the road, dazed.

Coincidentally, at the intersection not far away, Li Xiao also looked at the five-story small building that was in a state of renovation, and countless workers were busy working hard, and fell into a strange emotion.

Once upon a time, he really wanted to rent an office in that small building, where he could start his career, and act opposite Ning Xiaoxi, crushing her company.

But just because that girl suddenly had a high fever, all the vows turned into bullshit, blowing away with the wind.

"Oh, why is Ning Xiaoxi's life so good? She had a high fever of more than 40 degrees, and after two days of rest, she was alive and well, and she also eliminated a strong competitor in her career. God helped her. This person Compared with people, it can really piss people off."

Li Xiao shook his head helplessly, no longer having the slightest nostalgia for that small building, turned around and walked towards Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Company.

Ning Xiaoxi said that day that if he was given three days off, he would honestly lie in the hospital for three days.

Playing games with the mobile phone in your hand, and occasionally teasing the beautiful nurses, life is not to mention how exciting it is.

It's a pity that although the hospital is good, it is not a place to stay for a long time.

Ning Xiaoxi is also her boss no matter what, she can't have fun by herself, so she completely forgets about her boss' life and death.

There are really fewer and fewer dedicated people like him in the world.

Walking in square steps to the gate of Jiangdong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and seeing Chen Defa standing there like a watchman from a distance, Li Xiao wanted to laugh.

It's only been a few days since we saw each other, this old Chen is a little bit drifting.

Li Ban had already walked to him, but he still turned a blind eye, which is not a good sign.

"Ahem! Old Chen, why are you so fascinated by watching? Is there a beautiful woman taking a bath?"

"Go, how can there be any beautiful women taking a bath. I wonder, who is directly decorating the whole building with such a large amount of money... Hey, hey, Li Ban!"

After Chen Defa turned his head to see clearly who the person beside him was, he felt as if he had met his relatives, with a happy smile on his face, and hurriedly reached out for his pocket.

"Li Ban, I've waited for you back. Come on, smoke, smoke."

As soon as Li Xiao lowered his head, he saw the golden Ninth Five Lord appearing in front of his eyes.

"Tsk tsk tsk, old Chen, you are a big deal. You can't even look down on the Great China, so you can go directly to the Ninth Five-Year Master."

Then Chen Defa handed over the fire, took a deep breath, and exhaled a smoke ring with great enjoyment: "Come, tell me, what's new in the company during the few days I'm not here."

(End of this chapter)

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