Treasure well

Chapter 136

Chapter 136
PS: Thank you "Dingzhen Jianghe" for your reward, thank you for your support, as long as there are lovely people like you, I am willing to stick to it!Great grace to remember!The next chapter ends this plot and returns to the countryside!Back to nature!
Chu Yunqiu followed Juan'er and Boss Li to the police station. In fact, if he insisted, he could not go, but he was curious, curious about the beginning and end of this incident, and also curious about the ending of this incident!
He had a feeling that this matter must be very interesting!
When a group of people came to the police station, there was a wooden sign on the wall to the left of the gate, which said "** Police Station, ** District, Kyoto City", and a banner was drawn directly above the gate, with a line of big characters "warm Welcome the leader to come to my place for guidance work", according to the above date, it should have passed a few weeks.

The police car drove into the compound of the police station and stopped. Chu Yunqiu followed behind a policeman, step by step. Beside him, the little beauty ran over, as if she could find a sense of security by Chu Yunqiu's side. , Boss Li took special steps, although he was very reluctant, but under the supervision of the two police officers, he could only follow the crowd.

The police station is very high-end and luxurious. The office is a three-story building. There are many police officers busy on the first floor. Some are transferring files on the computer, some are sorting out materials, and People sit and chat!
Chu Yunqiu followed the crowd into the inside. The floor tiles under his feet were spotless and very clean. There was a desktop air conditioner in the corner next to it, a water dispenser next to it, and a computer on each table. , some are in use and some are powered off.

Beside the table, there are several potted plants, adding a touch of green to the room.

On the wall facing the door, there are a few pennants hanging, which are not some honors, but some ordinary people sent them to thank them. It can be said to be "face", and people can see it as soon as they enter the door.

There are both male and female police officers in the room. The women usually do some lighter tasks, such as typing on the keyboard, typing, delivering documents, etc. The men are generally responsible for dispatching police officers, interrogating prisoners, etc. Of course, There is no absolute boundary between the two. Men can also send documents, and women can also interrogate prisoners.

"You three come with me," after walking into the police station, the middle-aged man walking in front said to the three people, and then led them up to the second floor.

The number of rooms on the second floor suddenly increased, and there were many plants in the corridor. The leading middle-aged police officer opened the door of the first room and let Chu Yunqiu and the three of them enter.

At this time, Chu Yunqiu realized that it was actually an independent office, with sofas, air conditioners, desks, computers, etc., which were very complete.

"Sit", the middle-aged police officer let the three of them sit on the sofa, and then gave the three of them a glass of warm water.

Chu Yunqiu didn't speak, he understood that the next step was the interrogation, he just needed to listen!

"Because the matter hasn't been clarified yet, I won't separate you into the interrogation room. Let's just chat." The middle-aged police officer smiled and put the water glass on the table, looking very friendly.

"I'm afraid you will feel burdened, so I won't record it. I have already sent someone to invite your friend. It should take a while. Don't worry, we will never wrong you for nothing. Just do what you want." , The middle-aged police officer sat on the sofa and looked at the three people.

"Sir, can you tell me what you know first?" The middle-aged police officer looked at Chu Yunqiu. The other two were parties involved. The middle-aged police officer decided not to ask the parties first.

"Me", Chu Yunqiu didn't expect to be the first person to ask himself, he was taken aback, "Okay, I know everything, I can say everything", Chu Yunqiu sorted out his thoughts, and then replied to the middle-aged police officer : "Actually, I'm not this girl's cousin at all. I don't even know her name. I just stood up because I saw she needed help. Last night, I drank a little wine with a few brothers, and my head was a little bit Dizzy, I didn't dare to start, I was afraid of being found drunk driving, so I opened a room in a hotel not far from the hotel, I went back to the room and fell asleep, but in the middle of the night, the door suddenly rang, saying To be honest, I was very angry at the time. I was sleeping soundly when I was suddenly woken up. Don’t mention the depression in my heart. Just as I opened the door, a figure suddenly came in from the outside, and then closed the door firmly.

At that time, I had an idea, mother, I met a robber, but after seeing this little beauty, I didn't feel like it. With such a small body, I can put her down with one fucking hand. Besides, what about robbery? There is such a robbery, wearing slippers and no weapons in his hands, which is too unprofessional, and the little girl was crying at the time, I don’t know if I thought I robbed him?So I was quite surprised at the time.

Later, after this girl told me the truth, I asked him to sleep in my room, and I slept on the sofa outside, Comrade policeman, I really didn’t do anything.” Afraid of causing misunderstanding, Chu Yunqiu hurriedly proved his innocence .

"En...well..." The middle-aged policeman listened very seriously, nodding while listening.

"Finished?" The middle-aged policeman looked at Chu Yunqiu.

"No, I'm just emphasizing that I didn't do anything." Chu Yunqiu shook his head, "I really didn't do anything!"

"We didn't say anything," the middle-aged policeman was speechless.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. Important things are said three times, so I have to say them three times. Believe it or not, it has nothing to do with me," Chu Yunqiu said to the middle-aged policeman.

"(⊙o⊙)...", the middle-aged police officer stopped in mid-air with his hand that wanted to drink water, MD, this is the first time I have seen such a person!

Chu Yunqiu didn't seem to notice, and continued his words, "The next morning, I asked her to wash it casually, and then we had some breakfast. During the period, she used my mobile phone to call my parents. The phone, Nuo, is this one, and it was broken by this bastard, what are you looking at, I tell you, you will have to pay for it if you look at it again." Chu Yunqiu just turned his head when he saw the other party looking at him.

"Humph", Boss Li snorted coldly, "I don't even want this broken phone, you..."

"What are you doing? This is the police station, not your house, and you haven't been asked to speak yet." Seeing what Boss Li wanted to say, the middle-aged policeman glared at him and held him back.

"After we went down the stairs, I thought there was nothing to do, so I asked her to go back by herself, and I went to check out. I never expected that the other party sent a dozen burly men to wait outside. You really deserve it," Chu said. Yunqiu gave Boss Li a thumbs up.

"When I went out, they were confronting the security guards. I said you too. Migrant workers are not easy. They travel thousands of miles to work without family or relatives to accompany them. The wages are not high. You still ask others to do it for you. If it is not because of their migrant workers, but some small gangsters, I would have kicked it up a long time ago. My father, mother, and relatives are all farmers, and several of my cousins ​​are also migrant workers. I know They are suffering, so I hope you can treat them kindly, if I guess correctly, they should have been waiting at the hotel entrance all night." Chu Yunqiu looked at Boss Li, he really couldn't do anything at that time!
Boss Li didn't speak. He looked out the window and didn't speak.

"Comrade policeman. That's all I know, and I don't understand the rest. You can ask them." Chu Yunqiu picked up the warm water on the table and drank it down!

"Well, thank you", the middle-aged man nodded, just about to say something, the phone rang suddenly!

(End of this chapter)

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