Treasure well

Chapter 137

Chapter 137
PS: Thanks to brother "Yeluo Hanshang" for the reward of "300 starting coins", and brother "An Ran Tianyi" for his many rewards, and thank you two big brothers for their generosity, thank you!Beichen was really moved!
When the middle-aged police officer heard the ringing of the mobile phone, he smiled apologetically at Chu Yunqiu and the others, "Sorry, I'll take a call, you guys have some water first."

"Okay," Chu Yunqiu and the three nodded.

In less than a minute, the middle-aged police officer walked in again, "Let me tell you some news. I don't know whether it is good or bad for you. Myolie Wu has been captured by us, and when we went there, the other party was preparing to Run away. Now the other party has been pressed here by our people. I believe that things will come to light soon, so one of you, don’t take any chances. It’s best to explain it in advance, so that everyone will not be confused by the time. It's not good-looking." The middle-aged policeman looked at the little beauty, then at Boss Li, and said earnestly.

"What am I going to say? I didn't do anything." Boss Li's face was full of depression.

The little beauty didn't speak, she was very silent, and she didn't know what was going on in her heart.

The middle-aged police officer sighed helplessly when he saw that the two of them did not get in. Wait, everything will be cleared up when Myolie Wu arrives.

Although the time passed quickly, it was a kind of torment for Boss Li and Juan'er. They didn't understand why Myolie Wu hadn't arrived yet, and they didn't know how long it would take to wait like this.

Chu Yunqiu knew that Beijing was very congested, but he didn't expect it to be so congested. Didn't he say that he would arrive in half an hour?It's two and a half hours now.

Just when everyone was thinking wildly, there was a knock on the door.

"Dangdangdang", someone knocked on the door.

"Come on", the middle-aged police officer will stand up and open the door.

"Brother Wang, people are here. The road is too congested and I can't walk." Outside the door, a young man complained to the middle-aged police officer. Behind him was a girl in her 20s with her head bowed. , can't see the face clearly.

"Well, let her come in, you go and get the notebook, we can interrogate here," the middle-aged police officer said to the young police officer.

"Okay, Brother Wang," the young police officer let Myolie Wu enter the room, and then turned to get things.

Chu Yunqiu looked at the girl who came in. She didn't look very old. She had long hair in a shawl and her head was lowered. She couldn't see what she looked like, but she was in good shape. She was at least 1.7 meters tall and she was very slim. Wearing a denim jacket on the upper body, cool skinny denim on the lower body, and a pair of black high-heeled leather shoes on the feet, the dress is very fashionable, and the legs are thin and long. Just looking at the figure, she is definitely outstanding and has the demeanor of a goddess.

"Sister Xing", Juan'er shouted when she saw the woman coming in.

Hearing a familiar voice, the girl raised her head.

"Oh, I'm going", Chu Yunqiu's heart skipped a beat, he was frightened, and quickly covered his face, pretending that I didn't see anything!Why?Some can't bear it, the contrast between reality and imagination is too great.

At first I thought she was a big beauty, but the reality gave him a slap in the face, not to mention beauty, even good-looking is not considered!
This woman's looks are too arbitrary, she can grow as long as she wants, mouse eyes, high nose bridge, big nostrils, thick lips, thick eyebrows, all of which are superb, so matched, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't match, it's even more impressive What's unbearable is that this woman's face is still painted with heavy makeup, and I don't know how much powder has been applied on her face. It is completely white, with black circles, like a panda, and her eyebrows are thick and thick. Look at the long eyelashes. It should have just been glued on.

She has such a good figure, her hair is so black and smooth, and she is so tall. It's all on one face. Her back is a killer, absolutely her back is a killer.

Walking on the road at night, you can scare people to death without pretending to be a ghost. Hanging a selfie on the door can definitely ward off evil spirits. When shooting horror movies, you don’t need makeup at all...

Chu Yunqiu sighed in his heart for the injustice of the sky. He gave the other party a perfect body, but changed a devil's face!

Chu Yunqiu lowered his head, he didn't want to take a second look at the other party!

"Juan'er", seeing Juan'er, Myolie Hu was a little embarrassed, her left hand pinched her right hand, her right hand pinched her left hand, neither standing nor sitting, very awkward.

"Humph", Boss Li snorted coldly, with dissatisfaction hanging on his face.

"Okay, sit down," the middle-aged police officer asked Myolie Wu to sit on the sofa.

Myolie Wu didn't speak, she lowered her head like a good boy.

At this time, the young police officer walked in with a notebook and pen specially used for interrogation, and sat next to the middle-aged police officer.

"Okay, let's all talk about it, you will be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist. I believe you all understand that the three of you must have lied. I don't want small things to become big things, and big things to become super big matter······"

"Don't talk about the police officer, it's all my fault." Being watched by everyone, Myolie Wu was so upset that she interrupted the middle-aged police officer's words and raised her hand. She decided to confess and be lenient!

"Oh, you said," the middle-aged police officer looked at Myolie Wu, his eyes lit up.

"Actually, all of this is a scam designed by me," Myolie Wu sighed, "I've been wanting to buy an icrazy phone these days, but this month, I've spent so much that I don't have anything left. I borrowed some money from them, but no one was willing to lend it to me. I asked the company to advance my salary, but I had already paid in advance for several months, and the company no longer gave it to me, and I didn’t want to wait until next month to pay my salary I’ll buy it again when I’m here, so I had a thought in my heart and decided to design Juan’er.” Myolie Wu lowered her head, not daring to look at the crowd.

"Go on, how did you design it?" The middle-aged police officer nodded, motioning for the other party to continue talking.

The young policeman kept writing in his notebook without looking up.

"Boss Li and I got to know each other by chance, and we chatted several times. I knew that he liked some younger girls, but he didn't have the guts to break the law, so I told him that I had a female colleague who had just grown up, and She was very young and pretty, so she asked him if he was willing. At that time, Boss Li didn't agree and said he wanted to talk after meeting.

Later, I told Juan'er that I wanted to go shopping and asked her to accompany me. While shopping, I called Boss Li while I was in the bathroom and asked him to prepare a place, and I immediately took someone there.

When Juan'er heard that I wanted to meet a friend, she didn't doubt it, so she followed me to Boss Li.

Boss Li took a fancy to Juan'er and offered to negotiate the price with me. I didn't dare to say more, but told him that it was the first time for Juan'er, and he wanted 1500 yuan, and I wanted 500 yuan as an introduction fee.

At that time, Boss Li didn't think about it, so he agreed directly.

My plan at the time was already planned. I coaxed Boss Li into saying that Juan’er had encountered difficulties and had to come out to do this kind of thing, and let him believe that it was a deal. After the incident happened, I would coax Juan’er and tell Juan’er Boss Li is ruthless and has people's lives at stake. I know that Juan'er is timid and cowardly, and she doesn't have much education. After hearing what I said, she would definitely not dare to call the police.

That's why I designed this plan.I designed it for several days, and only dared to do it after I felt that everything was safe. Before the incident happened, I kept telling Boss Li that Juan'er must be drunk, because everything can go smoothly only after Juan'er is drunk. But I really didn't expect that Boss Li didn't listen to me, which caused such a big trouble." Myolie Wu covered her face and burst into tears. She didn't cry out of regret, but out of fright. will face prison.

Chu Yunqiu opened his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to spit out two words: "Awesome!"

He didn't expect that this woman would be so scheming and shameless, and now, she would shift all the responsibility to Boss Li.That's right, if Boss Li had injected Juan'er at that time, things would really have developed as the other party expected!
But since Boss Li spent money, how could he sleep as a "dead man", I can only say that Myolie Wu still doesn't understand Boss Li!

The people around were stunned, they didn't expect the whole story to be like this, and what happened to the world because of a love crazy mobile phone.

I remembered that some time ago, my daughter forced her father to buy her the latest model of Aifeng. My sister mortgaged her brother to a mobile phone store in order to buy an Aifeng mobile phone. My friend gave away the money in his brother's wallet in order to buy a mobile phone. The money was taken clean...
(Although I don’t know if there are any fictional things about Beichen, but I did see the above several things on the news. I was quite shocked at the time, so I also made up a fictional one. It may not be very rigorous. Please forgive me, benevolent people see benevolence. If you think it is impossible, just be a Bojun! Thank you!)

Too much, is it impossible for this kind of thing to happen?Not necessarily, the forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and if you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean there aren't any!

(End of this chapter)

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