Treasure well

Chapter 135 It's a Big Lie

Chapter 135 It's a Big Lie
PS: Thanks to the big brother "Remnant Flowers Destroying Leaves Autumn Wind" for the rewards, thanks to the big brother "An Ran Tianyi" for the reward, and thank you to the two big brothers for their support!Thanks!
As time went by, the sun slowly rose higher and higher, and the temperature became higher and higher. The sunlight dispelled the chill, and people took off their morning coats one after another.

Although there are fewer pedestrians on the road compared to the peak period, that is also relative. As the capital of China, it is not only a cultural, economic, and political center, but also has many historical sites for Chinese and foreign friends to visit.

For example, the Forbidden City is Chu Yunqiu's favorite place to hang out, and the Great Wall is Lu Zhiqing's favorite place to visit. In addition, there are Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, Old Summer Palace site, etc. Too much history is engraved here.

So even after the rush hour for work, there are still many pedestrians on the road. This is a place for "chasing dreams"!

Myolie Wu was startled when she heard the little beauty's voice: "You are... Juan'er, what's wrong, why are you still crying, tell me who bullied you, where are you? I'll pick you up right away ", Myolie Wu's voice was full of worry!
"Sister Xing, I don't want to live anymore, I've been insulted", the little beauty's voice became more choked and miserable, "I'm going to call the police, I want the other party to be punished by the law", the little beauty wanted to let the other party reveal her true colors, At the same time, he proved his innocence, and according to the plan he had discussed with Chu Yunqiu just now, he started to panic.

When Boss Li heard the little beauty's words, he was already in pain, but now it's not so painful, but it's even more severe.

"Don't... please don't," Myolie Wu's voice suddenly rose, seeming a little anxious, "Juan'er, please don't call the police. Did Boss Li insult you?" Myolie Wu asked with great concern. .

"En", Juan'er hummed lightly.

"Juan'er, you must be careful. I can tell you that you must not call the police. I know that boss Li and I know him very well. He is not a thing. He is cruel and merciless. I don't know how many women he has ruined. There were a few girls who wanted to call the police, but they were directly buried by him, and never appeared again. To be honest, I was insulted by him before, and I also thought about calling the police, but thinking of his cruel methods, I... ·”

Boss Li didn't care about it at first, but when he heard the back, his face became darker and darker, "Damn, why is I not a thing anymore, and I'm so cruel", Boss Li suddenly had the urge to beat someone up!
But when he looked at the policemen around him, he could only endure it, but when he heard the "sinking corpse", Boss Li couldn't bear it anymore, and went straight up and snatched the phone, not letting his mother Let’s talk about it again, and I’m going to be in the game for the rest of my life.

Boss Li limped his legs, ran up to Juan'er in a weird posture, and snatched the phone. Because he was walking very strangely and not fast, he asked Myolie Hu to say a few more words.

After hearing the following words, Boss Li broke down immediately and yelled, "You fucking speak clearly, who the hell is dead, you have the right to freedom of speech, but you have to bear legal responsibility for defamation", Boss Li can't care about anything else now. The police are right beside him. What if he is really arrested?
"And I insulted you, when? Why can't I remember, you don't take a piss to take care of yourself, just your bear appearance and virtue, you insult me ​​when you have sex with you... Damn it, you dare to hang up my phone." Boss Li looked at the notification of hanging up on the phone, and was so angry that he threw the phone to the ground.

"Hey..." When Chu Yunqiu saw Boss Li's actions, he knew something was wrong and yelled, but it was too late. He only heard a "click" and the phone came into close contact with the ground.

"Damn it, this is my phone." Chu Yunqiu felt so distressed, and ran forward in three steps, picking up the broken phone on the ground.

Chu Yunqiu tried to turn on the phone, but although Boss Li's egg hurts, his hands don't hurt, and he was so angry that his hand strength was so strong that he directly dropped Chu Yunqiu's phone into a "hemiplegia". It's about to fall apart, and it's a fart.

"Your uncle", Chu Yunqiu raised his head and glared at Boss Li, but at this moment, Boss Li has no time to pay attention to Chu Yunqiu, he is trying to explain to the police.

"Comrade police, listen to me, it's a misunderstanding, it's definitely a misunderstanding, I dare to guarantee my reputation, I definitely did not kill anyone, let alone sink a corpse." Boss Li's face turned pale, and it is estimated that Myolie Wu is by his side now. He has the heart to kill each other!
"Reputation? How much is your reputation worth? I want to go back to the police station with us. Is there such a thing? We will talk about it after we investigate." At first, I thought it was a dispute, but I didn't expect to catch a "big fish". The odds are slim, but they can't ignore it!
"Comrade policeman, what I said is true. I haven't even deducted workers' wages. How can I kill people? I just have money, and I'm just a prostitute. I haven't done anything illegal." Boss Li really I was about to cry, and turned my attention to the group of migrant workers, hoping that these people could say good things for me!
But these people are basically migrant workers. They are honest and timid. They dare not conflict with the police, so they keep hiding, and no one dares to come forward.

"It's just a prostitute, you didn't do anything illegal, do you know that. ** is an illegal act, you need to bear legal responsibility", a policeman couldn't listen anymore, and corrected Boss Li.

"Yes yes yes", Boss Li nodded vigorously, not daring to make any rebuttals.

"I advise you to come with us and explain the matter clearly. It's good for you and me. I promise, you must do business and investigate the matter to the bottom. If you do it, no one can wrong you, but if you do it Okay, so I'm sorry, we must use the law to punish you and avenge those innocent people," said a man who looked like a leader to Boss Li.

Boss Li looked at these policemen and refused to listen. For some reason, he turned around and wanted to run away, but one of them took too big a step, and fell to the ground, protecting his crotch, screaming. !

Everyone was speechless, what are you doing!

Chu Yunqiu looked at his mobile phone, and then at Boss Li who was covering his crotch, "Hey, at the same time, Tianya has fallen into trouble."

"Comrade police, although our boss has some problems with his life style, he treats us migrant workers very well. He has never deducted our wages, and often improves our food expenses. Can you take care of him?" Boss Li was about to be beaten away, a migrant worker stood up and said.

If there is the first, there will be the second, and if there is the second, there will be the third. These people lack a leader.

"Yes, Comrade Police, our boss will definitely not kill people," the other migrant workers also said in one go, testifying for Boss Li one after another. They also know how to be grateful, but just now, they were afraid.

Because the little beauty is the person involved, she also needs to follow her, and because Chu Yunqiu is the little beauty's cousin, she is also asked to be brought into the police station for assisted investigation!
What the hell is going on?Chu Yunqiu wanted to understand too!

(End of this chapter)

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