Chapter 85 Hierarchy
"Congratulations." After announcing that Chen Lu was a new member of the Avengers, Nick had no choice but to politely shake hands with him and said, "Now I can explain to you in advance the plan for the next beheading operation. The target is the Hydra secret research base in Sokovia that you disclosed to us before, according to what you said, it should be the place to study the zombie virus, in order to obtain all the information about the virus, we must capture here."

Even if Nick didn't explain, Chen Lu could guess that this operation was aimed at the Sokovia base. After all, he deliberately described it as a research base for zombie viruses in order to cause a full-scale war between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra.Judging from the seriousness of the current zombie virus, it is needless to say that it is very important for the United States to be able to obtain first-hand information from its developers. The best candidate for the Sokovia base guarded by the four supervillains of the Scarlet Witch is of course the Avengers.

And the Avengers focused their attention on Sokovia, which happened to give Chen Lu's prison robbery team who stayed in New York an opportunity.Now S.H.I.E.L.D. is determined to get rid of Sokovia to learn the secrets of the zombie virus, so that even if something serious happens in New York's Island Prison, they will not be able to withdraw for rescue.

Adjusting the tiger away from the mountain and driving the tiger to devour the wolf, all actions taken by SHIELD are within Chen Lu's calculations.

"I will join this operation. I believe you will get Hydra's research results on the zombie virus." Chen Lu once again emphasized the relationship between the zombie virus and Hydra.He is confident that S.H.I.E.L.D. will gain something from this operation, but this gain is just something that Chen Lu has prepared in advance.

The toy of the zombie control helmet was not made for Hydra to play alone.Human beings fight for things that they cannot actually control and eventually go straight to extinction. This kind of plot has been staged countless times in sci-fi movies, and this time Chen Lu wants to let it be perfectly performed again in the Marvel world.

The Sky Carrier is approaching the sky above Sokovia step by step. After arriving, it is estimated that it will use its stealth ability to conduct a comprehensive scan and analysis of the Hydra stronghold in Sokovia, and formulate a detailed on-site combat plan before launching a formal attack. .All of this will take a lot of time, so Chen Lu went back to the room arranged for him by SHIELD to rest.

Of course, what Chen Lu did was far more than just resting.

There was still some time before the prison robbery, so Chen Lu turned on the computer placed by S.H.I.E.L.D. in this room to check if there was any information worthy of his attention.As expected, what Chen Lu had permission to view were some irrelevant current affairs reports and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s code of conduct. All those confidential information were locked up by strict security protocols.This was a matter of course, even if Nick recognized Chen Lu as a member of the Avengers, it was impossible to confide in him immediately.

You must know that Captain America is also kept in the dark by this old fox in most of his actions. After all, Nick is not a person who is willing to believe in superheroes. For this perfect patriot, all forces that are not under the complete control of the US regime is a threat.

But even so, Chen Lu still found a rather interesting file, which was about SHIELD's precautions when dealing with various super villains.Chen Lv read it a little bit, and one of the more interesting items is - character threat level.

The threat level of a character is an important indicator that S.H.I.E.L.D. draws based on the current strength of the character and uses it to designate capture countermeasures and the level and number of agents dispatched.It is divided into eight levels in total, and the following is the general content of the grading system: (in brackets are the representative figures that Chen Lv thinks are more appropriate)

psilon-Level: existences that are weaker than normal humans, such as the elderly and children.Generally not considered a threat.

Delta-Level: The normal level of combat effectiveness of adult men who have not received special physical training.Can be easily subdued by a single agent with bare hands, presenting a minor threat.

Gamma-Level: Well-trained soldiers or fighters who are good at actual combat.Generally, it is necessary to use light firepower to complete the arrest, and it is generally threatening.

Beta-level: Physical fitness close to the limit of human beings, with excellent fighting skills.It is not recommended to fight against a single agent. It usually needs to use heavy firepower to suppress it, which has a high threat. (Representative characters: Hawkeye, Daredevil)

The above four levels are collectively referred to as the human-level threat level, and those above the Alpha level are considered superhuman-level threats, and the classification details are clearer.

Alpha-Level (Alpha-Level): Beyond the limits of human beings, the level of threat that cannot be solved by human power alone is divided into three levels: lower, middle, and upper.

Alpha lower rank: It has a defense ability that is difficult to deal with with heavy firepower and a destructive power that can easily destroy a heavy tank, which is very threatening. (Representatives: Thor, Loki)
Alpha Median: A powerful existence that cannot be explained by human theory, and the laws of physics are basically completely ineffective for it, and it is an inestimable threat. (Representative characters: Vision, Scarlet Witch)
Alpha High: It has the destructive power to easily destroy a city, and it is difficult for the human army to cause effective damage to it. The terrorist threat can only be resolved by relying on multiple Alpha-level characters or using nuclear bombs. (Representatives: Magneto, Professor X)

Omega-level: Can control matter and energy or have unlimited potential or even immortality. (Representative characters: Black Phoenix, Hulk after infinitely enhanced power)

According to the description of this document, alpha characters are the biggest threat that humans can deal with at present, and once an Omega-level threat appears, it is basically impossible to solve it by normal means.

According to this information, Chen Lu's current strength is only at the upper level of the lower ranks of Alpha, and there is still a long distance from the description of the middle rank of Alpha, let alone being able to play at the upper ranks of Alpha. Omega-level, both of these two levels of characters can easily obliterate the existence of Chen Lu, even if they bring the entire zombie army, they are definitely not their opponents.

The road to extinction in the Marvel world still has a long way to go.

(End of this chapter)

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