Chapter 84
Sure enough, Nick immediately proposed to Chen Lu with bad intentions: "Chen, I also welcome you to join the superheroes. Please don't mind, I don't mind your status as a former Hydra killer, it's just that you The killer training you have received is probably too vicious and deadly for a superhero. I hope you can re-accept the Avengers training from our S.H.I.E.L.D. Captain America will be your mentor. What do you think? How about next?"

Obviously, this time the test probe was aimed at the keyword "Hydra killer" in Chen Lu's lie. It must have been noticed by Nick, the ridiculously sharp-eyed super agent, during the confrontation with the Winter Soldier. At that time, Chen Lu's actions didn't look like a well-trained professional killer.In order not to expose the loopholes in his lack of fighting skills, Chen Lu had already completed the duel with the fewest moves possible, but Nick still saw the loopholes.

At that time, in order to avoid affecting the next Hydra undercover operation, Nick did not point out Chen Lu's lies on the spot, but now that Chen Lu has run on the "thief ship" by himself, it is impossible for Nick to let this suspicion go.Presumably, as long as Chen Lu showed the slightest dissatisfaction, it would be regarded as an expression of guilt.

"It's my honor." Apart from this, Chen Lu couldn't give any other answers.

Underneath the deck of the Sky Carrier, there is a simulated combat laboratory the size of a football field. It has an alloy exterior wall with extremely strong resistance to strikes, and can produce a variety of non-lethal three-dimensional projections for simulated combat training. Of course, Nick brought Chen Lv It's not as simple as coming here for training.

Captain America stood in front of Chen Lu and put on a fighting posture, and said to him eagerly: "Chen, if you want to correct your past killer habits, I must first know what kind of combat skills training you have received. Now let's fight against each other in actual combat." Hit it, I believe you will know the result soon.”

At the same time, Nick also warned: "Chen, Tony has tested that your physical fitness is about five times that of the captain, so please try to restrain yourself and show your fighting skills. Don't fight with your life. This is not a real fight."

As soon as the two sang together, they had to verify the identity of Chen Lu's Hydra killer. Like Captain America, an old opponent who fought Hydra until now in World War II, did Chen Lu use Hydra's identity? He is probably more familiar with the moves than the real Hydra members, and the body is much more difficult to fake than the language.

This is simply the most brilliant way of probing, except for Professor X's mind reading ability, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not find a more reliable method than this.

"Come on, Chen, are you ready?" Captain America beckoned to Chen Lv eagerly, whether all these are carefully crafted lies, or whether they are truly correcting evil, you have to use your own hands to find out.

"Of course, captain," Chen Lu said with a smile.

Spirit Possession Winter Soldier!

Chen Lu strode forward suddenly, punched out his metal left fist hard, and hit the shield raised by Captain America with a heavy blow. Suddenly, the sound of a bell rang throughout the training room.Before Captain America could react, Chen Lu quickly pushed aside the obstructing shield with his right hand, and then kicked him violently on his soft abdomen, kicking him into the air, falling to the ground and rolling It took a few weeks to calm down.

This is really Captain America's carelessness. According to what Nick told him before, Chen Lu's actions should be like a rookie who has not received any fighting training at all.Unexpectedly, after this confrontation, the opponent's set of movements is simply smooth and smooth, and the combat skills are not inferior to myself, a World War II veteran!

But Chen Lu, who was in the Winter Soldier state, was not used to giving the opponent any chance to breathe. Before the captain could stand still, he rushed up and jumped a person's height, and the silver steel left fist slammed down again with the momentum of thunder!Hearing a loud bang of "Peng", the alloy floor of the training room was sunk into a big hole by this punch. If Captain America failed to roll and dodge in time, half of the bones in his body would probably be destroyed.

And Captain America is not a vegetarian, how could he lose face in front of a newcomer who is proficient in a hundred martial arts, and after successfully dodging, he immediately adjusted his posture and counterattacked Chen Lu.The sharp star-striped shield slammed towards Chen Lu like a shooting star. Even though Chen Lu lowered his head in time to dodge, he was still cut off a few hairs.But it seemed that it was just a feint by the captain. The moment Chen Lu lowered his head, he saw a knee expanding rapidly in front of him, hitting his nose fiercely!

In the nick of time, Chen Lu stretched out his palm to parry the knee bump, but he was still forced to take a few steps back.Captain America took advantage of the victory to pursue, and after a gorgeous turn, he tried to throw the shield like a discus.The Captain America Shield, which can rebound almost infinitely indoors, is undoubtedly an extremely difficult move. Chen Lu, who sensed this, did not retreat but advanced, striding forward and stretching out his metalized left hand to try to block the blow in advance.


The loud sound of metal collisions sounded again, and Chen Lu and the captain stood facing each other holding one end of the shield, and the strong force kept colliding with the shield, making the star-striped shield tremble between them.

"Okay, that's enough!" Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Nick quickly stopped the two people in the fight.Chen Lu immediately reacted and let go of the shield, while Captain America was still confused for a second before his eyes regained clarity.

"Your moves..." Captain America looked at Chen Lu's metalized left arm suspiciously, "It looks like a person."

Chen Lu smiled and explained: "The Winter Soldier used to be my martial arts instructor, and I always imitated his movements unconsciously. To be honest, seeing him coming to me that day made me nervous for a while. "

It turned out that this kid was afraid of being spotted by the former instructor, so he deliberately pretended to have no combat training!Under the suggestion of Chen Lu's language, Nick has found a reasonable explanation for Chen Lu's previous flaws.Up to now, there are countless evidences that Chen Lu is telling the truth, and the doubts about telling lies have been completely eliminated. No matter how suspicious Nick is, he has to admit that all the information Chen Lu revealed is true .

This Hydra traitor is worthy of his trust.Nick could only come to this conclusion after a long period of doubt.Even if there are other doubts, there is no way to verify it at present. Professor X refused to pry into the hearts of others a long time ago, and it is impossible for him to relapse because of such a trivial matter.

"Welcome to the Avengers." Before Nick could speak, Captain America announced happily to Chen Lu.

(End of this chapter)

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