Chapter 86 Island Prison
The Island Prison is a prison specially designed by S.H.I.E.L.D. to detain all kinds of high-risk criminals, located next to Riker's Island in New York.It is a highly fortified super prison with different levels of high-tech cells, and the entire prison is the crystallization of the black technology of S.H.I.E.L.D.

A half-mile radius outside the Lonely Prison is teeming with jellyfish that release a deadly neurotoxin.A force field is set up in the prison courtyard, protected by thirty laser guns controlled by a computer.All guards wear light armor, have facial features designed to be unrecognizable by Mach-V, and carry shock weapons that only work when set by a specific person.The American Thunder program also applies here, allowing prisoners to join state-sponsored evil-fighting teams to reduce their sentences.This means that Chen Lu's opponents for this jailbreak plan are likely to include the super villains who are threatened by the Thunder plan.

But the primary problem now is how to bring this prison that usually lurks under the sea to the sea level, so that the transport ship that Chen Lu borrowed from Hydra can come in handy.

9:43AM New York time Reich's Island

Switching back to the dark side, Chen Lu, Lei Ting, and Killian greeted the two black military medium-sized transport ships in front of them, and a group of special soldiers wearing Hydra badges stepped down from them. The two leading the team were Crossbones and the Winter Soldier.They were the helpers of this prison robbery planned by Chen Lu, and they were also the scapegoats.

As the initiator of the cooperative action, Killian greeted him, shook hands with Crossbones and said, "Hello, friends from Hydra, I hope we can cooperate happily this time."

"As it should be, Killian. The split between AIM and Hydra has been going on for long enough. But there are only three of you here? And that man, did I see that somewhere?" Crossbones stared Chen Lu said that Chen Lu was indeed present during the Hydra raid last time, but at that time Chen Lu covered his head tightly with a hood and a mask, and the crossbones just felt a little familiar in shape.

Killian brought Crossbones back to himself, and said to him: "Of course the people I bring will not be ordinary people, and the focus of this operation is not on the number of people, we always need some special people." Talented people."

In fact, for Crossbones, Killian's appearance in person is enough to show the sincerity of AIM's cooperation. The two people who can stand by the leader of the organization must not be incompetent bastards, so they did not continue to ask.

"Then next, it's time to talk about our action plan."

In the first stage of the operation, sneak into the island prison and hack the control center, allowing this mysterious building to surface.

The hacking program capable of cracking the control system of the isolated island prison has been imported into the bionic electronic arm of the Winter Soldier, so he is the main figure in the first phase of the operation, and the assistant sent by AIM is Chen Lu, who is actually behind the scenes. .The two will be the first to sneak into the isolated island prison under the sea, and quietly capture the control center of this super prison.

Today's sea is full of stormy weather, the gray sky can't see through the sun, the waves are constantly roaring and beating against the hull, and the torrential rain makes the vision of the sea even more blurred.Two kilometers away from the isolated island prison, two military transport ships disguised as fishing boats were loaded with the coalition forces of AIM and Hydra, dropped their anchors and floated in the waves.

A lifeboat was thrown from the boat and drifted slowly towards the isolated island prison alone. There were only two people on the narrow lifeboat——Chen Lu and Dong Soldier, both of whom were wearing heavy mechanical diving suits , ready to dive into a sea that looks black in the dim light.

"Have you considered their failure?" Crossbones asked as he looked at the lifeboat that was gradually moving away from him.This action plan was nominally negotiated and agreed by both parties, but basically all the arrangements were unilaterally proposed by Killian. Due to time constraints and seemingly no problem, Hydra had no choice but to readily agree .Therefore, even Crossbones, who was in charge of leading the team, did not know much about the details of this operation.

Killian didn't answer directly, but said with a confident smile: "The so-called consideration is to leave something meaningful."

Hearing a "plop" from a distance, Crossbones turned his head and saw that there was no one on the lifeboat.

As soon as Chen Lu dived into the water and turned on the powerful searchlight, he found a thick layer of transparent jellyfish surrounded by a thick layer of jellyfish about a few hundred meters ahead, hovering and dancing under the seabed, as if they were revolving around something.There is no doubt that this is the outermost line of defense set up by the island prison-the artificial breeding of jellyfish with deadly neurotoxins.These beautiful and dangerous creatures seal off a vast area of ​​the ocean where few other marine life can survive.

Let alone living human beings.

But their appearance also means one thing, Chen Lu has come to the right place.

The heavy mechanical diving suit brought Chen Lu and Dong Soldier all the way to the bottom of the sea, and they could even walk on the bottom of the sea with their feet touching the soil.Using the nearby uneven rocks as cover, the two approached the jellyfish group step by step.

At this depth, the light on the sea can no longer shine in, making people feel like they have entered endless darkness. Only the white light of a searchlight in front illuminates the road ahead, but it is only a very narrow area of ​​visibility. area.If there were no swarms of jellyfish, it would be difficult to find the way forward. After a while, Chen Lu and Dong Soldier plunged into the swarm of jellyfish.

From this moment on, the two of them were warmly received by the jellyfish. Countless jellyfish entrenched on their diving suits, biting hard inside, releasing excessive neurotoxins in their bodies.Such a strong aggressiveness should have been obtained through some kind of artificial training.

It's a pity that the mechanical diving suits Chen Lu and Dongbing wore were not common civilian diving suits, but special military equipment with extremely high protection performance and anti-detection capabilities. This attack was completely useless, and the two soon separated After getting rid of these annoying goblins, they came to a huge building that was as dark as a rock under the sea.

This is the legendary undersea prison—the Island Prison, where a large number of villains in the Marvel world are imprisoned.

-----------------------Modify the description---------------------

(2016.12.19) The last chapter has just undergone a major revision, and the grading system has been reset. At the same time, a single chapter has been opened to explain the work. Readers who have seen the situation before the revision, please refer to Treat it as the dark history of this book.

(End of this chapter)

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