Chapter 77 Thunder Beast Charge
Chen Lu and Alex rode a huge Thunder Beast roaming the streets of Queens. The wide back of the Thunder Beast, protected by a spiked crest and carapace, was like a small carriage. for transportation purposes.The only pity is that this Ultralisk is only an experimental work programmed by the Extremis virus. Some parts of its body lack some natural and perfect biological structures, and the hardness of the materials that make up the body is still slightly flawed.

Compared with the original Ultralisks that can gallop in outer space in "StarCraft", I am afraid that it is more than one level behind, but the human army in the Marvel world is naturally not comparable to the human armies in the interstellar world that have long been able to soar into the stars. Ultralisk was tough enough for them.

"Alex, do we have to use elephants as materials to make this desperate Thunder Beast?" After all, elephants are considered rare creatures in the United States, and it would be too eye-catching for a large group of elephants to disappear at the same time in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Alex gave an answer that made Chen Lv feel relieved: "No, the evolution of ordinary zombies can also produce the same desperate Thunder Beast, but it consumes more biological energy than using elephants." That’s all. The bigger the difference in body size and strength, the more expensive the physical reconstruction will be.”

Everything is still a matter of energy. For Chen Lu, the producers of energy are his mutated infected people. The more people who have the ability to make ordinary zombies evolve into hopeless zombies, the more Chen Lu will be in the upcoming battle in New York. The greater the advantage that can be occupied.

Suddenly, the roar of helicopter propellers interrupted Chen Lu's thoughts, and it seemed that another team of corpse hunting mercenaries who were not afraid of death came to make a living.Since Chen Lv issued the order to stop the mercenaries, these people have basically been able to get out alive. As a result, the price of living zombies has been raised higher and higher, and more mercenaries who are not afraid of death are rushing to invade. more often.

Alex kept looking at the helicopter until it landed on the roof not far away, then turned to Chen Lu and asked, "Master, Thunder is nearby, do you need her to clean it up?"

"No," Chen Lu chatted with interest as he watched the mercenary squads descending from the helicopter one after another, armed with various heavy firepower weapons, patted the Thunder Beast under him and said, "It's just a matter of giving them Let's have some meat."

It's still the same sentence - experiment first and then practice, Chen Lu's style has always been like this.

A few minutes later, the clumsy Extremis took ridiculously large steps, and it looked clumsy but actually came to the vicinity of the landing point of the mercenary team at a fairly fast speed.This is a main road full of cars of various sizes parked here. The cars are placed in a haphazard manner, probably abandoned by their owners when the traffic was paralyzed.Several members of the mercenary team happened to be exploring these car mazes with their guns raised, but they all looked at this side vigilantly after hearing the earthquake-like footsteps of the Extremis Ultralisk.

"Oh my God! What is this?" A mercenary hiding behind the car raised his head and looked at the desperate Ultralisk, which was five or six stories tall. Its mouth was so wide that it could stuff an entire apple into it.

After all, they are top mercenaries who have experienced countless life and death situations. The heavy firemen in the team immediately reacted and threw a bazooka over for no reason.The rockets whizzed and shot at the head of the Extremis Thunder Beast with long white smoke, and it exploded violently on its crown. Like lightning.

But the smoke waiting for the explosion to slowly dissipate, what emerges is the almost unscathed hard carapace of the Extremis Ultralisk and the extremely vicious and terrifying bone-like giant pincers.This innocuous rocket irritated the behemoth, causing it to let out a terrifying roar that should only exist in hell. The powerful sound waves shattered several nearby windows.

Chen Lu, who was hiding behind the shell of the Desperate Thunder Beast, scratched his head, and said to Alex: "Well, this cry is a bit redundant, let's omit it next time."

"Sorry master, this is a bit of animal habit it has retained."

While the two were chatting leisurely, the Extremis Ultralisk launched a charge towards these annoying little bugs on the ground.The strong limbs are raised high and then dropped heavily, each step can leave a clearly visible huge footprint on the solid concrete road, small cars are directly crushed by one foot, and larger trucks are whole He was thrown into the air and fell to the side of the road.When the desperate Thunder Beast ran, it felt as if it was facing a hundred thousand heavily armored knights charging at the same time, the ground trembled, it was unstoppable!

Seeing the Extremis Thunder Beast sprinting towards him like a toy car, all the mercenaries were scared to death, but they knew that if they fled in a panic, they would only kill themselves, so they immediately took a The easy-to-understand approach: "Get inside the house!"

Before they came, it was impossible for the Extremis Thunder Beast's bulky body to pass through the narrow entrance of the house. As long as it could run into the house, it would be able to say goodbye to the terrifying monster in front of it.But the reality is, they think too simply.

After the mercenaries all ran into a seven or eight-story building on the side of the road, the Extremis Thunder Beast also ran into it without hesitation.All of a sudden, the smoke and dust flew up, and the sawdust flew away. The spikes on the head of the Extremis Thunder Beast easily smashed all the concrete and steel bars blocking the way. The sharp giant pincers quickly closed like a harvester to pinch off everything inside that was higher than 1 meter. .In less than ten seconds, the entire house collapsed behind the Impassable Thunder Beast, and no one alive escaped from it.

Looking back, it seemed as if it had been hit by a huge tornado. Wherever it went, vehicles flew across the houses and collapsed without survivors. It was hard to imagine that there was anything that could stop the monster's charge.

The helicopter that stopped on the roof was also taken care of by Thunder. Today's Queens, New York is another day of peace and stability.

"Good job." Chen Lu jumped off the Extremis Thunder Beast and sighed as he looked at this huge creature that could be called a living siege vehicle.With units such as the Extremis Thunder Beast, the Zombie Legion also has the power to fight against the mechanized armed US army.

"Thank you for the compliment, but this is not the full strength of the Extremis Thunder Beast. Like all Extremis zombies, it has strong self-healing and high-temperature abilities, and it can be used for more purposes."

Self-healing and high temperature, Chen Lu has already experienced the power of these two abilities in Killian, what kind of scene does a giant creature like the desperate thunder beast play?

The U.S. military is going to be in bad luck.

(End of this chapter)

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