Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 76 Desperate Zombie: Thunder Beast

Chapter 76 Desperate Zombie: Thunder Beast

After arousing more blood flames, Chen Lu also found that the blood flames would not harm himself, but had the effect of increasing physical strength, but the effect of a small amount of flames was negligible, and only a large number of blood flames ignited at the same time could bring significant damage. physical strength enhancement.

The excellent ability of functionality and lethality, its application potential is not lower than the previous metallization ability.The characteristics released at the cost of blood may not be able to support its consumption only by high-speed self-healing, but the compatibility with the super-speed regeneration ability is really great.

While Chen Lu was researching his new ability, Alex also returned to the laboratory, holding a few tubes of Extremis virus stock solution in his hand, as if he was doing some kind of large-scale experiment just now.

"Congratulations, it seems that the virus evolution process is going well."

"It's okay, Alex, has the virus in your body also evolved?" Chen Lu asked suspiciously when he saw that Alex didn't have any characteristics that Extremis virus should have.

Alex shook his head and reported good and bad news to Chen Lu: "Master, before you get your authorization, the zombie viruses in other people's bodies will only remain in their original state and will not actively evolve into new viruses. "

Need authorization to evolve?This is an opportunity for Chen Lu to have greater freedom to use the characteristics of the old and new viruses at the same time, but it feels like it will bring a lot of trouble at the same time.So Chen Lu first tested the right to evolve the zombie virus in Alex, and saw a few blood lines that could hardly be detected by the naked eye drilled into Alex's body from the air, and immediately the Extremis virus was emitted from his body The orange-red glow unique to the infected.At the same time, Chen Lu found that the biological energy in his body suddenly dropped by 10%.

"How is it? What new abilities have you gained?" Chen Lu saw that Alex's evolution process was so simple, completely different from his own long process of severe pain and scabs, so he couldn't help asking in doubt.

Alex replied: "It's the self-healing and high temperature capabilities of the Extremis virus, and now I can also give zombies who are one level lower than me the power to evolve into Extremis zombies."

Sure enough, blood inflammation is a special ability that only Chen Lu can obtain.

The desperate zombies refer to the zombies that are mutated after the evolution of the zombie virus.However, according to the current situation, it is not that Chen Lu can make all the infected ordinary zombies evolve into hopeless zombies just by thinking about it, but needs to consume biological energy to complete the evolution.And judging from Alex's words, it seems that only Chen Lu and the mutated infected can make ordinary zombies evolve?
"It seems that we urgently need more mutated infected people." Chen Lu quickly understood the current situation and understood the solution.

"Yes, and the special desperate zombies created after virus programming will require more biological energy. The current 7 mutated infected people in Queens are not enough to create enough desperate zombies before the arrival of the US military. "

energy!energy!Everything needs energy!It can only be said that there really is no free lunch in the sky, and the naive idea of ​​letting all 100 million ordinary zombies in Queens evolve into super-soldier-level desperate zombies overnight is shattered.What the system provided Chen Lu was not as rich as he imagined. To win, Chen Lu always had to rely on himself to continuously strive for more resources.

It's like being given a gun without bullets, and then immediately throwing you into a predicament surrounded by powerful enemies.

I really doubt that any of the other reincarnations have actually successfully completed the task of destroying the world.

"Okay, I already have an idea." Chen Lv has long been used to facing all kinds of difficulties. If he has time to complain, it is better to think about the solution to the problem. "Is there any result in the programming of the Extremis virus? Take me to see it first." Let's see."

"Understood, please follow me."

Led by Alex, Chen Lu came to a relatively spacious room, which seemed to be specially used for large animal research.There is a huge iron cage in the center of the room, and inside it is an African elephant infected with the zombie virus, which is probably brought from the zoo.Thin tubes protruded from the elephant, connected to what appeared to be computers.

"This is a virus compiler. I was processing the program on this machine just now. The compiler will input commands into the virus's gene, and you don't need to continue to rely on it as long as it is completed once. The virus will completely reconstruct the zombie Now you look at it as a zombie elephant, but soon, it will become something completely different."

After Alex stretched out his hands towards the elephant, several thin lines of blood appeared from nowhere and seeped into the elephant's body.The originally docile elephant suddenly became manic, and kept hitting the solid cage with its huge body. At the same time, large scabs began to form on its body. After a while, it was completely covered by the scabs on the surface of its body. He got up and stopped struggling, looking like a giant cocoon formed by a black scab.

"So far, it's going well together." Alex looked very satisfied, as if the Extremis virus's body programming experiment was a success.

As time passed, the giant cocoon gradually became bigger and bigger, slowly expanding to a size that could squeeze the iron cage.Immediately after that, small cracks began to slowly appear on the giant cocoon, and red light was transmitted from the cracks, which was a sign that the high temperature capability of the Extremis Virus had been activated.

"It's coming out!"

Before the words fell, a heat wave gushed out from the giant cocoon, tearing the thick scab on it to pieces, and the iron cage was instantly crushed easily by the monster that broke out of the cocoon with brute force.At this time, the creature in front of him was no longer the elephant that Chen Lu saw just now, but a strange creature that shouldn't appear on the earth.

Its body is a bit taller than an elephant, and it has a pair of giant claws that are as huge as a mammoth and extremely sharp. It seems that the tank armor is also vulnerable to these pair of giant claws.There is a spiked carapace with a crown on the head, and the whole body is protected by a thick carapace armor. Ordinary shelling definitely feels like tickling.In short, rather than saying that it is a living creature, it is better to say that it is a living siege vehicle. Once it runs up and hits a few heavy trucks, there will definitely be no problem.

"This is... Thunder Beast?" Chen Lu looked at the huge monster in front of him, and said the name involuntarily.

"If the master is willing, you can call it that. I designed this creature according to the idea of ​​a heavy biological weapon. It is used to fight against some armored units that ordinary zombies cannot deal with, such as tanks, city walls and the like."

Chen Lu looked at this fierce-looking and terrifyingly sized Thunder Beast and nodded: "Yes, it will be very useful."

(End of this chapter)

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