Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 78 Pathogen Gene Enhancement System

Chapter 78 Pathogen Gene Enhancement System

As the first experimental product of the virus programming effect, Extremis has proved that the Extremis virus has a remarkable effect in reconstructing the body, but the Extremis alone is not enough for Chen Lu's zombie army to fight against the U.S. Army. In order to gain enough advantages in the great battle, he still needs more troops to cooperate with the zombie army. The burden of this task naturally falls on Alex again.

"Don't worry, Master, I've already planned the physical structure of the impoverished zombies. The construction of the air force and navy will soon be on track, and the three-dimensional combat of the sea, land and air forces will be achieved as soon as possible." The reason for handing over the task to Alex is that he will prepare for it by himself without saying a lot in many cases. He is really a rare internal affairs talent.What's more coincidental is that Alex is still a graduate of genetics, and his attainments in biological structure are estimated to be inferior to Tony's.

"Thanks a lot."

After bidding farewell to Alex, who continued to immerse himself in the research of Extremis virus programming, Chen Lu set his sights on the last major achievement of this operation - the new authority unlocked after evolving into a virus mother: the pathogen gene enhancement system.

[Pathogen Gene Enhancement System (LV1)]

【Communication effect redemption list】

[Skill Effect Exchange List]

【Symptom Effect Exchange List】

[Remaining DNA enhancement points: 11 points]

DNA enhancement points?It seems that this is the trading currency of this genetic enhancement system, but why is there 11 points now?Soon a system prompt sounded in his mind, dispelling Chen Lv's doubts.

[Every time a mutated infected person is produced, the host will get 1 DNA enhancement point.Mutated infected people can be produced by slowly mutating by infecting a large number of zombie groups (humans with strong willpower have a higher chance of mutating), or they can be directly mutated by infecting superheroes or super villains in the Marvel world. Please choose the method carefully]

It turns out that Chen Lu currently has seven mutated infected people from the mutation of ordinary zombies in Queens, plus four mutated infected people directly mutated from superheroes/villains including Hawkeye, Winter Soldier, Tony, and Killian. It happened to be 11 people.Judging from the way the mutated infected are produced, the system should have given two methods of harvesting DNA enhancement points--farming flow based on infecting more civilians to accumulate zombies, and killing and infecting more superheroes /The villain-based plundering flow, both have their own advantages and disadvantages, but the Marvel world is estimated to be more suitable for the plundering flow of action.

Then let's take a look at what DNA enhancement points can be exchanged for.Chen Lu first clicked on the communication effect redemption list on the first line. Currently, there are only four things that can be redeemed.

【Communication effect redemption list】

[Air infection LV1: The viability and infectivity of pathogens in the air are slightly improved, and the diffusion effect of the original solution of zombie virus is increased to 10 kilometers in diameter. Infected people who have not mutated into zombies can also spread the virus by sneezing.Required DNA enhancement points: [-] points]

[Water source infection LV1: The viability and infectivity of pathogens in water sources are slightly improved. The maximum dilution factor of the original solution of zombie virus is increased to 100000 times, and the body fluid of zombies can still retain infectivity after being diluted 100 times.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Temperature-changing animal infection LV1: The infection effect of pathogens in the temperature-changing animal is slightly increased, the time required for the mutation speed of the temperature-changing animal is reduced to 2 hours, and the desire to bite other creatures is greatly increased.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Constant-temperature animal infection LV1: Slightly increase the infection effect of pathogens in constant-temperature animals (except humans), reduce the time required for the mutation speed of constant-temperature animals to 2 hours, and greatly increase the desire to bite other creatures.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

No wonder Chen Lu felt that the infectious ability of the zombie virus would be so weak. It turned out that from the very beginning, the system wanted him to freely plan the infection route of the virus after it evolved into a virus mother!Among these four items, air infection seems to be very convenient, but the actual effect is very weak; water source infection is undoubtedly an excellent way, but the transoceanic ability may be insufficient; the temperature-changing animals are mainly insects and reptiles, which are large in number and difficult to control. Be prepared; warm-blooded animals are mainly birds and mammals, and the number is smaller than that of insects, but the ability of birds to cross oceans has considerable strategic significance.

These effects are indeed very useful, but unfortunately they are not what Chen Lu urgently needs at present. The most troublesome thing for Chen Lu is not how to spread the virus, but how to prevent the upcoming US attack so as not to destroy the professor's mind Find out the sensory ability.The strengthening of the communication effect should be temporarily delayed until the crisis is over before considering how to use it.

Then let's look at the second category.

[Skill Effect Exchange List]

[Current Skill: Zombie Spirit Link]

[Number of DNA reinforcement points required to unlock the next skill: 50 points]

It is true that all zombies are controlled by Chen Lu through the ability of zombie spirit linking. Without this ability, Chen Lu would not be the master of the virus at all.The effect of the first skill is so powerful, no one would not look forward to how much the unlocking of the next skill will play.It's a pity that the cost of unlocking is too much, which is far from what Chen Lu can afford at present, so we can only worry about it for the time being.

Next is the last category. When it comes to symptoms, Chen Lu has vaguely guessed that this is what he urgently needs right now.

【Symptom Effect Exchange List】

[Upgrade Bone Spur LV1: Add mutated penetrating bone spurs to all ordinary zombies to increase their melee combat capabilities.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Upgrade Bone Shell LV1: Add mutated bone shells to all ordinary zombies to increase their physical defense capabilities.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Metabolism Acceleration LV1: Let all ordinary zombies get faster wound healing, and can regenerate broken limbs in battle.Required DNA enhancement points: 10 points]

[Adrenaline LV1: Enhance the running speed and endurance of all ordinary zombies, and obtain a higher attack frequency at the same time.Required DNA enhancement points: 15 points]

That's right, this is it!For the zombie virus, the change from humans to zombies is undoubtedly the so-called "symptom". This exchange list is obviously provided to improve the group combat effectiveness of the zombies.Zombies that have not experienced any symptom enhancement are ridiculously weak, and even ordinary humans without training can kill them with simple weapons, but if any of the above symptoms are exchanged, they can make A single zombie becomes very difficult to deal with.

What if all are exchanged?Then I can only say one thing -

The zombie army rises from now on!

 As soon as this chapter is published, I feel that this book can be renamed "Zombie Virus Cultivation Diary"... In short, thank you for your rewards and support for recommendation tickets. It seems that the requirement of 5000 recommendation tickets will be met tomorrow Yes, Fossil will add another chapter as promised.

(End of this chapter)

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