Chapter 27 Injury Worsening
Basically, if you want to get it out of Hawkeye's mouth, you have almost got it. Good news and bad news are half and half.However, Chen Lu's next plan hadn't come yet, so he continued to chat with Hawkeye and continued to build a good relationship with him.

"Hawkeye, if, I mean, if New York is really bombed by the United States or other countries, the United States will not really be finished, right?"

Hawkeye sneered, as if laughing at Chen Lu's naive thoughts, he pointed to the land under his feet and said seriously: "New York is the United States, no, it is the world's largest economic center, gathered from the world's most Excellent financial talents, it almost represents the economic lifeline of the entire United States. If New York is bombed by a nuclear bomb, the financial earthquake caused by this incident is enough to make the United States face bankruptcy crisis overnight. Immediately after the economic collapse, it will lead to The collapse of the political system, the collapse of social order, the loss of a large number of people and other serious consequences, a series of chain effects will completely destroy the United States. So you should understand how much consciousness is required to launch a nuclear bomb.”

"Save human beings or protect the United States, is that what you mean?"

"I don't want to admit it, but it's true. But for the U.S. government, it will never allow the U.S. to abandon the U.S. in order to protect all mankind until the situation is completely out of control." Hawkeye reached out and patted Chen Law's shoulder, smiled and comforted him: "Just give the U.S. military a little more time and let them gather superior forces. The zombies here are also dying. The vaccine can be developed if it takes a little more time. The zombie virus The end will come sooner or later, and the situation cannot get any worse."

Don't worry, Hawkeye, I'll do my best to make it worse.Chen Lu secretly laughed in his heart.But since Hawkeye can fight against the whole world for the United States, can he fight against all mankind for the sake of his relatives?It's really something worth trying.

"You can't say such desperate words to everyone." Before Hawkeye asked him to keep it a secret, Chen Lu said first.

Hawkeye nodded in relief: "Yes, as long as you understand."

"Hey guys, something big is up!"

One of the few medical students who went down just now ran up the stairs in a panic, and reported to Hawkeye out of breath: "Hawkeye, Armstrong... he is dying soon. !"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again, and Hawkeye immediately stood up to signal for everyone to be quiet first, and hurriedly followed the medical students down the stairs.Under the dim light, the medical student who was the first to come down just now was sweating profusely and bandaging the horrific wound on Armstrong's body. Judging from his expression, the situation was quite bad.

"What's going on?" Looking at the serious and helpless expressions of everyone in charge of the care, Hawkeye asked as calmly as possible.

"The wound is infected with bacteria. With his current physical strength, he can't bear the next series of complications. The wound is also very torn and must be sutured. But the problem is that we only have the most basic emergency medical treatment here. It is really impossible to give effective treatment." The medical doctor in charge of calling Hawkeye down said in a heavy and sad tone.

"Damn it, it was so hard to save him." Hawkeye knew a thing or two about wound treatment, and understood that Armstrong was really hopeless if things went on like this.

The crowd who were still ecstatic that Armstrong was not bitten by a zombie fell silent. It seemed that they were too happy.If Armstrong is dead in the end, they who cheered just now are completely fools.Everyone's nervousness was once again linked to Armstrong.

"God, help this poor man. He has suffered so much. Please have mercy on him."

"Is there no way?"

"Yes." Chen Lv suddenly spoke to attract everyone's attention. He pointed his finger out of the window, "Isn't what we want right there?"

Everyone followed the direction of Chen Lu's finger and looked out. There was a large pharmacy opposite the supermarket, just across the street from here.But the road between these two buildings is already covered with corpses of zombies, and it is unknown how many zombies are hidden in that eerie building.

"It's too dangerous!" Someone immediately came out and warned Chen Lu.

Chen Lu smiled disapprovingly: "Dangerous? It was several times more dangerous when I carried Armstrong back from a group of zombies."

Another person pessimistically expressed his objection: "But even if the drug is found, it may not be able to save Armstrong back, and we may even sacrifice more people."

"So we have to give up on him!?" Chen Lu suddenly raised his voice, and he dexterously jumped onto the supermarket counter, standing up high: "Tell me, is this America where human rights come first? Damn it Human rights are not given by the government, but we have to fight for them! If every time we say that we may pay a higher price and do not act, then who will help us who are in trouble alone in the future? Maybe we are also abandoned by the army people, but doesn’t it mean that we can also give up our companions and even ourselves? Damn, what about the American spirit that you talk about all day long!?”

Just when everyone was silent about Chen Lu's speech, Hawkeye took the lead and said: "I will go with you! You are right, this is America."

"Thank you, Hawkeye." Chen Lu stretched out his hand to the kind superhero, and Hawkeye pressed his hand on it without hesitation.

"Son, you look like a senior I respect a lot, and his name is Captain America."

"It's my pleasure."

Seeing the two most charismatic characters in the entire survivor team lead by example, the sense of justice in the hearts of these American youths who had received human rights education since childhood was irresistibly incited.A desperate medical student rushed over with a firm and brave expression, put his hand on the backs of the two, and said resolutely, "Add me."

"Count me in too!"

"You can't miss me!"

"God Bless America!"

More and more hands were clasped together, and in a blink of an eye the Armstrong Rescue Squad gathered under the instigation of Chen Lu's American spirit.At this moment, everyone was full of confidence, and looked at the big pharmacy opposite with a fearless expression, which symbolized hope. At this moment, it seemed that nothing could stop them.

Looking at the group of good young people eager to fight, Chen Lu shouted loudly like a slogan: "For the American spirit, for our beliefs!"

"For the spirit of America, for what we believe in!"

(End of this chapter)

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