Destroy the world starting from American comics

Chapter 26 Set of Chapters and Information

Chapter 26 Rhetoric and Intelligence

It is said that the love of robes on the battlefield can always create the deepest friendship. After two hardships together, Hawkeye has more trust in Chen Lu, a brave and kind young man.While everyone was busy caring about Armstrong's situation, Chen Lu quickly obtained information from Hawkeye about the actions taken by the US government to deal with the virus outbreak.After all, the most precious thing in the 21st century is intelligence, and the identity of Eagle Eye Shield agent is the biggest reason why Chen Lu is eager to infect him.

"Hawkeye, why hasn't the U.S. government sent troops over to wipe out all these zombies, leaving them to trap us here?" This is the most basic question for survivors, and Chen Lu naturally plans to start with this question.

In fact, Hawkeye is also tired of being asked this question. As a government agency agent, he certainly knows the embarrassment of the government, but most civilians will only use this as an excuse.Just when he wanted to perfunctory again, he saw Chen Lu's serious eyes, and suddenly felt that even if he told the truth, it might be understandable for someone with leadership ability like Chen Lu.

So Hawkeye sighed softly, and told Chen Lv the actual situation: "Because we still don't know the mechanism of action of this zombie virus, and we still don't know what kind of combat power the zombies hide, so we rashly sent a small number of troops over here." I'm afraid it will only create more zombies. If you think about it, if we want to clean up all the zombies in Queens, then in order to avoid casualties, we need at least hundreds of thousands of troops? But to gather such a large army, a week How can there be enough time? The government is currently bringing back aircraft carrier battle groups from overseas, and at least three aircraft carrier battle groups will be stationed in New York to fight, but it will take some time. This is war, not child's play, my friend. "

Chen Lu nodded to express his understanding, and then asked immediately: "What about the vaccine? As long as the vaccine is developed, we don't have to be afraid of these zombies. The army can also march boldly to rescue us."

"Vaccine?" Hawkeye smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "Child, do you know how long it takes humans to develop a vaccine for a virus? Although I don't know much about biology, I still know this—— Not to mention cracking a virus, even finding a virus is a big problem! The World Health Organization is already doing its best to study the virus vaccine for this zombie virus, but just seven days is too short for them Please trust them and give them more time."

"Based on what you're saying, these zombies won't be wiped out in a short time." Chen Lu also laughed bitterly, but of course he was really happy.

"It's not that it can't be eliminated, but the price we have to pay." Hawkeye looked up at the ceiling and sighed helplessly: "Although these things have happened countless times in movies, once things happen outside the reality We still find it difficult to make a choice. If these zombies attack the defense line set up by the military crazily, it may force the government to make a decision as soon as possible. But this group of zombies did not do so, and I even think they avoided it on their own initiative The contact with the military defense line has allowed the government to temporarily relax and be unable to make a decision."

"Then what about other countries other than the United States? Someone will come up with a solution, right?" At this time, Chen Lu's question has already involved issues in the field of diplomacy, which seems to involve state secrets.

However, Hawkeye's grievances towards the international community have reached the point of being unbearable. Without hesitation, he replied a little excitedly: "Other countries? Which one do you mean, Russia, China or the European Union? Do you think they can have any good suggestions?" Isn’t it just using the pressure of national public opinion to force us to throw nuclear bombs in New York! Anyway, it is the United States that suffers losses, and at the same time, it can wipe out all zombies in one fell swoop. They are really happy to have the best of both worlds! New York is our country’s first A big city, if it is bombed here, the history of the United States as the most powerful country in the world will probably be over. For those countries that have always hated the United States, what good ideas do you think they will give?"

"So, the U.S. government is planning to drop a nuclear bomb on New York? Or even other countries are also planning to drop a nuclear bomb on New York?"

"That's the last resort! What's more, there are still tens of millions of people in New York who haven't been evacuated!" Hawkeye was so excited that he almost jumped up. It seemed that these things had been held in his mind for a long time. He punched the ground and said unwillingly: "Unless the attack of the zombies really forces the government too hard or even collapses, otherwise this method must not be used!"

Chen Lu said worriedly: "It's hard to say... If the zombies break through the army's defense line, even if the US government refuses to launch the nuclear bomb, other countries will drop the nuclear bomb in the name of righteousness. After all, this It is a crisis for all mankind, and perhaps the international community is ready to sacrifice the entire United States..."

"I will absolutely not allow my motherland to become a victim of saving mankind! Absolutely not!" Hawkeye clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.But in fact, he also knows that even if the United States is the world's most powerful country, its status in the international community cannot be placed higher than that of all mankind.If other countries see the situation as wrong and launch a nuclear bomb to New York, the United States, they may really get the support of most countries in the world.

Well, a brief summary is: Zombies can be eliminated, but the US government is unwilling to pay too much, so it has been under tremendous pressure from the international community.The U.S. military is mobilizing troops, and vaccines are being developed, but all of this will take time.Throwing a nuclear bomb is the most effective solution, but whether this nuclear bomb should be thrown and who should throw it are things that governments all over the world are arguing about.

All of this is still in Chen Lu's calculations. Human beings are such a race that cannot give up internal fighting at any time. If the US government can decisively sacrifice its own national interests for the righteousness of all mankind, the zombie crisis may have been resolved long ago.However, this is impossible, unless the attack of the zombie army completely collapses the US government, and then allows other countries to take over the United States to control the overall situation, the United States will eliminate the zombies at all costs.

At present, the U.S. government is the umbrella of Chen Lu's zombie army, at least for the time being.When the interests of the United States are opposed to the interests of all mankind, disputes will inevitably arise, and such disputes cannot be resolved in just one week.

It's a delicate balance.

Of course, Chen Lu is not resting easy. The American army that is slowly gathering, and the zombie virus vaccine that is constantly being developed, these are all things that he must find a way to solve.Being able to get so many words out of Hawkeye also made Chen Lu more determined to use his identity as a SHIELD agent to intercept information for himself.

The advantage in intelligence must be the number one advantage that Chen Lu must have to destroy the world!
The strategic importance of Hawkeye is self-evident!

(End of this chapter)

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