Chapter 28 Unknown Harvest
Just when everyone was determined to fight desperately to save Armstrong, a discordant voice came again, and it was Alex who looked gloomy and stood up again to pour cold water on everyone: "You are trying to be the devil's accomplices! , you are blaspheming the Lord’s punishment! You will never be forgiven, only obedient ones can follow the Lord’s messenger to reach bliss.”

"Ignore that lunatic." Chen Lu gave him a disdainful look, then turned his head and discussed with the medical doctor as if nothing had happened: "You need antibiotics, suture needles, tampons, and more bandages. Is there anything else I missed? ?”

"Ah, that's enough. Thank you for standing up for us every time we need it most, Chen." In addition to this time, it is the third time that Chen Lu has shown his skills to save people from fire and water. Sheng naturally admired him a lot.

"Okay, let's go!"

I don't know when, the leader of this group of survivors has been transferred from Hawkeye to Chen Lu.It's no wonder that Chen Lu, who is willing to deal with everyone, is more likely to arouse everyone's respect for him than Hawkeye who is always cold and talkative. In terms of evaluation, who else is the leader?

But no one knew that the leader they recognized was secretly plotting to kill each of them.The end planned by Chen Law Firm is approaching step by step.

A medicine collection team composed of ten people quickly and quietly rushed out from the supermarket gate. After a brief observation, they quickly crossed the road covered with a large number of zombie remains, and came to the door of the big pharmacy opposite.There are no generators running here, and there is a pitch-black darkness inside.A few faint yellow lights from the flashlight came in from the gate, which made the dilapidated building look even more terrifying.

Hawkeye turned his head and warned the other team members: "Let me play the striker, follow me closely, and don't fall behind!"

"Understood!" Chen Lu, who stood at the back of the line, replied before everyone else.

The ten-person team walked in a straight line among the narrow aisles, and a hideous zombie might suddenly pounce around every corner.However, even in the darkness, Hawkeye still exerts his perception ability that is different from ordinary people. No matter from which direction, or how hidden a corner is, the zombie will be shot and killed instantly by Hawkeye as soon as it appears, unless it is completely out of control. move.

After all, Hawkeye is basically the one with the strongest anti-sneak attack ability in the entire Avengers. In the movie "Avengers 2: Origin of Ultron", he was able to successively abolish Black Widow, Captain America, and Thor through sneak attacks. As well as Hulk Hulk's Scarlet Witch, something went wrong in the sneak attack on Hawkeye, and the old hunter Hawkeye who saw everything in advance turned around and stabbed in the forehead with an arrow.In addition to Spider-Man who has the superpower of spider sensing, the strongest anti-sneak attack in the Avengers is the turn of Hawkeye, an out-and-out "ordinary person".

This is also the reason why Alex reluctantly said that the success rate of the sneak attack was zero.

Under the leadership of Hawkeye, the team quickly found the medicine they needed without any injuries, but besides the medicine, they also found another thing under Chen Lu's reminder - the blood of several soldiers. corpse.

These soldiers were wearing the standard uniforms of American regular soldiers. They piled together as if they were protecting something. The guns in their hands showed signs of being fired. They should have experienced a fierce battle before they died.The most eye-catching thing was a dead body in a doctor's white coat in the middle of this group of soldiers, pressing his chest tightly as if protecting something.

"Bang! Bang!..."

Without hesitation, Chen Lu fired continuously at the lying dead corpses, and shot them all in the forehead. After making sure that these were real corpses, he said to the few people standing in front of him: " It seems that these soldiers are trying to pick up some big man, but we have nothing to do with it. Go pick up their guns, and search the doctor, there may be some useful medicine. Hawkeye, you Be vigilant."

A few young guys walked up according to Chen Lv's instructions, and hurriedly searched the corpses of these soldiers.As they wished, they got a few grenades and an unfinished military assault rifle from the pile of corpses.And the young man who was in charge of searching for the doctor found something rather ominous.

He broke away the corpse's hand tightly covering his chest, reached in and touched it, but he didn't find anything resembling a medicine box or pills at his fingertips, but pulled out a stack of plainly bound files.Originally, he thought that this kind of thing in the file would be of no use, and was thinking of just throwing it away after a casual glance, but when he saw the title of the file, his face suddenly changed, his mouth quivered a few times, but he was speechless Come.

The companion next to him asked him: "What's wrong with you?"

At this time, he reacted as if he had just woken up from a dream, and quickly hid the file in his arms with the same movement as the corpse, and said awkwardly: "'s nothing, this doctor has nothing on him. ,let's go."

Chen Lu, who was at the back of the line, took all this into his eyes, with a cold smile on his face, but it only lasted for less than half a second before disappearing.Now that the file was found by them, the goal of this trip has been achieved. Before the curtain ends, let's stage a death scene.


The howls of the zombies suddenly came from all directions, and in an instant the ten-member team found themselves surrounded by the zombies.In this large pharmacy with countless obstacles, which are good for zombies to hide, it is unknown how many zombies are hidden. In short, at this moment, they charged towards everyone as if they had received a unified order.


Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Chen Lv ordered decisively, which happened to cater to everyone's thoughts.Everyone in the team raised their guns one after another, and retreated towards the door of the pharmacy while firing.Hawkeye, on the other hand, simply switched the compound bow to melee mode, rushed up boldly and fought with more than a dozen rushing zombies at the same time, and commanded everyone while fighting with spare time: "Go first, I will follow up soon!" .”

If other people say such things, I am afraid that they will become martyrs who sacrifice their ego in the next second.It's a pity that the superhero Hawkeye was cut off this time. With the slow movements of those ordinary zombies, they couldn't get close to Hawkeye's body, not to mention the teeth, and they couldn't even stretch their fingers. The action of the eye.

I'm afraid that even if he is surrounded by millions of zombies, Hawkeye still has a way to break out of the encirclement by himself with only a pair of bows and arrows.This is his terrifying strength as a superhero.

Fortunately, the target of Chen Lu's sneak attack this time was not him, but the group of ignorant young guys.

(End of this chapter)

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