Chapter 15 Mutant Infectors


Chen Lu turned around vigilantly after hearing the call from behind, only to find that three men and three women were kneeling respectfully on one knee, bowing their heads to him.It is not surprising that among the six people, there are all human beings with three skin colors: yellow, white, and black. Queens, New York itself is a multi-ethnic settlement.There were three men and three women in front of him. The man was handsome and the woman was charming and charming. Their appearance was no different from ordinary people, but they all exuded some inhuman aura. At least Chen Lu could tell at a glance that they were all infected with the virus.

"Welcome to the master!" The six kneeling people shouted in unison.

Chen Lu was barely able to guess what happened. He looked around and said, "Are you the only six who have recovered their sanity?"

Since Chen Lu can inherit all the memories of Chen Lu when he was a human, it is very likely that other zombies can also rely on obtaining human memories before infection to restore their sanity.The six people in front of me are very suitable for this situation. Their bodies seem to have been transformed by viruses, but their clothes and behaviors are no different from those of humans. It can even be said that they are very good at dressing themselves. down experience.

A young man wearing a brown hood, black jacket and gray jeans replied: "Yes, master. There are currently 1504382 zombies in Queens, New York, and only the six of us have completed the evolution from the most common zombies." , Inherit the human memory before infection and become a mutated infected person."

"Oh, sure enough. Since you have inherited human memory, you should hate me very much."

"No, no, master." The young man lowered his head even tighter, and said very firmly: "From the moment we regained our senses, we knew that we were not human beings, and at the same time we understood that you are our master and we must obey All your orders. Even the master can erase our sanity at will, and turn back into puppets without autonomous consciousness."

"That's right. So what if I said that in order to avoid the destruction of this world, you all commit suicide and die again?" Chen Lu asked with great interest.

The six of them answered in unison without hesitation: "Absolutely obey!"

"Haha," Chen Lu smirked a few times, and approached the group of infected people who bowed their heads in awe, "Don't worry, you are my only remaining compatriots in this world, and I won't give up on you so easily."

Chen Lu reached out to support a young girl's chin, and slowly lifted her face up. The girl squinted her eyes cutely like a petted kitten, and her beautiful face became more charming.But Chen Lu just retracted his fingers silently, turned around and said with a bit of compassion: "What a pity. A species so similar to humans is destined not to coexist with them."

The young man in the hood asked suspiciously: "Does the master think that we should not be enemies of human beings?"

Chen Lu smiled lightly, waved his hands and said, "How could it be? When you were a human being, would you think it was a mistake for humans to exterminate the smallpox virus? No one would think so, right? Because no matter for humans or smallpox virus, It was a war where there was no right or wrong, only life and death - nature has always been like this. What is happening now is just history repeating itself, but we are a little smarter than the smallpox virus."

"Your will is our will, master." The six said at a uniform speed.

At this time, Chen Lu realized that the palms in front of him were not the ones he was familiar with. He continued to observe, and this body was not the body of a special infected person named Chen Lu. He moved his fingers and asked, "I only have consciousness coming to How did you do it with this body?"

The young man replied: "This is a special body that we have modified with viruses. It can attract the soul of the owner to live on it, and of course it can leave easily. However, because the degree of body mutation cannot compare with the master's body, at most only It can only display one-tenth of the strength of the body. The strength of this body is currently only at the same level as ours. I am very sorry, my master."

"One-tenth of the strength." As a stand-in that can be discarded at any time, this level is already quite good.One-tenth of the strength of Chen Lu's body means that the body is at the limit level of human beings, and has a greatly weakened metallization ability.

In any case, it's much safer to act with a stand-in.

"Okay, what's your name?" Chen Lu asked the hooded young man.


"You've done a good job, Alex. Now tell me more about Queens."

According to Alex's report, Chen Lv learned that the military has now surrounded the entire Queens District, and has set up a tight defense line with three layers inside and three layers outside. If only ordinary zombies are sent to attack, it may be meat buns beating dogs. ——There is no return.And the military does not seem to be in a hurry to launch an attack on Queens. The pressure of public opinion, the source of the virus, vaccine research and other issues are enough for those politicians to quarrel for a while for their own interests. It is estimated that it will not be concluded for a long time in conclusion.

Due to receiving orders from Chen Lu to hide themselves, the 150 million zombies in Queens are currently hiding themselves as much as possible, and they will not even take the initiative to attack the settlements of some survivors, allowing them to continue to seek refuge in this dead city Life.Also, from time to time, some mercenary squads would break in and capture some zombies to go back to do living research. What they were going to use for it depended on which company sent them.

"Well, I understand." Chen Lu rested his chin on one hand, and after a little thought, he issued his first order in Queens: "Lead other ordinary zombies to clean up the survivor settlements, so as not to cause trouble." Come a few superheroes who like to meddle in their own business and are very strong. As for the mercenary squad that broke in, try to avoid the situation where they successfully take away the living zombies, and ambush and annihilate them as soon as they are found!"

"Yes, master!" The six replied in unison, and then dispersed to carry out Chen Lu's orders, leaving Alex as the guide for Chen Lu.

The mysterious and cold man in front of him, whose face was partly covered by a hood, always gave Chen Lu a feeling of mystery.It seems that as a mutated infected person who evolved from the most basic ordinary zombies, Alex knew a lot of things that even Chen Lu didn't know.Fortunately, he will absolutely obey Chen Lu.

"Alex, do you know what conditions are needed to evolve into a virus mother?" Chen Lu asked the first action target he determined. Perhaps these infected people who have experienced evolution will better understand the conditions required for evolution.

"Virus, master." Unsurprisingly, Alex really knew something, "As long as the virus that has the same powerful transformation ability on the human body as the zombie virus is swallowed, and its advantageous genes are fused with the zombie virus, the virus in the master will It can successfully mutate and evolve to become a more powerful virus mother."

(End of this chapter)

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