Chapter 14 The Mysterious Call
Of course, such a powerful blow was not something that Chen Lu could use with his physical strength alone, but with his metallization ability.The reason why the fist is metalized into an iron fist is not to increase the hardness of the fist, but to adjust the metal density of the iron fist.In the case of turning into bio-metal, Chen Lu can adjust the density of any part of the body to the maximum, that is to say, he can pour all the weight of the whole person into the fist.

Therefore, if Chen Lv adjusted the density of the fist to the minimum at the beginning to punch, and then suddenly adjusted the density of the fist to the maximum when the fist reached the highest speed—according to the formula of kinetic energy=half the square of speed*mass, then The power of this fist will also double as the density of the iron fist doubles.The weight of the arm was originally only about one tenth of the body weight, which means that the power of this iron fist has increased tenfold.

Ten times the Iron Fist!
Chen Lu looked at his completely crushed right hand, and smiled wryly. It seems that the balance between density and hardness is still not adjusted well.He shouted again towards the sea: "Hey! Are you all right—"

Tony rushed out of the sea with a lot of water splashes, but there was a fist mark that was still sparking on the chest of his Iron Man mecha. It seemed that due to the damage of the mecha, even the permission of the propeller was intermittent, making He had to stabilize his body with his teeth and claws in the air, his movements were funny and embarrassing.Even so, Tony still said very bluntly: "It's not a big problem, I can handle it myself."

The artificial intelligence Jarvis reminded him: "Sir, the damage of the mecha is 15.3%, and the left hand thruster is damaged. I suggest you seek help from others."

"Shut up, Jarvis." Tony yelled angrily, struggling to adjust his body and stumbling on the sea, "I know what's going on, I can do it——waahahahah!"


Tony accidentally plunged into the sea again, bubbles bubbled on the bottom of the sea, and the scene was once very embarrassing.

In the end, Jarvis dispatched two intelligent Iron Man mechas for Tony, and replaced him with a set of mechas at the bottom of the sea, so that this face-saving Mr. Iron Man successfully flew back to the shore.At this time, his mecha was soaked with seawater from the inside to the outside, and there were a few seaweeds wrapped around his hair, making him look quite embarrassed.

"Okay, I think that's the end of the test. I have to take a good shower, and I have to attend a few parties tonight." Tony said while pulling the seaweed from his hair.Then he took out a syringe filled with dark green liquid from the table and gave Chen Lu another injection.

[You have received a special anesthetic injection from Tony Stark, and are currently in a state of full power seal, limb weakness, and inability to rage]

"What's the matter, changed the trick again?" The moment he received the system prompt, Chen Lu knew that what Tony injected him this time was not the previous anesthetic.

Tony explained: "That's right, it's a new product that just arrived today. It is said that it is a special drug researched by the military to anesthetize a certain green fat man, but in the end it failed because the needle could not penetrate the monster's body. I checked Its ingredients should not cause much damage to your body."

"You don't really need to do this. If I want to kill you, I don't even need a fork."

Tony shrugged, "Who knows?"

Then he left Chen Lu alone in the basement, took off his mecha and went upstairs to take a shower.Chen Lu touched his neck helplessly, it seemed that it would not be easy for Tony to show his flaws.The good news is that through this test, Chen Lu has a better understanding of his abilities.

Metallization Derivative Technology: Gunslinger: Ultra-high-speed stabbing with a long knife without warning, which can be launched from any part of the body, and consumes more than 20% of energy.

Metallization Derivative Technology High Frequency Slash: Invincible and powerful cutting ability, enough to crush most defenses, consumes more than 10% of energy.

Metal Derivative Skill Ten Times Iron Fist: A heavy blow that strengthens one's normal boxing strength by ten times, the power is limited by body weight, and consumes about 5% of energy.

These three are the main derivative skills of the metalization ability that Chen Lu has comprehended. These three tricks alone are actually enough to deal with most superheroes in the world. Unfortunately, what Chen Lu has to face is not a single super human. , but all the human inhabitants of this world.From this point of view, Chen Lu's seemingly already strong ability is probably too embarrassing to even save his life.

There is a long way to go, which is used to describe the current situation.

[The remaining biological energy is less than 10%]

After the intense physical ability test, the energy in Chen Lu's body has also bottomed out.When he returned to the living room, Tony had long since disappeared. A social celebrity like him really can't stop for a moment.Chen Lu had no choice but to order a super-large luxury dinner for himself, and Chen Lu was also deeply impressed by the surprised and envious expression of the food delivery boy when he saw the table full of delicacies from mountains and seas.

The life of a local tyrant is really not bad.Chen Lu picked up a piece of fresh lobster meat and put it in his mouth gracefully.My current food intake is much larger than that of human beings, and I can just enjoy these rare delicacies slowly.Anyway, even if you ordered ten orders of all the items on the menu repeatedly, it would not cost one billionth of Tony's property.

"It would be great if I could order some Chinese food that suits my appetite next time, but American Chinese food...let's forget it."

After dinner, night fell, Chen Lu left the messy dining table to take a comfortable bath, and when he came back, the living room had been neatly tidied up.According to what Tony said, this vast living room will be Chen Lu's future room. Fortunately, his high-end sofa is also very comfortable to sleep on, which is quite a good treatment.

Chen Lu relaxed and lay on the sofa, letting go of his thoughts and gradually falling asleep.

"Master! Master!"

In the hazy darkness, Chen Lu seemed to hear someone calling the word "Master", and the voice became louder and louder. Finally, he suddenly opened his eyes and found himself standing on the roof of a building superior.In the distance, you can see many glowing and prosperous high-rise buildings, but the urban area under your feet, which is dominated by one-story houses, has fallen into a dead silence without light. There is only a thin line between the bustling city and the dark urban area, but It's two completely different worlds.

The familiar pattern made Chen Lu understand where he came to—Queens, New York, which was completely blocked by the military.

This place should have been infected by the zombie virus in Chen Lu's body, turning it into a dead city full of zombies. Why was he summoned to this place?

(End of this chapter)

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