Chapter 13 Skill Test

"This is really crazy, kid." Tony said, looking at the four pieces of biometal of different shapes on the table, his fingers were dancing in the air to record some data, and then he took out a scanner-like machine and scanned it up, " The four metals you created are all substances that do not exist on the earth, which is too exaggerated."

"I didn't expect it to become like this." This sentence is true. When Chen Lu first saw this metallization ability from the system, he thought it was just a liquid metal ability similar to the Terminator T-1000. It turned out to be a god-level superpower involving the realm of "creation".

[Skill 3. Metallization: Transform any part of the body into biometal of any shape. Biometal cannot maintain a liquid form for a long time]

It seems that if any two words are added to anything, it will not be a simple thing.

"Jarvis, the scan result?" Tony rang and asked, pointing to the empty wall, and Jarvis' artificial voice prompt came from the air immediately.

"The scans show that the atoms in the four biometals are all in an unstable state, and it is estimated that they will decompose into atoms and disappear completely in an hour."

"Oh, what a pity, it seems that I still can't use your biological metal to make mechs." Tony showed a regretful expression, but quickly returned to his normal state and congratulated Chen Lu: "Congratulations, boy .If your biometals didn't disappear within an hour of leaving your body, you would be dug like a mine."

Tony's words are by no means alarmist. If the biometal isolated from Chen Lu can be used as materials by others, then Chen Lu is like a hen that lays golden eggs infinitely. What's more, these biometals are countless times more expensive than gold. Attract the peeps of all ambitious people in the world.

"Don't worry, I'm not in this list." Tony smiled at Chen Lu's suspicious gaze.


The next step was the skill test. Tony took a few steps away from the iron puppet and raised his hand to signal Chen Lv to do it.I saw Chen Lu flicked his right hand, and a long silver knife with a cold light came out of its sheath awe-inspiringly. Chen Lu held up the forehead of the iron puppet, like an executioner about to execute.


The long knife began to expand and vibrate at a high speed that could not be caught by the naked eye, and a strong wind blew in the airtight basement. The high-speed vibration caused the blade to generate extremely high temperature, and the heat energy filled the entire blade, turning it into a fiery red color. , Tony couldn't bear to put on a mask because of the heat wave shaking in the air.

High frequency cut!

The fiery red streamer flashed across the body of the iron puppet, and it felt like cutting tofu without any resistance.It wasn't until Chen Lu retracted the knife and restored the arm to its original shape that the glowing incision appeared from the head of the steel doll to the crotch. Then, with the molten iron pouring out like blood, the hard steel doll was neatly laid out. Split into two halves and fell to the ground.

Tony looked at the steel puppet on the ground in surprise, spread his hands and said, "Although this is the second time I've seen it, this power is!"

You Americans really lack vocabulary, but sometimes it is true that a thousand words can't be worth a "fuck".

The power of the high-frequency knife is indeed unsurpassed, but its consumption is also huge. The activation of the high-frequency knife just now consumed 10% of the biological energy in Chen Lu's body. According to Chen Lu's estimation, to maintain the form of the high-frequency knife, it will continue to consume 1% The rate per second continues to consume bioenergy.That is to say, even if Chen Lu is in full condition, he can only support the energy consumption of a high-frequency knife for 90 seconds.

But no matter how indestructible the blade is, it is meaningless if it cannot be cut.Therefore, when fighting against agility enemies, Chen Lu has another ultimate move - sharp gun.The principle is to use the biological energy to increase the expansion and contraction speed of the blade, and only 20% of the biological energy can reach the supersonic stabbing speed.

In fact, compared with speed, the biggest advantage of the sharp gun is its suddenness.Not only the right hand, but also any part of Chen Lu's body, such as the back, elbows, legs, chest, etc., can use a magic gun without warning, so it can be said to be a wonderful sneak attack move.Of course, it was impossible for Chen Lu to demonstrate this move to Tony, who was one of the targets of the sneak attack.

"Next step, boy, come and test the power of your fist." This time Tony walked up to Chen Lu by himself, puffed up his chest and signaled him to punch his Iron Man mecha, "Don't change anything!" A sharp weapon, just try it with your fist."

"Fist? I don't need to use such a weak move." Since Chen Lu can transform into any sharp weapon at will, why do he need to use fists?

Tony shook his head and said, "You need it. You don't have to kill someone every time. Sometimes it's better for you to save someone's life."

Well, it's another clichéd probation session. It seems that Tony wants to correct Chen Lu into a regular superhero who doesn't kill people easily.But since we have decided to act, let's continue acting with Tony.Chen Lu clenched his fist and punched Tony in the chest with [-]% of his strength.

There was a deafening noise when the fist collided with the mech, and a lot of cracks appeared on the floor under Tony's feet, but he just stood there motionless, as if Chen Lu's punch was just to tickle him.

"Try harder, you just finished eating." Tony looked happily at his unscathed Iron Man mecha, and continued to induce Chen Lu to make a move.

Could this guy just use me to test the defense of the mecha?Seeing Tony's satisfied expression, Chen Lu couldn't help but think that the fist, which is ten times stronger than ordinary people, is quite suitable as the target of the MK4 Iron Man mecha's resistance to blows.

"Okay, if you can bear it." Chen Lu suddenly thought of a bad idea, maybe he could show Tony a little color.He metalized his right hand into a silver steel fist, swung his arm and swung it twice in the air.

Seeing Chen Lu's treacherous expression, Tony also became a little nervous: "Wait, we agreed to use only fists."

"That's right, it's just a fist!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Lu's arm suddenly exerted strength, and the iron fist was still unpretentiously swung towards Tony's chest.Tony was relieved to see that Chen Lu didn't play any tricks, and was really attacking him with his fists. He boldly greeted him with his Iron Man mecha.He is still quite confident in his MK4 mech defense ability, it is impossible to be fisted——


The collision between the iron fist and the mech produced a shock wave visible to the naked eye. In Tony's astonished sight, his Iron Man mech was squeezed by the fist and shriveled quickly, and the crushed circuit burst out sparks of protest.Then he flew upside down like a volleyball that was smashed, smashed a big hole in the basement wall, fell into the sea behind the house, splashed a few times on the water, and sank into it with a plop. sea ​​surface.

(End of this chapter)

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