Chapter 16 Capture Action
If this is an ordinary earth world, it may be difficult to find a virus that can greatly modify the human body.But in the world of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where mad scientists are everywhere and there are countless black technologies, there is such a virus that fully meets the conditions that Alex said-the Extremis virus.

The Extremis virus debuted in the Marvel movie "Iron Man 3", and its infected person is also the main villain of the movie.The function of this virus is to quickly heal wounds and even regenerate limbs. At the same time, it is supplemented by the special ability to emit ultra-high temperature heat from the whole body and even cause the body to explode violently. Once the human body is infected with the Extremis virus, all human systems will be replaced by the virus. In a super soldier serum.

It is really suitable for it to be used as a step for the further promotion of the zombie virus.

"Alex, you know a lot." Chen Lu sighed to the mysterious man in front of him, why did he know so many things?
Alex explained: "Actually, I don't know, master. I am the first zombie to evolve self-awareness. From the moment I became a mutant infected person, everything was in my mind."

There is no doubt that this is the ghost of the system.Alex is the guide created by the system to explain the role of the zombie virus to Chen Lu. He will guide Chen Lu to let the zombie virus evolve to a stronger state step by step, and eventually destroy the world.Anyway, as long as Chen Lu has the idea to deal with Alex, he can erase his sanity at any time, and there is no need to worry about loyalty issues.Of course, the same is true for other mutated infected persons.

Suddenly there was a sound of propeller turning approaching here, Chen Lu and Alex looked up, and a Black Hawk helicopter painted as black as ink was flying across the night sky, obviously another group of money lovers The mercenaries came to work for their patrons.After all, this mysterious existence must have attracted the attention of a large number of ambitious capitalists. Every living zombie caught here should be able to sell for a good price.

But Chen Lu didn't want them to do too much effective research on the zombie virus. He said with a gritty fist, "Let's go, Alex, let's go greet these new friends."

"Okay, master."

Two black shadows jumped from the towering building and fell to the ground at a very high speed, but in the blink of an eye, the two black shadows disappeared at the same time, as if they had already merged into the dead and dark night.

The Nighthawk helicopter performed a rope drop in an empty park, and slid down six heavily armed mercenaries from two steel cables hanging down to the ground. They had assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns and other light fire weapons in their hands. At the same time, it also carries heavy firepower weapons such as Gatling heavy machine guns and anti-material sniper rifles, and even special combat equipment such as explosion-proof shields and smoke bombs. It is obviously ready to deal with any emergencies.Such a well-equipped special operations team is rare even in the US military missions.

The No.1 soldier who performed the rope descent seems to be the captain of the mercenary team. He gave orders to all the members: "Stand by here first, and the Black Hawk ascends to scan the area. After receiving the scanned map, plan the battle plan."

The pilot of the Black Hawk received the order, pulled the helicopter up into the air in one breath, and started a certain scanning procedure. A blue laser shot from the bottom of the helicopter to the ground, and then turned into a blue circle and spread around. Come on, this is probably the area scan that the mercenary captain said.

At this time, a newcomer soldier in the team timidly asked: "Captain, do we really need to take this mission? Queens is currently recognized as a black danger warning area. If any monsters appear... ···”

The mercenary captain sighed and said, "Son, if Hammer Industries didn't place an order with us for a living zombie for $50, I wouldn't want to bring you to such a ghostly place. Don't worry, we are not greedy." , Just catch two and go back, 100 million US dollars is enough for us to enjoy for a while."

A big man with a heavy machine gun at the back of the team also walked over and patted the rookie soldier on the shoulder, raised a thing that looked like a miniature missile launcher on his arm and said, "Don't worry, friend. We also have Han Weapons secretly developed by Mo Industries: Sidewinder missiles with cyclone explosives—the ex-wife, powerful enough to blow up a bunker and the bunkers hidden below, the crystallization of Hammer Industry technology, the Eiffel Tower of weapons, Rahmani, etc. What...Damn it, I forgot the words. In short, there is nothing that an ex-wife can't handle, trust my friend."

"Shut up, big man, you're going to be brainwashed by that salesman." Another member of the team complained to him.

The big man nodded: "Maybe after finishing this ticket, I should go back to my hometown and find a job as a salesman, and spend the rest of my life honestly, spending time with my family and so on."

"Hehe, I wish I could be a US military officer or something."

"Then I wish you die for your country as soon as possible."

While they were chatting nonsense, the Black Hawk helicopter also completed the scanning work.The driver reported to the mercenary captain: "Captain, most of the zombies in the nearby area are moving in groups, and those who were alone are also moving towards the direction of the group. Damn, do they know that we are watching them? But luckily Fortunately, I still found two zombies that were completely alone, and they were 11 meters away from your direction at 500 o'clock."

"Okay, let's act immediately. GO! GO! GO!" Under the command of the mercenary captain, six mercenaries ran in the direction of the target in a file.

Soon the group of people ran into a narrow alley, and everyone walked forward cautiously with their guns raised, so cautious that even if it was just a trash can, they would overturn it and carefully check the garbage inside.However, there were not many shelters in the semi-enclosed alley, and there were no traces of zombies at a glance.

The mercenary captain pressed his hand on the in-ear communicator and asked, "Black Hawk, we haven't found any zombies here, is there something wrong with the scanner?"

"However, Captain..." The pilot on the Black Hawk was sweating profusely looking at the scanner screen in front of him. The blue dots representing friendly forces and the red dots representing enemies had already overlapped and crowded together!He said nervously: "I show here that you have already contacted the enemy!"

Could it be that!
The mercenary captain who received the news immediately realized what was wrong. He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the roof of the alley.Under the bright full moon, two figures were looking down at them with a tall and straight body.The hands of one of the teenagers turned into sharp metal claws reflecting the silver moonlight, while the other man with a hood grew two indescribably weird tentacles from his back. Both of them were obviously not normal human beings. !
The two were exactly Chen Lu and Alex who had planned to lure the enemy deeper.

(End of this chapter)

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