Chapter 109
"No, we've paid for our lives, don't throw me into the sea, I can't swim." Jason screamed, but the strong man didn't say much at all, grabbed him and threw him out.

"Captain, all the garbage on the ship has been cleaned up, please give instructions."

"You guys sail these two fishing boats directly to Singapore, and hand over the fishing boats to Lin Shier, and you also stay there temporarily to listen to Lin Shier's orders." Lin Fan's voice came from the opposite side.

It turned out that Lin Fan had long ago decided not to let these fishermen with guns go, because they robbed fishing boats at sea, murdered, raped and committed all kinds of crimes, so they deserved to die.It's just that usually those who meet them are either dead or too timid to speak out, so not many people know the situation.

Moreover, they were disguised by fishing boats. They usually looked like normal fishermen. They became robbers only when they were at sea. There was no evidence of their crimes. Lin Fan did not intend to hand them over to the judiciary, and directly tried these people. death penalty.

Just now he used the aircraft to deal with the gun-wielding fishermen on another fishing boat, and then went to this fishing boat and captured the fishing boat.Now he has returned to Deep Sea One, and there is an engineer soldier on each of the two seized ships, and they will drive the fishing boat to Singapore to hand over to Lin Shier.

As for why the fishing boats were not sent back to China, it was because the origin of the two fishing boats was unknown, and they could not enter China in a country like China.In other countries, it can be used directly after modification.

At this time, Lin Fan learned through the aircraft that the Yanfu ocean-going fishing boat had reached more than 100 nautical miles and was still advancing at full speed. It is estimated that they had been running for their lives for the past two days, and they were already terrified.

However, the two armed fishing boats have now been dealt with by Lin Fan.As long as the people on the Yanfu did not notice the armed fishing boats chasing after them, they should know that they were safe.

In the following days, the two Deep Sea fishing boats passed in the direction of Ireland while looking for opportunities to catch large groups of fish. They successively caught more than 500 tons of mackerel, nearly 300 tons of cod, more than 400 tons of squid, and more than 200 tons of cod. salmon, and more than [-] tons of salmon.

These days, apart from fishing, everyone just rests, watches TV, surfs the Internet, talks on the phone with family members, or has a barbecue and beer in the evening. The life is very pleasant, even though everyone has been chatting with each other There isn’t much left to talk about.

However, occasionally when encountering shallow waters, Lin Fan will let everyone dive into the sea, sometimes you can find some pearl shells, sometimes you can see many beautiful fishes, and sometimes you can even meet whales ,dolphin.

On the afternoon of the tenth day after setting off from Iceland, Lin Fan arrived in the waters of Ireland with two fishing boats. Since he had contacted the authorities of Valencia Island in Ireland before, they directly sent a patrol boat to navigate.

Let me explain here that this island of Valencia is not the famous port city in Spain.Although it has the same name, it is just an island and a fishing port in the southwest of Ireland, where many fishing boats gather and distribute.

Valencia Island is located in County Kerry, southwest of Ireland. It is 11 kilometers long, 3 kilometers wide, and covers an area of ​​26.31 square kilometers. The coastal cliffs are 180 meters high, and the highest point in the north is 266 meters above sea level.

Valencia Island is connected to Portmagee on the Irish mainland by a bridge and is a tourist destination.Therefore, you can often meet tourists from all over the world in this place, as well as ocean-going fishing boats from various countries docked here.

"You are very welcome, fishermen from China. My name is Steve Peel, a resident of Valencia Island and a guide." There was a middle-aged man on the patrol boat, a Caucasian man who knew a little bit of Chinese , was sent to the fishing boat and told everyone very enthusiastically, using half Chinese and half English.

"Mr. Steve Pilmau, my name is Lin Fan, and I am the owner of these two fishing boats. This is the first time I have led the fleet out to sea, and it is also the first time I have been to Valencia Island. However, I am honored to meet Steve Mr. Peel, made me feel the hospitality of the people of Ireland, especially Valencia. We have some things to deal with. It would be great if Steve Peel was a guide. We will hire Steve Peel to help Let's do it."

The others didn't understand English, so only Lin Fan came forward to talk to him. After all, he needed to get some daily necessities here, and even some things needed to maintain the fishing boat. The most important thing was to sell the seafood on the fishing boat. It is better to have someone familiar with the local area lead the way.

"No problem. We Valencia Islanders warmly welcome friends from all over the world. This is my guide certificate. Please see Mr. Lin. In order to serve our friends from all over the world, we on Valencia Island are very friendly to our guides." The requirements are very strict. Not only must you be proficient in some foreign languages, but you must also have a good reputation. You must not have any violations of laws or disciplines, and you must not harm the interests of your guests.

Of course, I will tell you in advance that I charge 2 dollars for one hour of service for you, more than half an hour is counted as one hour, and less than half an hour can be ignored. "

Steve Peel took out his guide card very seriously and showed it to Lin Fan for inspection. It had the joint stamp of the Irish authorities and the Valencia Island Authority on it, which seemed very formal.

"Steve Pierre, I believe you are an excellent guide. It is our honor to have you serve us." Lin Fan said to him with great admiration, and could accept his price.

Steve Peel was very happy to be recognized by the customer: "Mr. Lin, then my service for you will start from now. Before arriving in Hong Kong, I will give you a brief introduction of my motherland. Ireland and my home island of Valencia, and then I will answer some questions for you. When I go ashore, I will help you find hotels, restaurants, make up for you, and if you have other orders, I will try my best to help you Done."

Steve Peel is very dedicated. He opened a small notebook and wrote down the time at this moment, and then began to give you a brief introduction to the history and national habits of Ireland, including living habits, eating habits, clothing, etc. habit etc.

Ireland is a small country in western Europe, bordering the Atlantic Ocean to the west and the Irish Sea to the east, across the sea from Britain.Ireland's natural environment is well maintained, and it is known as the "Emerald Isle". The country is full of trees and rivers.Ireland's university education is very mature, and the capital Dublin has been known as a university city since the Middle Ages.

Ireland has a mild climate, and the temperature in various places is relatively balanced. May to June is the most sunny period of the year, which is more suitable for travel.Because the country is full of grasslands, it is also known as "Green Island", "Emerald" and "Emerald Island".

Ireland's traditional diet is very similar to that of the UK. The family diet is based on potatoes, vegetables, and beef. Bread is one of the staple foods of the Irish.There are also a lot of fresh seafood, and there are many seafood dishes.

"Although our island of Valencia is not big, with only a thousand residents, more than 3000 tourists from all over the world stay here every day, so there is a considerable demand for seafood.

Not only that, Valencia Island is also an important port where ocean-going fishing boats from all over the world berth and replenish, so many ocean-going fishing boats have to deal with some excess seafood here, and thus a huge seafood wholesale market has formed on the island.

If you have excess seafood on your fishing boat and want to sell some here, I can help you connect with suitable buyers and give you a fair price, and I won’t deceive you just because you are foreigners. "

After Steve Peel finished his introduction, Lin Fan and the crew on the fishing boat asked some questions with great interest. Although these questions were varied, Steve Peel answered them very seriously.

"Mr. Steve Peel, we have a total of 30 people, and half of them will spend the night on the fishing boat. The rest of us will trouble you to find us a hotel with better conditions, preferably one that can take a bath.

After all of us take a bath first, help us contact the restaurant and try your Valencia specialties. It doesn't have to be expensive, as long as it has special features.

We will make up for it tomorrow. We may need some daily necessities, some vegetables, fruits, etc., as well as some things to maintain the fishing boats. Please help us contact the merchant first.

However, the most important thing is that there is a lot of seafood on our fishing boats, and I am going to sell most of them. Please help us contact a few wholesalers and inform them to come to the hotel at nine o'clock tomorrow morning to discuss related matters.There are so many things for the time being, everything will trouble you. "

Before going ashore, Lin Fan told Steve Peel about these things, and the latter recorded them very carefully, and he will arrange these things one by one after going to the island.

"Mr. Lin, I suggest that you stay at the Kairui Hotel. This is a three-star hotel on our island. Although it is not luxurious, the environment and services are quite comfortable. At the same time, there is a free swimming pool behind the hotel, which can be used for Guests enjoy the sun, sand and bikinis, and can satisfy your desire to take a bath.”

After a while, after Steve Peel had recorded all the questions, he only thought about it for a while before making a suggestion to Lin Fan, showing his familiarity with various situations on Valencia Island.

"No problem, just call and book eight rooms for us now." Lin Fan nodded. Since he chose Steve Peel as his guide, he trusted him.

"Uncle De, inform the brothers on the ship that we will dock soon. Except for the people in the control room, the other brothers will pack up and go to the island. Everyone can take a bath, then have a good meal of local specialties, and then go shopping. And so on. However, in the end, only half of the people can stay in the hotel, and the others must return to the fishing boat before ten o'clock in the evening. Everyone will just rotate next time."

Just when Steve Peel went to the side to make a phone call to book a room, Lin Fan also told Zhang Zhide about today's arrangements through the communicator. The crew next to him were very happy to hear that, and the first officer immediately arranged a shift. Candidates.

Although it was said that after drifting at sea for nearly ten days, everyone wanted to have a good sleep in the hotel, but the crew did not fight for it, but obeyed the arrangement of the chief mate. After all, there was no ship this time, so it was up to them next time.

In particular, such benefits are rarely heard on other ocean-going fishing boats.They had come into contact with Zhong Huayan's ocean-going fishing boat Haining before, and only heard that they could disembark and have a big meal when they went to various places. They would never let everyone stay in a hotel for a night like Lin Fan did.

  Thank you for the rewards and monthly tickets from book friends such as "Lei Zuo, The First Kiss to Your Hand, bktw, Benbenniao, 454557754, and Does Dao Exist", especially the "First Kiss to My Hand" brothers, whose daily rewards are all slaughtered, thank you very much .Our monthly pass is very close to the front, and we are only 10 votes away from entering the top [-]. Brothers, come here with the support of the monthly pass.At the same time, don't forget to ask for a recommendation ticket.

  On the other hand, I went to shoot targets in the deep sea yesterday. Guess how many rings the ten bullets hit in the deep sea?The answer will be revealed tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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