master of the deep

Chapter 108 Huge harvest

Chapter 108 Huge harvest
Most of the large ocean-going fishing boats equipped with fox nets can reach a maximum depth of about [-] meters, and their fishing range is also at a depth of [-] meters below the sea surface, allowing them to catch more types of deep-sea fish.

And Lin Fan's two deep sea ships, after being refitted by engineering soldiers, can fish at a depth of about 500 meters, reaching a fishing range of 500 meters. Compared with other large ocean-going fishing boats, The advantage is stronger.

At this time, what is lowered from the fishing boat is a relatively fine net, which is aimed at small fish such as mackerel. It can not only intercept, but also can be gathered into a net package after interception to collect the fish in the net. Wrap it all up.

Soon, the fish began to hit several giant nets. People on the fishing boat could feel a huge impact that caused the fishing boat to shake. However, as the fishing boat began to increase its speed, the impact gradually slowed down. , and most of the fish schools have been dragged forward in the opposite direction by the giant net.

In the end, only about three-tenths of this fish group were not caught in the net, including all the juvenile fish. They got out of the mesh because they were too small. This is also a common practice of fishermen, giving up those fish. Let them continue to grow and reproduce, so as not to deplete fishery resources.

"The net is up."

Twenty or ten minutes later, the giant nets on the two fishing boats were slowly hoisted up, and the thick steel cables above were slowly tightened under the twisting of the winch, making a creaking sound, pulling the nets below the sea surface. The giant nets and fish bags at a depth of hundreds of meters are gradually pulled out of the water.


When the giant net and fish bags came out of the water, the seawater released with a loud sound, causing huge waves several meters high. The splashing water splashed onto the deck, as if a heavy rain had fallen, and some people were close to the deck. The man was drenched to the skin.

However, no one said anything, everyone was smiling and looking at the big bag of white fish, with gloves on, all kinds of fish processing machines were ready, and they were waiting to clean up immediately Mountains of fish fell on the deck.


The giant nets and fish packs were finally moved to the deck one by one, and the cables of the giant nets were untied in a place where no one was around, and a hole was opened, and tens of thousands of mackerel poured down on the deck, causing a burst of excitement. There was a gust of wind.

Lin Fan was also watching from outside the cabin at the edge of the deck. He found that these mackerel fish had large heads, with tapered front ends, large eyes, high mouths, and a row of fine teeth on the upper and lower jaws.The body is covered with small round scales, the back of the body is bluish black or dark blue, and there are irregular dark blue insect-eaten patterns on both sides of the body.The abdomen is white and slightly yellow.There are 2 dorsal fins, the caudal fin is deeply forked, the pectoral fin is light black, the anal fin is light pink, and the other fins are light yellow.
These mackerels are not too big, and the largest ones are no more than one catty. Most of them may only weigh close to one catty, but they can't hold up to the large number. There may be [-] to [-] fish in this net, and they will be dumped on the deck. It piled up like a hill.

The surrounding mackerel were struggling violently. After they left the sea, they obviously couldn't survive for a long time, so the mackerel near the ship's side even jumped directly into the sea.

However, everyone didn't care about the fish that jumped into the sea, but rushed up quickly, wearing thick gloves on both hands, and quickly handled the mackerel on the deck according to their size.

For these, Lin Fan has also done it before. Although he doesn't have to do it himself now, he saw that everyone quickly picked up the mackerel and threw it on a conveyor belt, and was quickly transported by the conveyor belt to the processing room inside, where it was cut and cut. Wash, freeze, and finally send to the freezer to freeze.

After nearly two hours of busy work, we managed to deal with this pile of mackerel and fish. We left some edible fish, shrimps, turtles, snails, etc. from the Internet together, and threw the rest back. up the sea.

Of course, there will also be some marine garbage and the like, which are packed in special trash cans. When they make up for it on the way, they will hand over these marine garbage to people on land for disposal. Everyone will consciously abide by the conventional things in the international ocean convention.

However, in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, there is not much marine garbage coming online, far less than the amount of marine garbage Lin Fan picked up offshore when he went out to sea several times before, so it will not become a burden to fishing boats.

When Lin Fan finished processing the fish mountain, it didn't take long for Zhang Zhide's fishing boat to report that they had also processed all the mackerel, and they got a total of 6000 tons and [-] catties of mackerel.

The fishing boat on Lin Fan's side weighed about 8000 tons and 37 kilograms, adding up to 4000 tons and 37 kilograms of mackerel.For the first time, [-] tons of mackerel were harvested, which made everyone very happy and excited.

Although the price of mackerel is not like the rare fish that Lin Fan used to catch, in Europe, a kilogram costs about 2 US dollars, and a ton is worth 2000 US dollars.

Then, after going online for the first time, Lin Fan's harvest will be 74000 US dollars, which is about 45 yuan when converted into Chinese currency. No more than four hours.

The Deep Sea's storage space, including refrigerated storage space and seawater feeding space, originally had a total of 1200 tons of storage space. However, after modification by engineering warriors, the storage space has been expanded to 1500 tons.

Therefore, after the 37 tons of mackerel are stored, they only occupy a corner of the storage space, and they are not conspicuous when placed inside. Unlike the previous medium-sized fishing boats, these things can almost fill the storage space of a medium-sized fishing boat. full.

"Uncle De, today's harvest is not bad. Let everyone rest and eat something. The fishing boat will automatically move forward after correcting its direction, and make plans when it encounters a school of fish." Lin Fan told Zhang Zhide on another fishing boat One sound.

"Mr. Lin, everyone is not tired. If we encounter a school of fish ahead, let's go to the Internet cafe. You don't know, everyone was very excited when they saw the mountain of fish on the deck just now, but when they saw the fish piled up in the storage room The little fish that only occupies a corner inside, everyone thinks that there are too few fish, and you have to quickly cast a few more nets to fill up the storage space to have a sense of accomplishment." Zhang Zhide said loudly on the opposite side.

"Haha, I can understand everyone's thoughts, but we will be floating on the sea for two or three months this time, and everyone's bodies must not be exhausted. So you should rest when you should. The fishing matter is not urgent at the moment. This time There are plenty of fish in the endless deep sea that we can catch."

Compared with the captains of other fishing boats, Lin Fan is a person who sees very far. He does not squeeze the crew and ask them to work non-stop, but values ​​the relationship with the crew and the destination in their hearts. feel.

Therefore, in the company's crew manual formulated by Lin Fan, there is a rule that eight hours of sleep must be met every day, and that kind of staying up late fishing is prohibited.

Of course, this is also because Lin Fan's fishing boat is controlled by at least one engineer soldier, which can effectively find a large number of fish schools, and there will be no situation where the fish cannot be caught due to lowering the net, thus saving a lot of working time.

It was not until after three o'clock in the afternoon that the two fishing boats lowered their nets again, and this time they harvested a group of cod.Cod is one of the largest annual catches of fish in the world and has important food and economic value.

The local names of cod include big head green, big mouth fish, big head fish, pollack, water mouth, widemouth fish, big head fishy fish, stone sausage fish and so on.Pure cod refers to cod, which is divided into Atlantic cod, Greenland cod and Pacific cod.

Most of them are distributed in the continental shelf waters of the northern Atlantic Ocean. Important fish species include haddock, blue cod, pollack, whiting, Norwegian whiting and pollock.

The meat of cod is white, fine and tender, and the mouth is not greasy. Many countries in the world regard cod as the main edible fish.In Northern Europe, cod is called "the nutritionist on the table". In addition to being eaten fresh, cod is also processed into various aquatic foods. In addition, cod liver is large and oily, rich in vitamins A and D, and is the raw material for extracting cod liver oil.

This time it was also discovered first by an aircraft, and then the fishing boat rushed over for more than 20 minutes to intercept this huge school of fish. Then it used multi-layer nets and huge trawl nets.

Half an hour later, two-thirds of this huge school of fish entered the fishing nets, and the six huge fishing nets were filled to the brim. Pounds of cod.

In the end, we had to deal with them one by one. The other fishing nets were temporarily soaked in the sea water and tightened slightly, but the fishing nets were not gathered and tied to prevent the fish squeezed in the middle from dying in the squeeze.

After three or four hours of busy work, the two fishing boats harvested a total of 45 tons of cod, which was more than the mackerel in the morning.The price of cod is slightly higher than that of mackerel, and it is estimated that the harvest this time will reach more than 60.

"Barbecue tonight, bring out the barreled beer we prepared, there is no storm tonight, everyone is happy." Lin Fan finally decided to celebrate, this is a rare calm night in the past few days.

All the crew members on Shenhai No. [-] also came, leaving only the engineering soldiers in the control room. It’s okay for them not to eat or drink all the time, but in order to prevent other people from seeing anything, Lin Fan still asked people to He sent some food and drink over there.

On the wide deck, several bright light bulbs were on, shining like daylight. They were lights supplied by solar energy.There are still dense stars in the sky, listening to the roaring waves of the relatively calm sea, all kinds of grilled fish and seafood, drinking beer, singing and laughing all over again.

(End of this chapter)

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