master of the deep

Chapter 110 Undersea Diamond

Chapter 110 Undersea Diamond
With Steve Peel as a guide, it is convenient and quick to do various things, which makes Lin Fan feel that it is worthwhile to spend some guide fees.Moreover, the residents on Valencia Island are indeed of very good quality, as Steve Peel said. With Steve Peel leading the way, it is very easy for Lin Fan and the others to make up for them, and at the same time they will not be ripped off.

After soaking in the bath for two hours, Lin Fan took everyone to eat a delicious meal of Valencia Island's special food, and finally gave each crew member [-] dollars to let them go freely.

Valencia Island is like a larger town. There are not many local residents, but there are 3 to 6 people engaged in the service industry on the island, plus many employees of various companies, there are also [-] to [-] people .

Lin Fan took a walk on the island alone for a while, feeling the rich Western European style of Valencia Island, and then went back to the hotel room to practice, which is what he must do every day.

As for the crew members, they wandered around the island in twos and threes, some brought some souvenirs to their families, some bought some special products to take home, and some went to bars, casinos, and red light districts.

On Valencia Island, there are many bars, casinos, and red-light districts, mainly because there are so many fishing boats from all over the world that gather here every day, and more people go to the island for leisure and entertainment and to meet their physiological needs.

However, the management of these aspects by the Valencia Island Authority is also very strict. Whether it is a bar or a casino, there are policemen to maintain order, and there will be no chaotic scenes in TV movies.

No matter what country the crew is from, they come to these places just to relax, so most of them will not make trouble. Otherwise, if something happens that affects the sailing of the fishing boat, I am afraid the boss will not spare you.

As for the red light district, this is also a formal industry. Valencia Island calls them sex workers, which is also an industry that serves people.Not only does the administration have to issue a service certificate, but everyone has to have a physical examination every week and get a health certificate.

So when the crew members went to the island, Steve Peel told them that if they need sex worker services, they must see their service certificates and health certificates, so as to ensure health and safety.

Otherwise, people like Valencia Island come and go every day, without strict measures, the consequences will be unimaginable, and it will become a high incidence and high infection area of ​​AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, so the authorities pay special attention to this.

At the time stipulated by Lin Fan, half of the crew went back to the fishing boat, and the other half took the initiative to go back to the hotel to rest. After all, there were other things to do tomorrow, and they were also aware of it, so no one stayed overnight.

The next morning, Steve Peel invited five or six wholesalers to come over. Lin Fan didn't do Tai Chi with them, but directly reported his bottom line to them, and those who were willing to trade with him stayed. , Those who don't want to leave by themselves.

However, to the surprise of all merchants, the amount of seafood sold by Lin Fan was very large, nearly [-] tons, and finally three wholesalers jointly took over the goods.

Although Lin Fan's base price was only [-]% less than their wholesale price, but the quantity could not hold up, the wholesaler could still make a lot of money.Especially after seeing the seafood on Lin Fan's boat, the wholesalers found that it was very fresh, which allowed them to earn more, so they were even more happy.

And those merchants who felt that the price was too expensive and left soon found out about the situation, and immediately regretted it.It's just that they quit on their own initiative, so it's useless to regret it, and they have to watch others make money.

In the end, Lin Fan kept about 520 tons of each type of fish and disposed of the rest, earning a total of 20 million US dollars.Excluding the consumption on the island and various supplements, nearly 500 US dollars were spent, and there was still [-] million US dollars left.

"It seems that ocean fishing is the fastest way to attract money. In less than ten days, I have harvested 500 million US dollars and more than 3000 million Chinese coins. It feels great." Lin Fan secretly smiled.

At [-]:[-] p.m., after everything was ready, Lin Fan bid farewell to Steve Peel and embarked on the journey of the vast deep sea again.And Steve Peel stood on the shore waving to each other, holding in his hand the extra stack of tips that Lin Fan gave him at the end, looking forward to their next visit.

The next stop, Lin Fan plans to stop in Spain.Although it is impossible for them to have time to go to the Spanish capital to watch the bullfight, it is also very good to experience the Spanish style.

Five days after leaving Valencia Island, the two deep sea ships had harvested [-] tons of fish, and they were only about three days away from Spain.

This afternoon, the fishing boat discovered a deserted island with an area of ​​only about three square kilometers. It presented a karst landform, with tall stone pillars standing tall, and the surrounding soil was blown away by the wind, revealing red stone pillars.

Lin Fan observed through a telescope and found that there was no vegetation on the deserted island, and all he could see were red rocks and gravel, forming criss-cross ravines, which looked extremely vicissitudes.

"Reporting to the captain, an open-pit diamond mine was discovered at a depth of 500 meters on the seabed of the deserted island ahead."

Just when Lin Fan was about to let the fleet go around the deserted island, an aircraft on the seabed suddenly reported to him that an open-pit diamond mine was discovered in the depths of the seabed just below the deserted island.

"Uncle De, the fleet will stop at the edge of the deserted island tonight to see if there is a suitable place for everyone to dive."

Lin Fan immediately changed his mind and stopped the fleet. Generally speaking, there are places suitable for diving near the edge of the island, and there will be no danger.

"Okay, let me tell everyone, just find a place to dive around here, and then prepare dinner." Zhang Zhide didn't ask Lin Fan why, he believed Lin Fan completely.

"Uncle De, I'll leave it to you. I'm going to go down and have a look."

Lin Fan handed over the arrangement of the crew to Zhang Zhide, put on his diving suit, went directly into the sea, and slowly dived along the edge of the deserted island.In the sea, Lin Fan found that the subsurface part of the deserted island was basically red rocks, a bit like a volcanic island formed by a volcanic eruption.

At the same time, Lin Fan also discovered some large and small caves, as dense as a honeycomb.He scanned the depths of these caves with mental power, and found that there were only some ordinary things like fish, shrimps, crabs, turtles, and sea snakes, and there were no large sea beasts, which could not threaten the diving crew, so he continued with confidence. latent.

Half an hour later, Lin Fan saw the aircraft, and he had reached a depth of about 500 meters under the sea. This can be said to be a restricted area for human beings, but it is not for Lin Fan.

Sure enough, in front of the aircraft near the bottom of the sea, Lin Fan found some shiny things with the help of the light, went up and picked one up to have a look, it was really a diamond, crystal clear, even in the deep bottom of the sea, it emitted faint light.

Moreover, these diamonds are all natural diamonds, that is, those that are naturally generated, not wrapped in ore, and do not require further processing and polishing. The price is much more expensive than ordinary diamonds on the market.

"Explore, how many diamonds are there?"

"Captain, this is just a small natural diamond mine. It only looks like a few kilograms of diamonds. However, these diamonds are of very high quality, and they should be top-quality natural diamonds."

"Well, you can dig out all the diamonds here tonight. I have already let the fleet spend the night on it, and I will leave yesterday."

Hearing the words of the armed soldiers, Lin Fan was secretly happy. He dug up a few kilograms of top-quality natural diamonds for nothing, which would be a huge income.

Lin Fan picked up a few diamonds, each weighing [-] to [-] carats, put them in his pocket, and went back to the fishing boat.With these armed soldiers mining, Lin Fan himself was too happy to do anything, and there was no need to stand by.


Lin Fan got out of the sea, returned to the deck, took off his diving suit, sat down and started drinking water.Some of the crew members have already come up, and some have dived down again. There is no danger anyway, and some want to have a good time.

In the evening, after a sumptuous dinner, Lin Fan did not rest on the fishing boat, but ran to a deserted island, found a towering stone pillar, and sat down on top of it to practice. , Unfortunately, it was too dark for anyone to see.

Not long after, news came from the armed soldiers on the aircraft that all the diamonds below had been dug out. They weighed a little more than three kilograms, and there were more than 100 of them. The smallest ones were 90 to [-] carats. There are more than [-] carats.

These diamonds were received by Lin Fan in his imprint space. He planned to sell some of them abroad, and save some to bring back to Wang's Jewelry. After all, there is a long-term cooperation between him and Wang's Jewelry now, and there are good things. Naturally they will be considered.

Three days later, Lin Fan and the others came to the waters of Spain and chose to make up for it in a small coastal town called Muxia.Muxia is located in the province of A Coruña in Galicia, Spain. It is a long and narrow area surrounded by the sea on three sides. It has many natural ports and is also a cargo distribution center.

In Muxia, Lin Fan and others tasted the local specialty food, a kind of empanada made of wheat (with tuna, pork and vegetables in the cake), boiled octopus served with red pepper, rock salt Takoyaki named after olive oil.

In the evening, a grand dance was held around the giant round stone in the central square of the small town. It was a unique way of celebrating the festival for the Muxia people. They have more than 100 programs to celebrate every year.

There are also many stories about the huge boulder. Today's Muxia believes that as long as he walks over the huge boulder nine times with a devout heart, he can eliminate ailments - back pain, kidney pain, and even rheumatism. Nothing to worry about.

(End of this chapter)

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