Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 231 Gotham City

Chapter 231 Gotham City

This is a very typical modern city, a human jungle made of steel and concrete.

The cars driving on the street and the people walking on the street clearly show this point.

No matter from any angle, here is a very typical modern American city.

its not right!
Looking at the surrounding environment, Roger couldn't understand why the time travel this time caused such serious bugs in the system.

No matter how you look at it, this is the earth of the 21st century, not a strange world.

This is not the first time he has used the space-time key. Even if he returned to the 40s, he did not see any problems with the system.

There was a bug in the system, which not only seriously weakened his strength, but also made him lose the only means to return to the original world.

This is an extremely serious problem for him.

Just when he was puzzled, he looked up at the night sky.

Then, an all-too-familiar sign was seen in the night sky.


In the night sky at this time, a huge bat symbol appeared, a bat symbol that could be clearly seen by the citizens of the whole city.

No way!
Roger was stunned at the first sight of the bat logo.

Of course he knew what the bat symbol meant.

It was precisely because he knew that he was stunned now.

He actually traveled to a world with Batman.

Looking at the bat logo in the night sky, he felt that he had found the reason for the BUG in the system.

According to the system's explanation of the space-time key, he should be traveling in a parallel universe related to Marvel.

And now, what he came to is obviously not the parallel universe related to Marvel, but the DC universe next door to Marvel.

Although Marvel and DC are both worlds with extraordinary powers, they are obviously two different worlds.

To be more serious, this is even a world where the two underlying rules are somewhat different.

The infinite gems in Marvel are the concrete product of the underlying rules of the world, representing the rules of a certain aspect of the Marvel world.

And here, it obviously looks similar, but the two are not the same.

To give a simple example, Marvel's Asgard, that is, Thor and the others, followed the path of Norse mythology.

The old gods in DC are obviously following the path of Olympus mythology.

The typical representatives are Wonder Woman and her brother Ares, the god of war.

calm down!

Don't panic!
Take it easy!
After taking a few deep breaths, Roger began to quickly think about his current situation.

In terms of ability, even if he came to the DC world, he can still live well.

Although his strength had declined to a certain extent due to a bug in the system, it didn't make him completely return to an ordinary person.

This allowed him to have the most basic guarantee of strength.

Then, although his understanding of the DC world is not as familiar as that of the Marvel world, it can be regarded as knowing a little bit, so that his eyes are not dimmed and he doesn't know anything.

With the basic strength guarantee and the basic "prophet" advantage, he felt that even if he came to the DC world, he would not have a miserable life.

As for the most critical issue, how to return to the world where he is, he has no good solution for the time being.

But the boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge, so there is no need to worry too much about this for the time being.

Take your time and you will find a way.

After sorting out his thoughts, he calmed down from his initial worries.

Isn't it the DC world, no big deal.

After glancing at the location of the Bat Light, he used the Blink of the Door Fruit and quickly rushed to the Gotham Police Station where the Bat Light was.

Although secondary fruits such as doormen fruit and sparkling fruit have been suppressed to a level of only about Lv3, the basic use is not a problem, nothing more than a drop in power.

With the four secondary fruits of Magma, Shining, Zhenzhen, and Menmen, as long as he doesn't meet a fierce man like Superman Clark, he doesn't need to worry about his own safety.

As for people like Wonder Woman and The Flash, regardless of whether they fight or not, they will definitely be able to escape.

Relying on the flash of the door fruit, he quickly arrived at the rooftop near the Gotham Police Station.

However, he didn't leave the green different space, but stayed in the different space, waiting for Batman to appear.

At the same time, he observed Director Gordon, known as the "King of Gotham Singles".

Director Gordon, full name James Gordon, Batman's loyal ally and one of the most trusted people.

Judging from his appearance, Gordon is a typical white man in his 40s, wearing a pair of glasses, with a serious expression, giving people a sense of righteousness and awe.

In fact, Gordon is indeed one of the few good guys in Gotham.

Gordon used to be a special soldier, with excellent fighting ability and marksmanship, and he was also a good detective.

The corruption atmosphere of the Gotham Police Department gradually disappeared under his leadership, allowing the act of justice to reappear in the Gotham Police Department.

Judging from Gordon's act of turning on the Bat Light to summon Batman, this should not be a messy parallel universe.

After waiting in the green space for more than ten minutes, a black shadow suddenly flew from the building next door to the roof of the police station.

To be precise, instead of flying over, he swung to the roof of the police station with the help of a rope gun.

Without any accident, the black figure that appeared was Batman.

Although you can't see the real appearance of Batman, you can be 100% sure that the Batman here is a man.

It's further proof that this isn't some weird parallel universe.

Roger wanted to walk in and hear what Gordon and Batman were talking about.

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

Whatever they were discussing had nothing to do with him as a newcomer.

After chatting with Gordon for a few minutes, Batman left the roof and disappeared into the night.

Roger had no intention of catching up, and came to a street near the police station through Menmenguo.

After choosing a direction at random, he walked towards those small alleys that seemed unsafe at first sight.

Although there is a pile of US dollars in the different space in his body, in order to avoid accidents, he decided to take some US dollars without any problems from the local gangsters in this world.

After walking in these dark and damp alleys for a period of time, he got his wish and met a gangster who was working.

He didn't have the ability to use the devil fruit, he simply used his fists and kicks, easily knocked down these little gangsters, and got hundreds of dollars from them.

After confirming that all the money on these punks had fallen into his own hands, he left the alley.

He repeated this behavior several times, and even temporarily acted as a vigilante. After stopping a crime that was trading white powder, he successfully obtained the first pot of gold.

As for the white powder, he threw it into the sea casually.

After earning his first pot of gold, he found a hotel that didn't require registration, had a high room rate, and stayed in a nice hotel.

Although this is not New York, some industries exist no matter which world they are in.

For example, this kind of high-end hotel specially for people who are inconvenient to provide documents.

Where there is demand, there will be a market!
This is a truth common to any world.

After checking into the hotel, he asked the hotel staff to send some clean clothes, and changed the clothes he brought from the original world.

After washing up, he changed into clean clothes with absolutely no problems, and had dinner in the hotel restaurant.

For some reason, he suddenly felt like he had just traveled to the Marvel world.

At that time, he was almost the same as now, alone.

No friends, no underlings, no inexhaustible wealth, no well-known fame...

But no matter what, he is much better now than when he first crossed.

He can now use the power of the four devil fruits, has a physique far beyond normal people, has good fighting skills, and has experience in dealing with all kinds of religions...

To some extent, although he is equivalent to starting all over again, the starting point is better than 01:30.

After dinner, he came to the hotel bar.

Because this is a hotel dedicated to serving some special groups of people, the people I meet here are basically not good people.

This also means that there are more news here than outside.

This is a very good thing for Roger who just came to this world.

After tipping the bartender a few hundred dollars, he inquired about all the news he wanted.

He disguised himself as an out-of-towner who had just arrived in Gotham City, an out-of-towner who planned to make a career in Gotham.

As the city of sin in the DC world, a large number of outsiders come here every day to seek opportunities to get ahead.

The bartender didn't suspect Roger's fictional identity, and sold him news that the residents of Gotham basically knew.

The four major families in Gotham, various crime families, Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Penguin, Scarecrow, Riddler, Two-Face, Master Ninja...

Batman, Batgirl, Robin, Red Hood, Catwoman...

Under the charm of the dollar, the bartender told Roger about the famous people and deeds in Gotham one by one.

These news, as long as they live in Gotham for a period of time, they can more or less know.

Only a real "outsider" like Roger would know nothing about it.

Roger didn't ask about anything other than Gotham.

For example, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, etc...

He can look into these things later by himself.

After staying in the bar until one or two in the morning, Roger returned to his suite.

Because of a bug in the system, he didn't know if he could still accept the relevant bounty tasks.

But it doesn't matter if you can't receive it. Compared with the bounty task, when the system returns to normal is what really needs attention.

The night passed quickly.

The next day, Roger contacted the hotel's room service and asked the hotel to prepare a set of legal identities that he could use.

As for the name, he did not use his original name in the Marvel universe, Roger D. Wayne, but changed it to Roger D. Stark.

In the Marvel world, he is Wayne. When he comes to the DC world, of course he has to be changed to Stark.

The service at the hotel is very efficient.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, he got his legal identification.

Of course, this kind of identification can only be fooled by ordinary checks, and if you meet a real master, you can find out with just one check.

But Roger didn't care about that.

It is enough to use it on the surface, but as for the secret, there are too many people with identities behind the scenes.

Far from it, Batman is an obvious example.

After getting his ID, he left the hotel.

Last night's vigilante actions allowed him to earn an initial capital of more than [-] US dollars.

Although this amount of money is not much, it is enough for him to cope with the first few days of life.

After leaving the hotel, he called a taxi and started heading to the famous Falcone family's territory.

The Falcone family is a veteran crime family in Gotham.

Although Batman has attacked the Falcone family many times, the Falcone family is still alive and well.

If Batman really wants to solve the Falcone family, with his ability, he can definitely uproot the Falcone family.

However, Batman is a guy with "obsessive-compulsive disorder".

It doesn't matter if you don't kill people or don't use guns, he actually expects to use legal means to bring these criminal families to justice.

Roger admired Batman's fight against crime.

But Roger couldn't approve of his behavior.

In his opinion, the most effective way to fight against these criminal families wandering in the black world is not legal means, but naked violence.

To put it simply, it is naked killing and blood.

If one is not enough, then two.

If two is not enough, then three.

If none of the three works, then kill all relevant personnel.

If one pops up, kill one.

Although this method is brutal and bloody, it is the method that can deter these criminal families the most.

Talking about civilization and order to these criminal families, and wanting to bring them to justice by legal means, this kind of behavior, in Roger's view, is just an idealist's beautiful imagination.

Although the taxi driver didn't know who Roger was, but after hearing that he was going to the Falcone family's territory, the driver still expressed his refusal.

However, the driver's refusal was persuaded by the charm of the dollar.

In order not to trouble the driver, Roger didn't ask the driver to take him there directly, but asked the driver to send him to the street near the Falcone family's territory.

After getting off the car, he didn't immediately go to the Falcone family's territory, but went to a bar.

After spending more than an hour in the bar, he swaggered towards the Falcone family's territory.

Before going in, he made a special trip to the surrounding alleys and got two revolvers from those punks.

According to common sense, he should wait until night before doing it.

But he's not Batman, and there's no difference between night and day for him.

As a veteran crime family in Gotham City, the Falcone Family has many properties in Gotham City.

The most famous of these is the mansion built by the Falcone family.

This is the most important part of the Falcone family's whitewashing business, and it is also the headquarters of the Falcone family.

(End of this chapter)

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