Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 230 Unexpected time travel

Chapter 230 Unexpected time travel

After taking the tomato thrown by Chris, Roger wiped it on his clothes casually, and then ate it directly.

Well, the taste is not bad.

While eating tomatoes, he asked Chris, "How have you been recently, are you still used to it?"

With the wooden house where Chris is currently living as the center, Roger waved his hand and gave it to him directly within a radius of [-] miles, allowing Chris to have a large farm where he can grow whatever he wants.

He originally wanted to give Chris some agricultural machinery, but after thinking about it, he finally dismissed the idea.

Anyway, Chris is also a man to be king of Asgard.

He wanted to be a farmer purely to satisfy his own heart, not to live.

So instead of giving him farm machinery, let him be an ordinary Asgardian farmer.

"It's okay, the environment here is not bad, but it's still not as good as Asgard."

Chris replied silently.

After hearing his answer, Roger gave him a supercilious look.

This is nonsense. Even if you look at the entire universe, Asgard is a rare fairyland.

Although Wakanda's natural environment is not bad, it is at least several levels behind when compared with Asgard.

"You probably haven't prepared dinner today, so prepare one for me."

In hell, his relationship with Chris was only okay.

However, after Chris made a trip to Asgard and cooperated with him in a "New Thor Project", the two of them became friends.

Because the relationship improved, Roger finally figured out what happened to Chris's universe.

To put it simply, the universe that Chris is in is the universe after the movie universe "Avengers 3" ended, but it did not enter the timeline of "Avengers 4".

Chris cut off Thanos' head with a storm axe, and then he lived a depraved otaku life on earth.

The "Ant-Man" in their world was not saved by the mouse, so naturally the relevant plot of "Reunion 4" did not start.

Of course, Chris didn't know this, and this was Roger's conclusion after cryptic inquiries.

In Chris' cabin, Roger tasted Chris' craft.

how to say?

Chris's craft is limited to the point of eating undead people.

After eating the dinner prepared by Chris, they sat in the garden behind the wooden house, looked up at the starry sky, and chatted without saying a word.

"How's your 'new Thor project' going?" Chris asked.

"I'm in trouble, and I can't continue for the time being. I handed over the experiment to the 'Heart of the World' on Xandar to see if it can do anything."

Roger replied helplessly.

Chris took a sip of vodka into his mouth, and continued: "Actually, your current strength is already strong enough, why do you insist on increasing your strength?"

"With your current strength, there are not many people in the universe who are your opponents."

Although Chris didn't see Roger's strength in his heyday, the gladiatorial fight in hell left a deep impression on him.

Especially after knowing that Roger still has three infinity gems, his evaluation of Roger's strength has been raised by another level.

"Being a person is always a bit of a dream. I don't want to find out that I am not strong enough when I encounter real danger."

Roger said slowly.

Chris didn't continue to answer the conversation. Although he could understand Roger's thoughts, he didn't think Roger would be in real danger.

Although the current Roger is not invincible, if he wants to run, Chris doesn't think anyone can keep him.

With the Space Gem, it is very difficult to keep Roger.

"By the way, I may have to leave for a while. If my people encounter troubles that cannot be solved, can you help me deal with it?"

Roger suddenly said seriously.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked.

"Go to other universes to see."

Strictly speaking, Roger's answer is not wrong.

It's just that what he wants to go to is not the parallel universe that Chris understands, but the parallel universe randomly arranged by the system.

That's right, he has plans to use the space-time key again.

The system has issued fewer and fewer tasks now, and if he continues to stay here, he doesn't know how long he will have to wait for new tasks.

That being the case, it is better to spend money to buy a space-time key.

Although the price of 5000 million Berry is a bit expensive, it is still within an acceptable range.

More importantly, this can get a guaranteed mission.

He now has 1 million Berry, and it is not a problem to spend 6700 million Berry to buy a space-time key.

Although this will make him farther and farther away from the character card of "One Piece Empress", when he returns from the parallel space, it is estimated that he will be able to receive the next "annual salary".

His current bounty is 3 million. As long as the time flow rate of the parallel universe that the space-time key goes to is not too exaggerated, he should be able to get the 3 million as soon as he returns.

At that time, he will have more than 4 million Berry, and buying the character card of "One Piece Empress" will not be a problem at all.

"Although the parallel universe is a bit dangerous, there should be no risk for you."

"If you want to go, then go."

"If someone comes to trouble your subordinates, I will help to deal with it."

Chris didn't think too long, and agreed directly.

This is not difficult for him, even if Thanos comes, he is confident to protect Roger's men and forces.


After speaking, Roger touched the wine bottle with Chris.

After drinking all the wine in the cabin with Chris, Roger used the silk portal to return to Dressrosa.

The next day, he explained to Diana Gwen and others, and then came to the private practice room under the elder's mansion alone.

Without any hesitation, he directly bought a space-time key from the system store.

"Space-time key, exchange price: 5000 million Berry."

In the next second, a simple-shaped, golden-yellow space-time key appeared in his hand.

He didn't use the space-time key for the first time, but glanced at his current Berry deposit.

"Berry: 1 million (Golden Achievement Crystal*1700, Red Achievement Crystal*1)"

After closing the system page, he looked at the time and space key in his hand.

The space-time key has not changed in any way, it is still so ordinary.

Looking at the space-time key in his hand, an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

I don't know if he can meet someone from the "Time Variation Administration" this time. If he does, he doesn't mind meeting Kang the Conqueror, the real controller behind the "Time Variation Administration".

Hope to see you!

"Do you want to activate the space-time key?"

System information like a holographic projection appeared in front of him.

Without any hesitation, he pressed the confirm button.

Just like last time, the space-time key turned into a ball of golden light, completely covering him.

In the next second, he was shrouded in golden light and disappeared into the training room.

Just when he thought that everything would be the same as last time, and he instantly arrived at the parallel universe connected by the space-time key, an accident happened.

He did not reach his destination immediately, but fell into a golden river.


This golden river is completely composed of unknown energy, rolling and flowing into the distance.

At this time, Roger, like a leaf that fell into the river, was engulfed by the strange golden river and flowed forward.

This is how the same thing?

Roger is a little confused now.

The scene in front of him is obviously not the scene that should appear when using the key of time and space.

Could it be a bug in the system?

A bad premonition appeared in his mind.

Although he didn't know what was going on, he had no intention of sitting still.

So, he used the ability of the thread fruit.


The accident happened again, and the thread fruit did not respond.

He could clearly feel the energy of the thread fruit in his body, but he couldn't awaken this energy at all.


He began to realize the seriousness of the problem.

Glitter fruit, magma fruit, tremor fruit, gate fruit...

He tried all the side fruits.

However, there was still no response.

Not so unlucky!
After confirming that all the fruits and domineering cannot be used, he shook his head helplessly.

If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have used the Space-Time Key if I killed him.

Although he didn't know where this golden river was going to take him, he didn't feel any discomfort.

Right now, he felt as if he was soaking in a hot spring, his whole body was warm, and he even felt sleepy.

After drifting in this golden river for an unknown amount of time, he fell into a dream.


Suddenly, a golden meteor flashed across the dark night sky.

The falling meteor streaked across the night sky, and then crashed heavily into a forest.

The shock wave of the impact knocked away the surrounding trees, leaving a large crater with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

After the air waves and flying dust created by the impact completely calmed down, a figure walked out of the impact crater.

This is a man with black hair and black eyes, a well-proportioned and well-built man, wearing a set of tattered casual clothes.

The man who came out of the impact crater was none other than Roger who fell asleep in the golden river.

After walking out of the impact crater, Roger cursed silently.

He didn't know how long he had slept in the golden river, and he didn't know which world he came to. The only thing he knew now was that he, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly came into intimate contact with the ground.

If it weren't for his strong body, the impact just now would have killed him directly.

After moving his aching limbs, he looked up at the surrounding environment.

In the dark night, he couldn't see anything clearly.

Without hesitation, he instinctively displayed his domineering arrogance.

Then, he showed an extremely ugly face.

No way!
He can still display knowledge-colored arrogance, but for some reason, his knowledge-colored arrogance has weakened to the state when he just owned it, which is the level of Lv1.

After discovering this, he decisively turned on the system.

"There is a serious BUG, ​​and we are working hard to repair it, please wait patiently!"

The system gave a message he had never seen before.


If the domineering aura suddenly weakened to the level of Lv1, he could accept it more or less.

After all, the knowledgeable domineering spirit is still there, it's just weakened a lot.

Then, after seeing the system's information, he was completely stunned.

There is a BUG in the system, which means that he cannot use the system now.

This also means that he cannot use the key of time and space, and loses the only way to go back.

calm down!

The more this time, the more you need to be calm.

Although there are relatively few things he can confirm now, there are two things he can be sure of now.

First, his current physical fitness is still there.

This is a good sign, which means that he is not completely powerless to protect himself.

Second, knowledge-colored domineering can still be used.

This is also a good sign, which means that the ability given by the system is still there, and has not completely disappeared, but has been affected to some extent.

Since the knowledge-colored arrogance is still there, there should be no problem with the armed-colored arrogance.

Roger showed off his armed domineering aura to confirm this.

However, just like the knowledge-colored domineering, the armed-colored domineering has also been weakened to around Lv1.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with domineering, he checked the most important ability, the main fruit line fruit.

Unlike domineering, the main fruit, the string fruit, is now the same as when it fell into the golden river. Roger can feel the existence of the string fruit, but he cannot awaken the power of the string fruit.


The most important main fruit was directly suppressed to the point of being unusable.

What kind of world is this?
The thread fruit that can be used in hell cannot be used after arriving in this world, which makes people wonder what kind of world this is.

calm!Must calm down!
After taking a deep breath for a few seconds, Roger checked the abilities of the other fruits.

He didn't have much hope for these side fruits. After all, he couldn't even use the main fruit, so the side fruits shouldn't be much better.

However, there was a surprise.

Although the side fruits including the sparkling fruit and magma fruit have been weakened like the domineering fruit, they can still be used.

Except for the human fruit devil form.

This discovery made Roger completely relieved.

Although he can't use the most important main fruit, as long as there are secondary fruits, he won't be too miserable.

He simply estimated the impact on the side fruits, and found that the side fruits were basically weakened to around Lv2.

Although it is a bit weakened, it is better than being unable to use it.

After discovering that the side fruit could still be used, he immediately opened the different space in his body, took out new clothes from it, and immediately changed the tattered and muddy clothes on his body.

After doing all this, he briefly identified the direction, and used the elementalization of the sparkling fruit, which turned into a ray of light and flew into the distance.

Although Roger didn't know what world he was in now, he would know the answer soon because he had seen the city in the distance.

Although the distance of tens of kilometers is a bit far, for him who is a shining element, it will pass quickly.

After landing on the top of a building on the edge of the city, he silently observed the city.

(End of this chapter)

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