Devil fruit in comics

Chapter 232 The Falcone Family

Chapter 232 The Falcone Family
The Falcone family is an established crime family in Gotham City.

The family's criminal history is almost as long as the history of Gotham City.

In addition to a long history of crime, the Falcone family is also one of the largest underworld families in Gotham City, and is an old opponent of Batman and Gordon.

In fact, Batman sent Carmine Falcone, the leader of the Falcone family, to prison more than once.

But it won't be long before Carmine Falcone will come out of prison swaggeringly and continue to lead the Falcone family.

Carmine Falcone nicknamed "The Roman".

Don't look at the nickname Roman, which seems very civilized, but in fact, Carmine Falcone can have this nickname purely because the way he built his criminal empire was too cold-blooded and ruthless, which made people feel frightened.

Putting the revolver snatched from the gangster's hand on his waist, Roger walked towards the headquarters building of the Falcone family openly.

From the outside, this building is no different from other commercial buildings.

But the residents of Gotham City know that this is not a serious building.

As soon as Roger entered the lobby on the first floor, two people who looked like security guards came up and stopped him.

Although the two security guards were wearing black security uniforms, they didn't look like security guards at all, but like two killers.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?"

One of the security guards said to Roger.

"Appointment? No, but I know that your leader, Carmine, is upstairs now, and I want to see him."

Roger replied calmly.

"Sorry sir, we can't let you in without an appointment."

The security guard who spoke continued.

"I think you'd better report, my name is Roger Stark."

Seeing Roger say his name calmly, the two security guards frowned.

Although Roger looked like a member of the Falcone family, he was acting a little too calm now, which made the two security guards not sure whether he was looking for trouble.

After silently looking at Roger for a few seconds, the security guard who asked the question continued: "Please go over there and wait for a while!"

After speaking, the security guard pointed to the sofa next to the lobby.

"it is good!"

Roger didn't refuse, and agreed without hesitation.

As soon as he turned around and walked towards the sofa, the security guard reported on the walkie-talkie.

As for the other security guard, he followed behind him, accompanying, or monitoring him to the sofa.

Not long after he sat down, the security guard in charge of the report came over with a sullen expression, and said in a cold tone: "Sir, please leave here, leave immediately!"

Judging from the average quality of gangsters, this security guard was already very polite, at least he didn't drive Roger out directly.

"Sorry, I won't leave until I see your leader, Carmine."

Roger did not get up, but sat down and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, the two security guards stretched their right hands to their waists, trying to pull out the pistols in their holsters.

However, the moment their right hands just touched the pistol, two gunshots rang out.

The shooter was none other than Roger.

While he rarely plays with guns, that doesn't mean he's a bad shooter.

He was able to hit every shot with the finger gun of Lianxianguo, so of course his shooting skills couldn't be any worse.

He didn't kill the two security guards, he just hit them in the right arm, making it impossible for them to draw their guns.

"If you don't want to die, don't make a fearless resistance."

After leaving a warning to the two security guards, he stood up and walked towards the elevator.

Obviously, the two security guards had no intention of heeding his warning.

As the two security guards tried to draw their pistols with their left hands, Roger turned his back on them and pulled the trigger again.

The metal bullets precisely hit the heads of these two security guards, leaving an obvious muzzle on their foreheads, and then flew out from the back of their heads, taking away part of their skulls and brains.

After killing the two security guards, Roger continued to walk in the direction of the elevator.

If it was just to kill Carmine, it would be a very simple matter for him.

Whether it is to blow up the building with the sparkling fruit or destroy the building with the shaking fruit, it is not difficult for him.

However, the purpose of his coming this time was not to kill Carmine.

Strictly speaking, he came to negotiate a deal with Carmine this time.

As soon as he arrived at the elevator entrance, other security guards rushed over.

Unlike the two security guards who had already lost their lives, the weapons that these people rushed over now were a little more advanced. They were no longer purely pistols, but automatic rifles and shotguns.

Although the weapons have been upgraded, their threat to Roger is still no different from that of ordinary people.

At the moment they were about to shoot, Roger disappeared in front of them in an instant.

Before they had time to see Roger's actions clearly, the gunshots of revolvers rang out one after another.

After firing all the remaining eight bullets in the magazine, there were only the last three security guards standing in front of him.

Without any hesitation, he shaved again, easily taking the lives of these security guards.

Although it is not a very good thing to kill these gangsters, Roger has no psychological pressure at all.

In his opinion, it is unfair to the residents of Gotham to keep the lives of these underworld elements.

As for whether this would involve lynching without authorization, he didn't care at all.

He's not Batman, and he doesn't care about that.

He prefers the anti-hero way of doing things to the so-called superhero.

For example, the practice of Punisher, Venom, Deadpool and others.

After getting rid of the security guards in the lobby on the first floor, he picked up a rifle and shotgun, went to the elevator again, and pressed the up button.

If this is a serious building, the building's alarm bells should be ringing by now and the police should be called immediately.

But this is not a serious building, but the headquarters building of the Falcone family.

So there is no alarm bell here, and there is no so-called alarm.

The security guards in the building did not even shut down the elevator.

Gangsters are always just gangsters, and their quality is not good.

It wasn't until Roger took the elevator to the fifteenth floor that the security guards in the building finally reacted and shut down all the elevators.

Since there was no way to continue taking the elevator, Roger didn't feel too relieved. He opened the door of the elevator and walked out from inside.

Not long after he came out, a group of guys with weapons rushed in front of him.

However, like the security guards on the first floor, these people did not cause Roger any trouble.

After a burst of gunshots and explosions, the weapons in Roger's hands were replaced by two rifles with sufficient bullets, and there were a few more grenades around his waist.

Although these people in Falcone wanted to stop Roger, they had no idea who they were facing now.

The successive gangsters turned into corpses lying all over the building, while Roger still maintained his upward trend.

This building has a total of thirty floors.

Judging from the fact that the chiefs like to stay in the office on the top floor, Carmine should be in the office on the top floor now.

As for whether Carmine would leave by helicopter or other elevators, Roger didn't have any worries.

When he fired the first shot on the first floor, he displayed his domineering aura and locked on all the life signals on the top floor.

Although he has no way to recognize which one of these life signals is Carmine for the time being, but this is not a problem.

Judging from the positions of those people, it wasn't too difficult to guess that the life signal belonged to Carmine.

It is precisely because of his undetectable way of perceiving that he has knowledge and arrogance that he is able to slowly head to the top floor so calmly.

After more than ten minutes, Roger successfully reached the top floor of the building at a speed of about one minute per floor.

Behind him, left about more than 200 corpses.

Of course, these people are not the only ones on the floors from the fifteenth to the thirtieth floor, but not everyone will rush out with weapons to stop Roger.

Some people may not believe it, even in a crime family like Falcone, not everyone is a gangster who can use violence.

There are also so-called "civilian personnel" in gangs.

These civil servants certainly wouldn't come to stop Roger.

In fact, this is not within their scope of work.

After reaching the top floor of the building, Roger didn't stop and continued walking towards Carmine's office.

After killing the gangsters on the top floor who tried to stop him, he pushed open the door of Carmine's office.

In the office at this time, besides Carmine, there was also a hot blonde secretary and two bodyguards in black suits.

Roger completely ignored their eyes, came to the desk with a calm face, sat down, and said slowly to Carmine: "You should already know my name."

"However, out of respect, I feel the need to introduce myself."

"My name is Roger Stark, and I'm a foreigner who just came to Gotham not long ago and wants to make a career here in Gotham."

"You are the leader of the Falcone family, and you are also a well-known 'Roman' on the road. According to the rules on the road, I come to say hello to you."

Roger's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about what to eat tonight.

But the four people present all knew that it was him, who seemed gentle, who just killed more than 200 people and walked in here swaggeringly.

"what do you want?"

Carmine looked at Roger with a solemn expression, and said slowly.

"As I said just now, I'm a foreigner who just came to Gotham and wants to start a career here."

"You should know that people and money are indispensable for success."

"Man, I don't need it for now. As for money, I still lack a start-up capital."

Roger stated his request very bluntly.

He came here today mainly for two purposes.

The first one is what he just said, he lacks a start-up capital.

As for the second, it is for fame.

If you want to quickly become famous in the underground world, the best way is to show your strength.

Of course, if conditions permit, it would be even better to kill a few well-known bigwigs in the underground world.

If it was just for fame, Roger would kill Carmine without hesitation.

But if he did, he wouldn't be able to get the start-up capital he wanted.

So after comprehensive consideration, he decided to keep Carmine's life.

"Why do you think I will give it to you?" Carmine said again.

"It's because I came here alone. If you don't want to give it, I can change it."

"I'm not here to get the start-up capital now, but to get the life money of the Falcone family."

"If you don't give it, within a week, I will make the surname Falcone completely disappear in Gotham."

Roger didn't hide it, and threatened Carmine blatantly.

Looking at Roger, who was only in his 20s, Carmine became silent.

Since Roger can kill here alone, it is enough to prove that he has the strength to deal with the Falcone family.

Although Roger didn't show any particularly strange abilities, Carmine knew that he was also a superhuman.

Although there are relatively few people with superpowers in Gotham, unlike the metropolis next door, where there are flying Superman and Wonder Woman, there are still people with superpowers.

It's not that Carmine has dealt with people with supernatural abilities before, but this is the first time he has seen someone like Roger.

More importantly, he can be sure that Roger is not joking.

If he doesn't agree to Roger's request, the Falcone family will definitely usher in the worst attack ever.

After being silent for more than a minute, Carmine said slowly, "How much do you want?"

Roger didn't speak, but raised three fingers.

"You have a big appetite!"

Although Roger didn't say it, Carmine knew that what he wanted would definitely not be 3000 million.

"It's okay, I don't think I have a big appetite."

[-] million US dollars, for a decent person, even if they have so much money, it is difficult to raise it all at once.

But for a crime family like the Falcone family, it is not difficult.

Not to mention that these criminal families all have so-called gangster banks. The nature of gangsters alone determines that they have a lot of cash in their hands.

You don't need to swipe your card to sell powder, and you don't accept checks when you open a room.

There may not be much other things in the gang's hands, but there is definitely a lot of cash.

"How do you want to pay?" Carmine asked again.

"Let your people prepare the cash, and then I will go with you to receive it."

Roger said casually.

It is unrealistic to deposit [-] million cash in the bank.

Even if it is laundered to an overseas bank, it is not something that can be solved in a short while.

In this case, it is better to take cash directly.

As for how to clean up in the future, Roger is not in a hurry, he will talk about it after getting the money.


After speaking, Carmine took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, and quickly gave orders.

After hanging up the phone, Carmine said to Roger: "In an hour, you will see your start-up funds."

"In that case, I think you don't mind waiting here with me for an hour."

 PS: Thanks for the reward from strangers, thank you for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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