police world

Chapter 552 Zheng sir who can't solve the case!

Chapter 552 Zheng sir who can't solve the case!

The Chinese police sent an elite agent to Paris, France, to assist the Paris Police Department in investigating a transnational drug trafficking organization. This person is Li Jie, who goes by the pseudonym Liu Jian!
It was also the first mission Li Jie accepted after returning to the mainland.

However, when Li Jie came to France to meet Richard according to the instructions of his superiors, he found that Richard had just beaten a suspect to death.

However, Li Jie is also used to seeing people who live and die, and this is a foreign country, and the one who died was a Frenchman.

In order to test Li Jie, Richard took away all his belongings, including the standard guns of the Chinese police, and he even gave Li Jie a slightly popular name-John!
Apart from the money, Li Jie's belongings are only a photo, and the person in the photo is Zheng Qiang.

Li Jie is a person with a cold face and a warm heart. Zheng Qiang avenged him, so he was very grateful to Zheng Qiang, so he left a photo of Zheng Qiang.

At that time Richard was quite surprised and asked Li Jie why there was a picture of a man among his belongings?

Li Jie explained that this person is his idol!

Richard said with a smile: "Don't all Orientals only know how to worship actors? They don't have any beliefs of their own. They are really ignorant. Oh, by the way, shouldn't you still have braids on the back of your head?"

Seeing that Richard compared Zheng Qiang to an idol star, Li Jie smiled and did not speak, but what Richard said later changed Li Jie's face, he slapped Richard hard, and said in a cold tone: "I'm here to talk about cooperation, not to be insulted, so keep your mouth shut and be careful not to let misfortunes come out of your mouth!"

Li Jie's slap was so heavy that the corner of Richard's mouth was bleeding directly. The Contra brothers behind Richard wanted to make a move, but they were stopped by Richard who wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, you have such strength to be my partner, I hope you can live to the end!" Richard said this sentence, although he had a smile on his face, but the smile was very pervasive.

It wasn't until later when the two parties were cooperating that Richard suddenly rushed into the drug dealer's room they were monitoring and killed the drug dealer with Li Jie's gun that Li Jie understood the meaning of Richard's words at that time.

Although Li Jie was wanted by the French police, he would not regret it, because any bloody Chinese would slap him when he heard Richard's words, let alone Li Jie who had been trained by the state for many years.

It was also today when he met Zheng Qiang and fell into Zheng Qiang's hands that Richard realized why Zheng Qiang was Li Jie's idol.

Because Zheng Qiang doesn't follow any routine at all, if you dare to mess with me, I will beat you to death!
Richard knew that if he was not at the gate of the police station, even if he was on the street instead, Zheng Qiang would break his neck to avoid future troubles!

As for the consequences, diplomats, especially members of the visiting delegation, are generally not treated too harshly in their own countries, but although Zheng Qiang has an oriental face, he is actually British!

You must know that there are extradition regulations between Britain and France!

That's why Richard confessed so happily just now.

But letting so many people see his ugly face, Zheng Qiang has been on Richard's must-kill list like Li Jie. What's more, Zheng Qiang may be the person who secretly helped Li Jie.


Besides, after Zheng Qiang, the deputy director of the Paris Police Department and John walked into the police station, Zheng Qiang showed a surprised expression when the deputy director didn't introduce a place.

Zheng Qiang's expression like a bumpkin who came out of Africa made the deputy director feel very proud, even a little proud.

Especially when Zheng Qiang said that the handcuffs of the Paris police station were better than those issued by the British, the deputy director and John were even more satisfied.

Because the French have always been proud of being famous all over the world.

The handcuffs are better than you, how can you compare us with us, Brits!
Taking advantage of the deputy director's satisfaction, Zheng Qiang proposed to learn how to solve crimes from the Paris police. If the Hong Kong staff heard this, his jaw would drop in shock. The majestic Sir Zheng still wants to learn how to solve crimes?

It's simply a joke of the world!
But the arrogant French guy immediately agreed, because they also wanted to show it in front of Zheng Qiang.

Considering that Zheng Qiang and Richard had a good relationship just now, the deputy director sent Richard over and told Richard to take Zheng Qiang with him so that Zheng Qiang could take a good look at how the French police solved the case.

John had some doubts, because he knew that the relationship between Zheng Qiang and Richard was not what it seemed on the surface, but he was just an interpreter for the Paris city government, and his objection was directly ignored.

When Richard heard this, the expression on his face was wonderful, and then he looked at Zheng Qiang with a smile on his face. Who knew that Zheng Qiang would let him fail with a single sentence, "God left, I will trouble you in the future!"

Richard was disgusted as if he had eaten a fly when he heard the words, but he couldn't beat Zheng Qiang, and the deputy director was in front of him again, so he could only bear it.


Chinese Embassy in France.

The Minister of the Interior of France, China's Ambassador Fan and his secretary Yu Feng, and two others are Richard and Zheng Qiang.

Taking advantage of the politeness of both parties, Zheng Qiang was also observing these people in the house.

The Minister of Internal Affairs has a gray beard, but his eyes that can look straight into people's hearts make it clear that this old guy is not a good person to get along with.

Ambassador Fan is a middle-aged man with two beards on his lips. His face looks very kind, and he seems to have a smile on his face all the time.

The only thing that impressed Zheng Qiang the most was his secretary Yu Feng, a vigorous young man in his thirties, with a slashed face, resolute eyes, and self-confidence engraved on his face, which made people know at a glance. This is a man of determination and means.

In the movie Kiss of the Dragon, Yu Feng was the one who argued with Richard in front of Richard, and later risked his life to help Liu Jian.

But he didn't end well, being shot and killed by Richard on the yacht.

Zheng Qiang said in his heart, but since I am here this time, I will definitely help you. After all, you are a rare bloody diplomat who does not disgrace the state!

Perhaps Zheng Qiang's gaze was too sharp, and Yu Feng noticed it.

When Yu Feng looked at Zheng Qiang, Zheng Qiang smiled and stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, I am Zheng Qiang, a policeman from Hong Kong. This time I am visiting France."

Yu Feng was stunned when he heard the name. When he came here, he heard the name Zheng Qiang mentioned by the elders many times, and they seemed to be discussing something that could affect Hong Kong.

But Yu Feng's level is not high enough, so he doesn't know it at all, but he has memorized Zheng Qiang's name a long time ago, and he never expected to meet this legendary Hong Kong policeman who is famous in the mainland in a foreign country!

(End of this chapter)

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