police world

Chapter 551 My Chinese name will be Gousheng from now on!

Chapter 551 My Chinese name will be Gousheng from now on!


Richard roared with a distorted face.

The smile on Zheng Qiang's face gradually turned cold when he heard the words, Ma Dan's, he dared to speak hard, I only deal with all kinds of dissatisfaction!


This is the sound of bone cracking, crisp and beautiful.

Richard still wanted to pretend to be tough, but the pain from his right hand made him unable to control himself at all. His forehead was covered with sweat, and his face was covered with bruises. He was already vicious, but now It's like a ghost walking out of hell!
At the scene in front of the Paris police station, the police inside the police station thought they were under attack, so a dozen of Richard's confidantes rushed out of the police station.

Seeing their eldest brother Richard half-kneeling on the ground in a gesture of proposing marriage, the policemen were furious, drew their guns and surrounded Zheng Qiang.

With more than a dozen guns pointed at his head, John was startled, and immediately shouted: "I am a staff member of the Paris city government, and this is a member of the visiting delegation from Hong Kong. What are you doing? You want to take today's Is it turning into a diplomatic incident?"

"It has really become a diplomatic incident, and your bureau chief may not be able to handle it!"

If it was a normal French policeman, these words from John should probably scare them, but these people say they are policemen, it is better to say that they are private thugs raised by Richard.

After all, Richard has another identity, he is their boss!

So they didn't care about John's intimidation at all, holding the gun firmly, Zheng Qiang believed that they would definitely shoot and blow his head off if they had the chance.

Richard is also a ruthless person. Although his face was still distorted at this time, he said in a sinister tone: "Young man from the East, I admit that I underestimated you, but if you still don't let me go, I guarantee you will never get out of the police station."

Zheng Qiang took Richard's words seriously, because in Kiss of the Dragon, Richard was a frenzied person. He dared to kill anything and anyone. He was almost fearless!

In order to frame the blame, he can use Liu Jian (Dragon Kiss, played by Jet Li) gun to kill the drug lord surnamed Sun and frame Liu Jian.

Later, in order to arrest Liu Jian and get the video tape, he even dared to shoot and kill the staff of the Chinese embassy abroad on the cruise ship, that is, the working secretary of the ambassador to France Fan, which was simply rampant to the extreme.

And Richard is extremely unfriendly to the Chinese.

Also, in order to achieve his goal, he doesn't care about the life and death of his subordinates. It's a miracle that such a person can become a policeman!
Therefore, why does this kind of person leave him in the world!

Zheng Qiang's eyes began to change slowly. Richard, who was originally swearing, suddenly stared at Zheng Qiang's eyes suddenly, and he was shocked. He was very familiar with this kind of eyes, the eyes of looking at the dead.

Thinking of the look in the eyes of the escaped agent Liu Jian when he killed someone, Richard panicked in his heart, and immediately shouted: "Stand back, put down your guns, and disperse, I am with this friend joke!"

Richard's subordinates were all in a state of confusion when they heard the words, are you kidding?Is there such a way of joking?Boss, are you afraid of being beaten?

But frightened by Richard's moody lewdness, they didn't dare to say anything, and immediately put down their guns, not only that, but also scattered.

At this time, John also ran out of the police station and said that he was followed by a middle-aged French man who was the deputy director of the Paris Police Department.

It turned out that John, who had just disappeared, ran to the police station to get rescuers.

It is true that middle-level police officers like Richard can ignore the staff of the city government, but the top executives of the Paris Police Department dare not confront the city government, especially when it comes to diplomatic matters. They are more cautious.

So when he heard that Richard, a grumpy man, had a conflict with the members of the visiting group from Hong Kong, and even drew his gun, the potbellied deputy director immediately ran out, seeing his big belly, it was really embarrassing for him .

However, when they came out, they found that Richard and Zheng Qiang were standing together with a smile, completely missing the aura of tension just now.

John wiped his eyes, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him was real!

The potbellied deputy director next to him also looked at John complainingly, thinking, the people in the city government are just unreliable, they have never seen anything in the world, and they just blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Say it!
Seeing Zheng Qiang and Richard standing shoulder to shoulder, John asked dumbfounded, "Aren't you...are you all right?"

"It's okay, what can we do? Is it my good friend?" Zheng Qiang said with a smile while putting his arms around Richard's shoulders.

The irresistible force from his shoulders made Richard very painful, but compared to death, he still had to grit his teeth and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Zheng, he is my good friend!"

Zheng Qiang was very satisfied with Richard, who knows current affairs. He continued: "In order to show the friendship between the two of us, Mr. Richard also asked me to give him a Chinese name."

"I thought about it for a long time and felt that the name 'Gousheng' is very suitable for Mr. Richard, Dogson, right?"

"Oh, from your expression, it seems that you don't like this name very much, but it's okay, as long as I like it, don't you think so?"

Following Zheng Qiang's words, Richard's shoulders were deformed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Richard couldn't stand it, so he nodded hurriedly and said, "No, Zheng, I really like the name you named, From now on, my Chinese name will be Gousheng!"

At this time, John and the deputy director finally realized that something was wrong. Richard was held hostage by the oriental man, saying that there might be something wrong with the hold-up, and he should have been frightened by the other party.

John was fine, because he didn't know Richard well, but the deputy director was very surprised, because Richard was a rebellious person. Put it in your eyes.

Therefore, it is a pleasure to hear that he can suffer from the deputy director, so the deputy director is very enthusiastic about Zheng Qiang, and directly invites Zheng Qiang to his office.

Zheng Qiang was also willing, but he still said with a smile: "Gou Sheng, I'll go first, see you later."

Richard nodded with an ugly face.

After Zheng Qiang, John, and the deputy director left, a white man behind Richard came over and said in a low voice, "Boss, that's the man in the photo in the wallet of the escaped Chinese agent. He must know about us. Where is the person to be arrested hiding!"

(End of this chapter)

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