police world

Chapter 553 So this matter is ridiculous and confusing!

Chapter 553 So this matter is ridiculous and confusing!

After Yu Feng shook hands with Zheng Qiang, the two stood aside. At this time, Richard said: "As you know, as soon as you informed us of criminal Sun's activities, we immediately started taking action. We identified him the distribution routes of drugs in France."

"Of course, based on the spirit of cooperation, we gladly accepted your proposal to send someone to act with us."

When talking about this, Richard took out a photo, which belonged to Li Jie. He put the photo on the table and said, "Liu Jian, this is the person you sent to help us solve the case."

"Our plan was to arrest Sun when he met his French liaison, but unfortunately we did not recognize Liu Jian."

"This...is the hotel where we are about to launch our operation. Liu Jian has been monitoring Sun from the beginning."

"This photo was taken when he was monitoring Sun with us, but we still can't understand why he suddenly went crazy at that time."

"Then there is a scene that we know. He left the room where Sun was monitored, then knocked down the bodyguard and killed Sun and his daughter-in-law."

After saying this, Richard handed a pistol in an evidence bag to Yu Feng and said, "This is the pistol he used to shoot Sun and his daughter. I think you should know it? This is the Chinese policeman. with a gun, right?"

In front of the conclusive evidence, Yu Feng nodded, after all, there is nothing worth refuting.

Seeing that both Yu Feng and Ambassador Fan nodded, Richard continued: "In order to avoid any mistakes, we also checked his fingerprints on the weapon and confirmed that it was undoubtedly Liu Jian who shot."

"Okay, please check the evidence we found about Liu Jian being suspected of first-degree murder."

Richard closed the box and handed all the evidence to Yu Feng, who took the box expressionlessly.

"We assume that your person is an accomplice who killed Sun to prevent Sun from testifying in court after being arrested, but this is only a hypothesis, and we hope that you can provide us with some background information about him so that we can be more informed. Arrest him quickly to avoid further harm to Paris."

After Richard finished speaking, Yu Feng finally couldn't bear it any longer. He looked directly at Richard and said solemnly: "Comrade Liu Jian is the best among the more than 3000 people in the same batch of training at the police academy." of."

"He was trained at the highest level in martial arts, weapons, policing tactics, etc. He was decorated for bravery on six missions, advanced five times and never failed a mission."

"Another point is that due to the mission, his wife and children were sacrificed. He dedicated everything to his work. He is our best elite."

"So this matter is ridiculous and confusing!" Yu Feng asked sternly.

Because neither Ambassador Fan nor Yu Feng would believe what Richard said, even if it was a single word, they would never believe that Liu Jian would rebel.

Richard's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, but his reaction was also quick, and he immediately said: "You know, sometimes the best are also the most vicious, and it really makes people sad."

Yu Feng showed a confident smile when he heard the words, and then said: "Mr. Minister, Inspector Richard, there is one more thing that I may not have made clear. Before becoming a policeman, Comrade Liu Jian once served in the most elite army in our country. He is good at reconnaissance, assault, sniping, makeup, fighting, and driving various vehicles, even airborne, etc., and he was once the best bomb disposal expert in our army!"

"Comrade Liu Jian's elder brother is in a high position in our country, and his younger brother is also the most outstanding soldier in our country. He once participated in the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. He himself made many military exploits when he joined the army. He once sneaked into the enemy's camp alone. Take off the head of the opponent's top officer, you can call him a killing machine, an existence that exists exclusively for war."

"It's easy to say if he really rebelled, but if someone frames him, I'm afraid Liu Jian's character will never give up. Some people may have to live in fear and shadow."

When Yu Feng said these words, his tone was full of sarcasm about Richard's lame reasons and ridiculous evidence, and he was even silently warning them to be careful.

When Richard didn't react when he heard this, the French Minister of the Interior said solemnly: "Inspector Richard, is there any misunderstanding here?"

When Richard heard this sentence, he felt a chill in his heart. He knew that this was a sign that Mr. Minister did not intend to support him, because according to Yu Feng's thinking, Liu Jian really had no reason to betray the country.

But anyone can retort, only Richard can't, because he was the one who concocted this matter!

Of course, Richard also had some regrets in his heart. If he had known that Liu Jian had such strong abilities and profound background, he might have used another method to deal with Liu Jian, but now it was too late to say anything.

"No, our people saw with their own eyes that Liu Jian killed Sun and that girl." Richard said firmly.

So far, Richard can only go to the dark one way!

At this moment, Zheng Qiang, who had always been a transparent person, suddenly asked: "Mr. Richard, I think there should be surveillance at the scene?"

This is exactly what Yu Feng wanted to ask, so Yu Feng gave Zheng Qiang a grateful look.

Richard heard this and continued: "There is surveillance, but Liu Jian destroyed all the video tapes when he escaped."

Zheng Qiang said "Oh" when he heard it, and his tone was very long.

Yu Feng's heart moved, and he pretended to be curious and asked: "This...Mr. Zheng, did you find anything?"

"I didn't find anything, but I feel that the French police are a bit useless, not as good as our Hong Kong police!"

Richard frowned and said displeasedly: "What do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean? Under the surveillance of a group of policemen, Liu Jian not only killed the subject of surveillance, but was also killed by him back to the surveillance room, destroying the video tape. Is he too strong? Or are you too useless? This is not obvious at a glance. Something? Maybe I shouldn't learn from you, because your ability to solve crimes is really hard to be praised!" Zheng Qiang talked freely regardless of the ugly faces of the minister and Richard.

How could Zheng Qiang let go of such a good opportunity to gain favor?

Didn't you see that Ambassador Fan, Yu Feng, or the staff behind them all showed gratitude to Zheng Qiang?


"What are you? You said that Liu Jian destroyed the video tape, so I would like to ask, you must have more than one monitor to monitor the suspect?" Zheng Qiang continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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