Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 465 Heading to the Competition Site

Chapter 465 Heading to the Competition Site
When Liu Yi came, there were still more than ten minutes before the meeting officially started, but considering that there were many things to discuss, and Liu Yi had already arrived, Zhang Qi and the coach of the team, Li Chonghua, decided to start the meeting earlier.

After Liu Yi came to the conference table and sat down, the rest of the people also took their seats.

As the team's only coach at present, Zhang Qi naturally walked to the front, and started his explanation with the images from the projector. In addition to emphasizing everyone's tactical cooperation, what Zhang Qi will talk about today also includes It is the opponent LGD that we will face in the afternoon game.

There are only a few old strong teams in China, and LGD is one of the strong teams. Even in a certain way, LGD's overall strength is stronger than OMG.

Therefore, it is necessary to make a final summary of LGD's overall strength and style of play before the game.

Their team's seemingly freewheeling style of play often causes many experienced coaches to make mistakes in their judgment. Secondly, the development of LGD is mainly placed on the double C. They are good at giving up development resources to the extremely aggressive double C. Position, the loss of top laner and jungle resources allowed the double C to develop, and then gained the initiative in team battles earlier.

The style of play is very fierce.


Zhang Qi, who was the coach of the im team before, obtained a lot of information about the lgd team from the club when the im team was still a member of the edg club, and had a certain understanding of the irritable team of lgd.

Zhang Qi looked at the image reflected behind him, turned his head to look at the people in front of him, and began to say: "The LGD team can be represented by one sentence, and that is the fast-paced full attack style violent team."

After saying this, Zhang Qi gave everyone a short time to think and take notes, and then continued: "The reason why they say this is because they are good at using the method of wild assistant linkage to put a lot of pressure on the opponent's line. , so as to create wave after wave of favorable opportunities for their mid laners and ADCs. If they can play a wave, they will earn a wave. It has brought them good economic development."

Zhang Qi paused for a while, and began to focus his gaze on the people in front of him. If Liu Yi and the others had any questions and wanted to ask them at this moment, then he could give everyone an answer at this time.

While Zhang Qi was waiting, Shi Weihao, who was sitting at the conference table, was AJ in the top lane position, and raised his hand.

"Coach, I have a question I want to ask." Shi Weihao said.

"Tell me." Zhang Qi responded quickly. Now that the time before the start of the game is getting shorter and shorter, he will give some time for the players to ask questions at each node, while he is responsible for explaining and teaching the players How do we deal with and unravel this situation.

"How should we deal with their wild and auxiliary double tour?" Putting down the pen in his hand, Shi Weihao expressed his doubts.

Hearing Shi Weihao raise this question, the others, including Liu Yi, also put down their pens and waited quietly for Zhang Qi's answer.

Zhang Qi, holding a notepad in his hand, smiled and signaled that Shi Weihao was done, and then began his explanation: "This full attack system naturally has its flaws. If you want to achieve what they want to accomplish, then the jungler It is very important to cooperate with the support. The support leaves the bottom lane, which means that the opponent’s ADC has no protection from the support, and the jungler cooperates with the support. It means that the opponent’s support is lacking.”

"What's more deadly is that the best time for Yesuke Shuangyou to create a chance is 10 minutes ago, and it is a little weak against the enemy's counterattack. Once it is hit exactly behind the team, the position of the double C is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be suppressed by counterattacks."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qi also got excited, and said quickly and clearly: "As long as they use this tactical system, we only need to do a good job of vision on the map, and moreover, communicate within the team frequently. , to remind the disappearance of the enemy on the line, even if you think the opponent has returned to the city, you must remind your teammates to prevent the sudden Gank."

"I have another piece of good news to tell you. LGD's mid laner, Wei Shen, did not play in today's game because of a serious hand injury, so today's LGD's mid laner is another player. They rely on fast-paced violence. The style of play will definitely be damaged, which is good news for us."

A smile appeared on Zhang Qi's not-so-handsome face, and he said in a relaxed tone.

After receiving the news from Zhang Qi, everyone, including Liu Yi, felt quite agitated.

conference room.

The voice of Zhang Qi's explanation and the voices of the team members asking questions came out from time to time, and an hour passed before they knew it. Fortunately, everyone was very conscious of time and ended the meeting when the time was about the same.

Liu Yi closed the notebook in front of him and stood up from his seat.

"Everyone go back to their rooms to pack up the items that need to be brought to the scene. We won't have lunch at the base at noon. In order to save time, I have already ordered lunch at the restaurant next to the venue. Let's just go there." Li Chonghua He stood up and reminded with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Li Chonghua went around the table and walked to Liu Yi's side.

"Okay, let's go get ready." He said with a smile.

"I need more meat, I'm growing my body." Curly stretched his waist and said with a playful smile.

"What kind of body do you have? After a while, your wife will marry you." Curly just passed by Zhang Qi when he finished speaking, and Zhang Qi stretched out his hand and patted him on the back.

After the rest of the people responded, they quickly left the conference room and went to their own rooms to prepare things.

In the blink of an eye, only Liu Yi, Zhang Qi, and Li Chonghua were left in the conference room.

Zhang Qi and Li Chonghua are people who pay more attention to their personal image, so they went to the scene this time and they were dressed very formally. They wore black suits that fit them, and the leather shoes on their feet could be seen to have been carefully wiped. It's clean and shiny without any stains.

Liu Yi walked out of the conference room, looked at the two people who were following him and said, "Dress well, it's good for the image of the team and your own temperament."

"After all, it is the highest-level professional competition in China. Considering that the team itself is newly promoted, our clothes should be more mature and stable." Li Chonghua, who was walking beside Liu Yi, said slowly.

Hearing Li Chonghua's answer, Liu Yi smiled and stopped talking, and then motioned for the two to wait for others in the lobby first, and then walked towards his room. The base has a large area, so Liu Yi also has a room here of.

Putting on the handsome and tidy team uniform, Liu Yi's whole mental outlook has taken on a new look.

When they came out of the room and returned to the living room after changing their clothes, the other team members who had already changed their uniforms had also come out one after another. When the last team members also rushed over, everyone pushed open the door of the hall and left. go out.

Two black Audi cars have been driven out of the base's garage by the driver.

Master Audience: It’s an update today, I apologize to the book friends, it will be updated normally tomorrow, please recommend tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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