Douyu Top Streamer

Chapter 466 Miss arrives at the scene

Chapter 466 Miss arrives at the scene

The sky that was about to rain became more and more gloomy, and the nearby residents had already taken back their clothes that had been drying on the balcony to their rooms, lest the rain that might fall at any time would wet their clothes that were drying outside.

"Hey, what do you think those people are doing standing there? It's about to rain, and they're still standing there."

"Who knows, but I heard from my children that the base of a professional team is in that building over there. I don't know if it has something to do with it."

"It's really idle."

"Who said it wasn't."

After two middle-aged aunts carrying vegetable baskets passed by the gate of the base, they turned around and looked at the young people standing near the base and chatted curiously. Don't make them curious.

As the two aunts carrying the food basket walked further and further away, some young people standing nearby also felt a little embarrassed, and went to the nearby convenience store or restaurant with their companions to pretend to buy things to ease the embarrassment. There were also some young people who opened the car doors and sat in the car to wait, and the entrance of the base suddenly became much quieter.

"If you want me to say that we all go directly to the scene and wait, what's the point of waiting here." A young man wearing glasses got into the car and said to his friends with some dissatisfaction.

"Is it the leader's die-hard fan? Besides, we are students of Jiaotong University, and we won't come here once in a long time like others. This time it happens to be raining. Let's wait for the leader and the others here. If we have been sent to the scene , Then tell yourself, can you impress the leader?" The young man sitting in the driver's seat smiled disdainfully and said to his friend.

"That's right, if you get to know each other well, then you don't need as many photos and signatures of the leader in the future. You don't have too many opportunities to cheat with the girls in the group, hahaha." The man with eyes seems to have seen himself The scene of taking turns with many sister papers made me laugh out loud.

"Hey, stop laughing, the leader and the others are here!"

Just when this man was about to laugh, he suddenly saw two black Audi cars slowly driving out of the IM base and parked in the courtyard. Looking at the two cars parked in the courtyard.

Under the watchful eyes of him and others, the door inside the base was finally opened, and several young men in handsome team uniforms appeared in their eyes.

Seeing Liu Yi, Xiao Xiao and others appearing close at hand, many young people near the base involuntarily walked out from various places, looking at Liu Yi and others with suppressed smiles on their faces.

The calm before the storm.
When he just pushed open the door in the living room and walked out of the base, what caught Liu Yi's eyes was this scene that made his scalp tingle. Facing these fans waiting at the door, Liu Yi's first thought was to quickly move They calmed down, what happened when they came to Shanghai for the first time and went to the EDG base was still vivid in their minds.

"Master, can you take a picture with me!"

"Boss, I've been chasing you since you first started broadcasting!"

"I'm the house manager, boss, let's take a photo together!"

"Don't make any trouble, okay? The game will start soon. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it when you come back!"

Subconsciously looked at the two sides, what made Liu Yi speechless was that this time they smiled when facing the fans, and their performance was almost the same as that of Ming Kai and the others last time. Yi kept a little distance.

But fortunately, perhaps because there are more students, although this time it was quite noisy, compared with the previous incidents, the reaction of fans this time was much lower, and some fans even took the initiative to persuade Stop yelling at those around you.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Chonghua, as the manager, naturally had to stand up and solve it. Otherwise, if the game was really delayed because of fans, it would definitely be a stain on his resume.

Thinking of this, Li Chonghua took a few steps forward and said loudly to the fans outside the base: "Everyone, don't worry, we still have a game today, so we don't have enough time. I hope everyone can wait until today's game is over, Ask us to take a group photo, and we will definitely not refuse when the time comes.”


Liu Yi nodded slightly, satisfied with Li Chonghua's move.

But looking at the fans who were still a little messy in front of him, Liu Yi also walked to the front, smiled and said to the fans: "Manager Li is right, we are really in a hurry now, if you want to take a photo with us, please wait for today's If you come to us after the game, you will definitely not refuse."

In fact.

Most of the fans who were able to come here came here for Liu Yi. They said so after seeing their idols, and the fans gradually calmed down.They are all highly educated people, and they naturally understand the truth, so they gave up their positions one after another.

next to the crowd.

I saw the man who was sitting in the car talking just now smiled proudly, and said to the man with glasses, "How about it, I'll just say this is fine. Hehe, we are students of Jiaotong University. It's not when we want to come here in the future." Come!"

The man with glasses is full of praise for his friend's wit.

Thinking of coming to IM's base every now and then, taking photos with Liu Yi and posting them on the Internet, the two couldn't help laughing out loud, causing everyone around them to think they were sick , frowning and moved away from the two of them.

After Liu Yi saw that the fans had been persuaded, he called the team members standing in place to get on the bus quickly.

The two Audis easily carried all the team members on board and galloped towards the competition site. What surprised Liu Yi and others was that many fans at the gate of the base came by car. Liu Yi and the others drove to the scene, and they all followed suit.

Hongqiao Tiandi Performing Arts Center.

Although it is said that the first act of the summer game has passed, due to the large population in the country, there are still a lot of spectators who are very enthusiastic about the game. The crowd made the huge scene lively, Almost tens of thousands of seats will be filled again.

The first to enter the scene were the spectators watching the game. However, when the game was about to start, many professional teams, former professional players, and commentators arrived at the scene one after another.

Due to the large number of spectators who came to the scene, for the sake of safety, the on-site staff and professional teams entered the scene through specially opened passages. After entering the scene, these people went straight to their jobs to prepare for the upcoming The game is ready.


Surprisingly, when almost all the guests had arrived, under the straightened eyes of the security guards guarding the passage, a lovely girl with a good temperament entered the VIP passage again.


PS: still available today.

(End of this chapter)

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