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Chapter 464 Ready to go

Chapter 464 Ready to go
After thinking about how to deal with this matter, Liu Yi got up and went back to the bedroom to sleep.

So many netizens calling for the all-China class is not just talking about it, but it really has a need for its existence. If you want to reach the peak of professional competition, it is impossible to reach the end by relying on a team with poor communication between players.

May 29st.

Dark clouds appeared in the rainy Shanghai sky again, making the sunny morning a bit gloomy. People who were about to go out to work muttered and expressed their dissatisfaction while preparing umbrellas, preparing for the heavy rain that might fall at any time.


Some people are not affected by the upcoming rainy weather, that is, e-sports fans who rushed to Shanghai to watch professional games from all over the country. They rushed to the scene in groups or in pairs. The match on No. 29 will not be played until the afternoon, so the venue has not opened in advance.

Audiences who already knew that the venue would not be open all found an Internet cafe nearby, happily started the game with their friends, and waited with excitement for the start of the game in the afternoon, waiting to witness whether their favorite team can play a new good game. score.

at the same time.

Liu Yi, who was woken up by the alarm clock, opened his sleepy eyes, reached out to pick up the mobile phone next to him, and waited until he saw that the time on it was eight o'clock, and then sat up from the warm bed. Then turn off the alarm clock and start to get up.

When Liu Yi was almost dressed, Wang Yan opened the bedroom door and walked in. When she saw that Liu Yi was already dressed, she smiled and said, "Wake up, I just made breakfast and said I'll call you. "

Liu Yi put on his shoes, went to Wang Yan's side, pinched Wang Yan's fair face, and said with a smile, "It's hard work for you to wake up so early, I'll go wash up first, and I'm going to the base later .”

Gently kissing Wang Yan's forehead, Liu Yi walked towards the bathroom.

About half an hour later, Liu Yi put down the bowl in his hand, picked up a paper towel next to him and wiped the food stains from the corner of his mouth, and let Wang Yan rest in the living room, while he went to the kitchen to clean the pots and bowls.

By the time everything was done, it was already nine o'clock.

Liu Yi walked into the living room, looked at Wang Yan and asked, "Are you going to watch the match today?"

Wang Yan shook her head and said, "I'm not going, I'll sort out the materials at home today."

Liu Yi nodded and said to pay attention to his body.

What Wang Yan said, Liu Yi naturally knew what it meant. It was time to start preparations for the real estate in Zhengzhou. Many people in the company, including Lin Wei who stayed in Zhengzhou, were paying attention to this matter. Many materials had already been prepared. After sending it over, we need to review it here to make a decision.

Liu Yi's time is not enough, but fortunately Wang Yan is there to help share the worries.

With Wang Yan's help, Liu Yi can save a lot of time to do other things. To be able to entrust such an important matter to Wang Yan's hands, Liu Yi naturally has enough confidence in Wang Yan's strength.

After chatting with Wang Yan for a few words, Liu Yi walked out of the house.

It's already nine o'clock, and there are still two hours before the time agreed with everyone in the base. After getting out of the elevator, Liu Yi went straight to the parking lot, and drove out the Mercedes-Benz S65AMG parked in the underground garage. A black Audi A8 is left in the garage for Wang Yan for Wang Yan to use.

It was already past the rush hour for work at nine o'clock, so Liu Yi didn't encounter too much traffic jam on the road. It didn't take too long to arrive at Cangyuan Road, Minhang District, and sat in the driver's seat of the car. On the ground, Liu Yi can see the tall sign in the base from a distance.


The red and white logo looks conspicuous and at the same time makes people feel extra domineering.

When he was about to reach the building of the base, Liu Yi couldn't help but shook his head, and then drove the car to the other side, and saw many young people in fashionable clothes standing in front of the gate of the base. The reason here is not difficult to guess. When they knew that the IM team base of the fierce team that defeated OMG was here, the students of Jiaotong University and the young people nearby were naturally very happy.

Smiling curly hair, leader and Gogoing are all popular professional stars in China. Many young people who love League of Legends regard this place as a paradise. They like to come here for a walk and turn when they have nothing to do, hoping to see The idols I support.

Even the houses here are mostly rented by IM supporters.

After all, Jiaotong University is located nearby, and many college students who live outside set their sights on renting houses here, so the vacant houses here are all rented out in a short period of time.

Go around to the back door.

Liu Yi parked the car far away, then just put on a mask and walked to the back door of the base. Under the watchful eyes of a few young people, he walked to the back door of the base, took out the key, opened it and walked in.

"Is that the priest?"

"I look like."

After seeing this scene, two college students who had just surfed the Internet from a nearby Internet cafe and were about to go back to school, asked their friends around them suspiciously. After getting a plausible answer, their faces showed regret. You know, If you can take a photo with the leader, you can pass it on to your circle of friends and compare it.

In the base, Xiao Xiao and others, who are supported by countless fans, are sitting honestly in the meeting room, while Zhang Qi, the team's current assistant coach and the only corner, is at the front holding a notebook and explaining What.

When Liu Yi returned to the base, what he saw was this scene.

Seeing the team members who were listening to Zhang Qi's explanation seriously, Liu Yi smiled. There is no doubt that he likes a team with this kind of style very much. Even if he knows his own strength is very good, he will put his heart into it To learn knowledge that will make you stronger is an attitude towards life that Liu Yi appreciates very much.

Zhang Qi was the first to notice Liu Yi's arrival.

In fact, the door of the meeting room was slightly opened, and the people inside could be heard clearly. The person who will come to the base at this time cannot be the cleaning lady, but their boss and teammate. , Liu Yi is a senior official.

"Good morning everyone." Seeing that everyone turned their heads, Liu Yi walked in with a smile.

"I'm sorry I came late for a while, and I'm here to say sorry to everyone. We're going to the game site in a while. I hope everyone can listen carefully to Coach Zhang's explanation before departure, and at the same time Adjust your mental state." Liu Yi said in a somewhat formal tone after sitting down.

"Hmm." Smile, Curly and others responded.

(End of this chapter)

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