Chapter 639
"You're too cunning!" Kim laughed and retreated.

Xika couldn't laugh or cry: "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone ran wildly.

Monks and drow are in hot pursuit.

Seeing that they were getting closer and closer to Xika, the monk suddenly stopped: "Don't chase, let's retreat!"

He quickly turned and left with the drow.

When Sika and the others were still wondering why the other party suddenly evacuated, a group of people on war horses galloped towards them.

"It's Freya!" the male magician shouted.

Xika looked at Freya, not only Freya came, but Sandor also came.He also brought many knights with him.

Sandel jumped off the horse and snorted: "They can run fast."

"Go back and leave the rest to us. You have done a great job," Sandor confessed.

Xika nodded, but found that Kim had already disappeared: "Where is Kim?"

"He said he was thirsty, so he ordered something." The male magician said.

For Kim, Sika really didn't have much to say.

The rewarded points will be actively recorded in the personal information.

Then everyone returned to the academy, and the matter of the rich businessman was handed over to the academy.

Two weeks after this incident, the college handed the six people a letter and gifts.

There is not much difference in the content of the six letters, and they are basically thank you.

The gift surprised Sika a bit. It was a space ring with a capacity of one cubic meter, enough to serve as a locker.

The space ring allows the magician to carry more magic stones, making it easier to use magic.

In Waterdeep City, space rings are not circulating items, so they are very rare.

Sika went through another two months of study, and still accepts points tasks from time to time.

Finally ushered in, the first-order magician assessment.

Many first-order magic members gathered in the compound, excited and nervous.

This means a lot to everyone.

Only a small number of people looked calm and unmoved.

There is a fountain in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by four statues.

The four statues represent the four professions, magician, archer, knight, and barbarian.

The magician held up his wand, the archer held up his bow and arrow, the knight held up his long sword, and the barbarian held up his great axe.

The four weapons are intertwined together, very imposing.

Many magician members talked a lot.

"I heard that less than half of the people advanced last year."

"Not even half of it, it's unbelievable."

"I thought it would be enough to pass the magic intelligence test yesterday."

"You have such a beautiful idea. If this is the case, wouldn't there be magicians all over the street."

While everyone was chatting, the four stone statues spoke, and some people were taken aback.

With one voice, the stone statue spoke.

"You will enter the Misty Forest, where a beautiful village is occupied by werewolves."

"You need to repel the werewolves and obtain 10 wolf cores before you can judge that this promotion is qualified."

"Secondly, the number of wolf cores determines your ranking, and is converted into points to reward you."

"The top three can directly exchange points for one thing you want unconditionally."

"Come on, I look forward to your triumphant return. The horses have been prepared at the entrance of the academy, and the number is limited."

"If you don't grab it, you can only choose to walk..."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone rushed out!

Xika also rushed out without hesitation, unconditionally choosing a point item, which is very tempting for everyone.

"That horse is mine!"

It was because of the horse, and a dispute occurred.Sika did not grab the front horse.Instead, go around.

Prancing away quickly.

Wanting to win the top three, Xika doesn't know the strength of the others, so he can't guarantee it.

But a crew who doesn't want to be a captain is not a good crew.

Sika also wants to try to compete for the top three, even if it fails, it will not leave regrets.

The war horse galloped all the way, and the road of Waterdeep City had long been memorized by heart.

A gust of wind passed by, and Xika looked up slightly on the horse: "It's Freya."

As an elf, Freya perfectly upholds the beauty of the elves.

Elves usually have very good facial features, about five to six feet.Unlike the human race, the human race is generally taller in males and shorter in females.

As for the height of the elves, the difference between men and women is almost the same.The male is slightly taller at most.

Xika felt that Freya had a good chance of entering the top three, and she ranked first in both the actual combat test and the theoretical test.

Coupled with the affinity of the dual mysteries and magic, it made her far ahead of her peers.In addition, she has the status of an elf noble.

So much so that she has countless auras shining on her body, becoming the existence expected by many male magicians.

Xika didn't have much contact with Freya, one time was when she first joined the Magic Association, and the other time was a mission more than two months ago.

In addition, the two did not even have the chance to meet and say hello.Even if they met, Freya would not say hello.

Sika will not put a hot face on a cold butt, just to make fun of herself.

Running all the way, Xika got off the horse, tied the reins, and entered the foggy forest.

The foggy forest is a magical place. The fog is not only lumpy, but also regional.

In other words, there may be fog on the left side, but not necessarily on the right side.

If you can't see clearly from the left perspective, you will find that you can see it from the right.Some places are visible, some places are not.

"Help me!" Xika suddenly heard shouts!

Sika looked in the direction of the sound.

is the tree.

He saw a young man wearing magic robes hanging from a tree.

Xika didn't save him right away, but looked around to make sure there was no danger before asking, "Why are you on the tree?"

The young man pointed down: "There is a trap. If it wasn't made by a hunter, it was made by a werewolf. I didn't see it clearly just now, so I accidentally stepped on it."

Hearing this, Xika took a closer look, only to find that there was a strange thing on the ground.It's hard to spot if you're not careful.

Xika took out a dagger from himself, climbed up the tree, grasped the dagger in his hand, and swung it fiercely.

It fell down hard.

"Thank you." Although the young man fell down, he still expressed his feelings towards Sika.

"My name is Valson Brando, you can just call me Brando." The young man introduced himself.

Sika looked at him: "You can just call me Sika. I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Wait!" Brando yelled.

Xika looked at him suspiciously: "What's the matter?"

"Why don't we form a team together? I guess there will be many people forming a team this time. After all, the strength of a team is much stronger than that of an individual, and I still have more." Brando didn't finish speaking, but saw Sika Left.

A curved smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "I believe you will cooperate with me."

Xika did leave, not for anything else, the team was indeed efficient.But it is still impossible for Xika to hand over her back to someone she is not familiar with.

If you really want to form a team, wait and see what the situation is saying.

"Get down!" Xika heard a warning from behind, and took a quick look!
(End of this chapter)

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