Unlimited Supreme Live Streaming System

Chapter 638 Holy Light Healing

Chapter 638 Holy Light Healing
At this moment, everyone ran out of the secret room.

"Be careful, they won't all go out." Kim knew that the other party was not stupid.

Some people chase after it, and some people will definitely stay.

So the previous four days were people who paid attention to each area through the perspective of the mouse.

Therefore, the seven deliberately avoided the previously detected area.

"Let's go through the side door. There is a hidden door over there," Pattaya said.

Xika was vigilant around her surroundings and started to evacuate at the same time.

"There should be four archers on this jump. We must hit them with one strike." Kim ordered.

Freya picked up the bow and arrow, poured a stream of ice into it, and the other two directly launched an offensive!



One arrow pierces 2 people!
The other two made no mistakes either.

Very thrilling now.

People kept evacuating.

Launch an offensive with limited magic.There is no room for error.The error tolerance rate is extremely low.Everyone is tense on that string, for fear of failure.

Be careful all the way, and finally come to the side door.

The side door is in some bushes in the back garden and is equipped with a small key.

Obviously, the owner of this villa had a lot of things in mind when building this house.

The specific reason is probably related to what he sells and the business model.

Just as everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they found a figure not far away who noticed the movement here.

"Run!" said the male magician.

Xika took a deep breath: "Ball of Illusion! One ring!"

The magic is quickly chanted directly from Sika's spellbook.

A black and terrifying energy ball condensed in the air, and after adding a ring to attack, it expanded rapidly!
The figure stepped back quickly, the magical destructive power of the added ring was amazing, and he didn't dare to collide directly.

As a first-order magician, you can only release one ring at most once.

If you want to release again, you have to wait until the next day.

The man wanted to avoid them, but he couldn't avoid them all.

"Damn it. One ring! Flames!" The man breathed out fire!
Fire and darkness collide.

Xika and the others quickly turned around and did not stay here.

The man fired a signal smoke into the sky and quickly followed Sika.

"I'll keep him! You take her and evacuate." Kim stopped where he was and took a deep breath.

Xika glanced at the collision just now, and it is likely that the other party is also a second-order: "It's too dangerous, let's go together. And they have helpers."

"It should be the monk, you go first. I have a way to evacuate." Kim chanted magic.

The whole body became golden, and the body began to rise.

From dwarf to human height to a nine foot man.

It's as tall as one and a half people.Two strange axes appear in the hand, and the ax depicts
"What kind of power is this?" Xika was surprised.

Freya said coldly: "This should be the possession of the hill and mountain god in witchcraft. But I'm not sure yet."

Only then did Xika suddenly realize that this was a kind of possession magic.

"Let's go first." Xika and others withdrew.

The monk rushed forward with a stride.

Kim's voice was a little hoarse: "You can't make it through."

The monk frowned: "Then I will kill you!"

The two quickly fought together, and Kim's movements were not inferior to the monk.

With an archer following from behind, Kim was completely immune to bows and arrows.

Those bows and arrows were shot at him, and all of them fell directly to the ground.

"Remote immunity?" The monk realized the problem.

This is also one of the reasons why Kim is unwilling to completely eliminate that power. With this, he can engage in close combat more unscrupulously.

The monk twisted his neck and unwrapped the bandages around his knees.

A heavy piece of metal fell directly to the ground.

"You have successfully angered me, I don't have time to waste with you." The monk rushed over and aimed his leg directly at Kim's neck!
Kim picked up the ax and struck it.

Immediately afterwards, Kim found that the opponent's leg turned into metal and hit Kim hard on the neck.

Kim's face turned pale: "You are not an ordinary Tier [-] monk."

"It's too late for you to know. It's still some time before I can advance to the third level. You magicians are terrible at a long range. But at close range, I don't think I will lose to you." The monk kicked again, from The action of kicking directly from above!
It looks like jumping in the air, raising your legs high and then pressing down suddenly.

Kim gasped for breath.

After hesitating for a while, when Kim was about to move again, a voice came out.

"I'm here to accompany you!" Xika stood here directly.

There are two male wizards beside him.

In the end, all the male magicians gathered here, a total of four people.Freya evacuated with the daughter of a wealthy businessman and sought help from the academy.

Sika chanted: "The Elements Call!"

Suddenly, a force appeared from the magic book, directly summoning a dark element.

The dark element wore iron chains and shot towards the archer with fierce eyes.

The archers gathered by the drow elves waved and shot arrows.

call out!call out!call out!
Arrows flew past.The dark element's blood volume dropped sharply.

Xika seized the opportunity, and a fireball flew out!

Hit a drow.

The drow quickly backed away!

Blown away by the wind brought out by the flames, but did not die.

"It's a pity." Sika has used three of the four spells.

There is another one that obviously cannot be completed immediately.

"No! There is a chance!" Xika realized that now that Kim is fighting, she can heal him continuously!
"I can also heal, so don't worry about fighting." Xika said to Kim.

Kim was taken aback: "What is your affinity?"

"Don't worry, the effect is not bad." Xika said vaguely.

Kim let go to fight.

At the same time, Sika began to chant magic, which was her last magic.

Kim's possessed state doesn't really last for a long time, so after reaching a certain level, it will return to its original state.

Now everyone is holding on to the arrival of the academy.

The monk found that Kim looked more ferocious after having the healing technique.

It's a change of mind.

The monk was covered in cuts and bruises, but Kim didn't have many.

Quickly healed by Sika.

Holy Light Healing is equivalent to saving the amount of healing. When the amount of healing is exhausted, the magic will be completely over.

However, at this time.

Kim's power gradually faded, and he became a dwarf again.

"Go!" Kim yelled.

The monk wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

He chased Kim again!

Xika shouted: "One Ring! The Ball of Illusion!"

The monk quickly blocked it, put his arms in front of his eyes, and made a defensive state.After releasing a ring, the power of magic will increase a lot.

Therefore, mages are usually very lethal.

"Suk Shield!" The monk cast a spell, and a metal shield quickly appeared in front of him, ready to block it.

However, it took a while.

Still no movement.

Monk: "."

Damn, I was tricked!
Where did the magic come from!

Not at all!

(End of this chapter)

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