Chapter 637 Witchcraft
The girl was taken aback: "Is it an orc?"

Everyone looked at the girl, obviously, she should know something.

"Can you tell me what you know?" Freya knelt down and looked at the child's eyes.

The girl sat down and gradually told what she knew.

Her father was a businessman in the City of the Dead, but she didn't know exactly what he did.Because her father never let her interfere.

Said that she is still young, she will know later.Knowing now is too early to do any good.

The only thing she could see was that the businessmen her father had come and gone with included orc aristocrats, undead tribes, and some drow elves.

Among them, dealing with drow elves is very frequent.

Once, she saw her father take out a ring and hand it to the drow man.

At that time, there were some half-orcs and orcs accompanying the drow elves.

Orcs are usually difficult to get along with orcs, but this time there are indeed three groups of forces coming here together.

After they left, her father told her that he had made such a fortune that he could even buy a castle.

But just to be on the safe side, my father took out a metal Rubik's cube: "Keep this thing safe for me."

"In case they don't keep their promise, hide it. Take this Rubik's Cube to Duke Elinson."

"He'll know everything and help out."

Pattaya told the matter to Sika and others, and Sika fell silent one by one.

The complexity of this matter is far beyond what they can accomplish.

Sika said: "Let's do this. We will send you back to our Holy Academy and leave it to them. They are strong enough to protect you."

Pattaya nodded.

Xika didn't act blindly, she was very clear about how much she weighed.

"It's dangerous for us to go out now." Xika knew there must be someone outside.

If you go out, you will definitely die.

Freya glanced at her: "How much food is there?"

She said: "It should be enough for me to eat for a year or two."

Everyone: " much food."

There are six people in Xika's team including her, seven people.

It's enough to last for a while, the question is whether the other party will find this place.

Kim said, "I have a way to distract them."

Everyone looked at Kim.

"But... you have to catch me a mouse," Kim demanded.

Everyone: "...where can I get you a mouse. And what can a mouse do?"

Kim twirled his mustache: "Don't forget, I'm a second-tier magician."

Freya took out the magic spar: "I know the first-level fragrance charm technique, so I should be able to attract nearby mice."

"But I won't touch those dirty mice." She said her bottom line coldly.

The other girl also stepped back directly: "Me too."

The four men looked at each other.

Kim took the initiative and said, "Forget it, as long as you can lure him out, I'll catch him."

He is not afraid of getting dirty and tired, and he is not so delicate.Big wind and big waves, nothing seen.Don't you just catch a mouse?
"I'll catch him too," Sika said.

Everyone was too embarrassed to say anything else.

Freya chanted the spell, and everyone smelled a very fragrant smell.


Everyone in this secret passage can breathe, so naturally there are hidden vents.

Under Freya's singing, the fragrance floated towards the sewer.

Soon one after another mice came smelling the fragrance.

Kim swooped down and caught one.

Take out the Philosopher's Stone and sing.

The mouse's eye color changes somewhat.

After about an hour, the mouse's eyes became dark red, like rubies.

"Okay." Kim was done and let the mouse go.

He chanted magic, and a projection appeared in the air, which was exactly the perspective seen by the mouse.

Freya's eyes turned cold: "You are witchcraft. No wonder you are unwilling to clear that personality, you are greedy for this kind of magic."

Witchcraft is a branch of magic that represents evil power, just like drow elves branched out from elves also represent evil.

Its scary thing is that it can take everything and take away the opponent's body.Even control the other party to do some evil things.

Kim couldn't deny it: "You can indeed say that I am greedy for this power. But you have to understand that there is no evil in power."

"Those who use power are evil. How many years have I been adrift with the crew at sea."

"You noble children, how can you understand our difficulties?"

Kim pointed at Sika: "Look at him, I don't believe it. As a half-elf, he hasn't suffered any injustice in the elves!"

He didn't like the kind of life that was tied up, and these nobles couldn't understand his poverty.

Xika didn't speak. It is true that half-elves are not welcome among the elves, so there are childhood elves.

The elves are a gregarious race and rarely walk alone.

The elves don't hate humans, and even think people are very smart.They think, they learn, they create.

Humans can only live for a hundred years, but they can quickly absorb the experience of their predecessors and create civilization.

However, human beings are also very ambitious, and wars will always break out.Instead of pursuing the spiritual level.

Although some people have understood peace and spirit.But in the eyes of the elves, there are not many such people.

Therefore, the elves are not willing to have children with the human race, so Sika left the elves early.

Because everyone's values ​​conflicted greatly, Freya didn't want to say anything more, and coldly snorted: "It's up to you."

"When you can't control this force, you will regret it." After she finished speaking, she didn't say any more.

Kim chanted a magic spell, and the rats entered the sewers.

In the dark viewing angle, the mouse can be seen clearly like a red finger scanning image.

Humans and other races can see with a 60-foot field of view in bright light.

It was pitch dark, and the humans were about the same as blind people.Slightly bright and dark, you can only see nearby areas
Other races are generally invisible in darkness.There are exceptions for some races.

However, something special is that non-human races have dark night vision in dimly lit and dark environments.

Able to see twenty or thirty feet into the dark.

Everyone spent four days here, and the rats walked around the villa to determine the number of enemies in the villa area.

After the mouse came out, it had already stopped by the gate, and could see many drow elves with dark skin holding bows and arrows around.

In front is a man with his chest bared, a gourd hanging from his waist, and bandages wrapped around his hands.

Rats are common in the City of the Dead, so they don't cause alarm.

Kim chanted magic and had been preparing for four days.For four days, the enemy showed no intention of leaving.

It seems to be exhausted to the end.If this continues, I'm really worried that the other party will find out here.

"Everyone will shout together later, and the rats will spread the word. After attracting them out, everyone runs away." Kim said and the others nodded.

Everyone shouted together, and the sound came from the mouse's body.Many archers rushed out as if they had spotted the target.

"The opportunity is here!" Kim's eyes lit up!
(End of this chapter)

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