Chapter 636 Pattaya

The male magician was a little surprised and was about to go in, but he didn't expect it to be a hidden compartment.

These designs are too ingenious!

However, the male magician did not wait to enter.

Xika said, "Don't go in!"

"What's wrong?" The male magician froze and turned to look at Sika.

Sika picked up a book from the bookshelf and threw it directly into the secret passage.

call out!call out!call out!
Arrows shot directly into the dark passage from the left and right sides.

"This..." The male magician was taken aback. If he rushed in rashly just now, he might have been shot through.

Xika pondered: "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought."

"If my guess is correct, every room has such a mechanism. It is likely that there is no mechanism, and it is the place we really need to find." Xika speculated, but he was not fully sure of this conjecture.

There are two layout types of organs, one is the activation type, and the other is the ambush type.

The type of ambush is to set up a real and false secret door. If you are not careful, you will be killed by the mechanism in the secret door.

The activated mechanism is that after a person enters it, the owner activates the mechanism.

Protect against intruders.

Basically these two types cover the essence of most organs.

"Let's try each room. I can't determine what type of mechanism it is now." Sika told them her thoughts.

They looked at Sika and felt that Sika was really special, and that being a half-elf was really amazing.

Mixed races, no matter where they are, most of them will not be recognized by their peers.

This is a big value of the whole world.

Although some people will not have such a mentality, but this is from a comprehensive perspective.

"Let's try each room." Sika suggested.

The two feel that this is indeed more appropriate now.

Three people try one house at a time.

It is true that each bookshelf has a book that can be pushed back, and the texture is a little different.

Finally, in a room on the second floor, everyone discovered a secret passage without a mechanism!
"Go and call Freya and the others." Xika felt that the five of them were safer and gathered together.

To act separately is to improve efficiency, and to act in combination is to get together. Strength is about safety.

"We have found a channel." The male magician was a bit showing off. In human nature, men always like to show something in front of women.

The most obvious in the animal world, for example, orangutans will show off everything they have when they mate.

Freya glanced at Sika, but didn't say much.

"Take some small things and put them forward. If there is any mechanism, you can predict it in advance." Xika suggested that everyone take some things just in case.


"Someone came in!?" The female magician was shocked!
"Go in quickly!" Close the secret door!

After everyone went in, there was a push-pull lever, pull it.

The secret door is closed directly.

The other hidden doors were also closed when they entered.The switch way is to pull that book back.

So there is an agency, so naturally I didn't go in.

"We shouldn't be able to find us in a short time." Xika knew that he had to hurry up.

The voice just now was a pre-arranged magic, he could hear it, and the other party could hear it too.

Freya said: "Don't go yet. Wait for me."

She began to chant magic, took out a bottle of blue liquid in her hand, and poured it into the ground.

"Magic liquid." Sika recognized this thing and said it in the process of studying in the academy.

It's something that restores mana quickly as well as using magic.

It needs to be extracted, and there are cheap and high-quality ones on the get what you pay for.

"Light Art!" A ray of light appeared in Freya's hand.

This is able to see the light in the dark environment.

Doesn't do any harm, but serves a very important role in this environment.

With the darkness in the light in her hand, this passage became much clearer.

"There are a lot of words written next to it." Xika saw some words.

Everyone looked carefully, but found that it was a kind of text that they could not understand.

"This is not our script, it should be the orc script." Freya speculated.

For reasons they couldn't understand, everyone moved forward.

Listen carefully, it seems to hear the sound of clicking.

A bit infiltrating.

The girl took the initiative to walk behind Freya. Compared to her, Freya looked very natural.

Not the slightest bit of fear.

Finally, everyone came to a large secret room.

"There's a lot of food here." Yile, the male magician, was already a little hungry after being here for so long.

Lots of treats, including cookies.

Put directly in mouth and swallow.

Sika stretched out her hand: "Wait."

The male magician was stunned for a moment, and then his face became a little unnatural: "It must be poisonous. Then I am miserable, I ate it, and I have already swallowed it."

He didn't think much, and only now reacted.

Sika couldn't help but smile helplessly: "I don't know if it's poisonous or not. But what I mean is, someone is eating it here."

"Look at the pile of food next to it. This bag has just been opened. And there are still some scattered on the ground."

"Judging from the traces of tearing the package, some animals without intelligence can be ruled out." Xika was really powerless to complain.

He is so reckless.

But that's right, unlike me, they left the elves at a very young age and wandered outside.

Although he has little combat experience, he still has plenty of life experience.

"Look for it and see if you can find anyone." Sika felt that there should be a living person here.

Everyone looked around.

Rely on the light spell.

Six people searched for it.Still not found.

"Maybe we are thinking too much. We should go." Xika sat down.

The male magician said: "Probably not. The biscuits I ate just now were quite crispy. After a long time, the air has moisture. This thing will be cloudy."

Sika felt the stool move.

This is a boxy stool.

Sika lifted the stool straight up.

Below is a little girl.

Different from ordinary people, the little girl's eyes are cat's eyes.

"Catwoman?" Sika directly thought of this, but it is obvious that the identity of the human race should occupy more.

The girl looked at several people in horror: "Don't kill me, I don't know anything."

"Are you Pattaya?" Sika asked.

The girl was taken aback for a moment, stepped back a few steps, and said nothing.

Sika said, "Look, we are magicians. Your father is Bart. Am I right?"

Seeing that the girl still didn't believe it, Xika said, "If you don't believe me, I can put the magic book aside. We are entrusted by your housekeeper to find you."

The girl is very vigilant, no matter what Sika says, she just doesn't believe it.

Freya took out a copper plate from inside her clothes: "Do you still recognize this? The token your housekeeper gave me. You should know it."

The girl hesitated, and looked at Freya: "Did you really call from the housekeeper?"

"Well, yes." Freya said.

The girl was dubious: "Then are you here to rescue me now? Can I go out now?"

"Not yet. When we came in just now, some people should have come in. They are probably searching for us now." Freya looked at the way she came.

(End of this chapter)

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