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Chapter 640 Undead Skeleton

Chapter 640 Undead Skeleton
An arrow shot directly in his direction.

Xika's pupils shrank, she quickly lowered her head, and the bow and arrow whizzed past directly above her head.


Hit an invisible spot in the fog zone.

"It's Freya!?" Xika recognized her.

She walked towards the foggy area, squatted on the ground to check: "It's a pity. It ran away."

Only then did Freya see Sika: "."

The two usually didn't talk much, so they were naturally a little embarrassed.

Freya turned and left.

Xika knew that there must be something ambushing her just now, and she happened to see it.

That's how this scene came about.

But it's too dangerous. If she reminded me later, she might shoot herself through.

"To the village together?" Freya walked some distance, then suddenly turned her head and said.

Sika was taken aback.

Freya came back again: "Go?"

Sika looked at Freya: "Do you not mind if I'm a half-elf? You know, elves always don't like half-elves."

"Oh." Freya replied with a very cold voice, and said only one word.

I don't know what it means.

The two walked towards the village and found that many torches were lit around the village.

And there are werewolves on patrol.

Generally speaking, the human race and the orc race will not take the initiative to have a war, and the conflicts always start because of various interests.

The current situation is that the werewolf has occupied the village of the human race, and as a human race, it is natural to give an appropriate counterattack.

Prove that your territory is inviolable.

One after another, other people in the academy have also arrived.

"The werewolves form an encirclement here. If we rush in rashly, we may be wiped out." Someone said.

Another person said: "Indeed, we have to find a way to attract some werewolves and defeat them one by one."

"I'm afraid this will be difficult. Don't live in groups and choose to be independent. I guess less."

Sika was also listening to the conversation between them, and decided to observe for some time first.

Freya looked at Sika, but didn't speak for a while, just looked at the village full of werewolves from afar.

Xika took out a magic spar, which can also be called a magic stone.

He actively chanted magic, and gradually a light appeared on the ground, and the light was gathered in the palm of Sika.

Here's another spell from Sika, Falcon.

This falcon is not a fighting type, but a light type.To put it simply, it is responsible for the detection field of view.

"Go!" Xika let go of Falcon.

The Falcon flew straight out!

The werewolves gathered in the village are already called tribes.

In the werewolf tribe.

The Wolf King was sitting in a house and suddenly opened his eyes.He was surrounded by some beefy werewolves.

"The reconnaissance team has discovered that a large number of magicians have entered, so that other werewolves are ready to fight at any time."

"At the same time, follow my previous plan."

"Give them a big gift."

For the Wolf King, these magicians are his prey: "Since the Holy Academy dares to send you out."

"Then I dare to leave you all here." The wolf king directly called some werewolves, "follow me around the path. I want to give them a surprise."

The Wolf King led a group of strong werewolves and headed directly behind Xika and the others.

At the same time, Xika discovered a group of werewolves circling through the falcon.

"There are werewolves preparing to appear from behind." Xika reminded.

However, the people around did not pay attention to Sika. For them, the magician was powerful enough to destroy the werewolves.

So they are not afraid.

At least there are many people here.

There are too many werewolves in the village to attack directly, but it is not easy for werewolves to attack them.

There are more than 600 first-order magicians, which is not a small number.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Xika stopped talking and evacuated first.Snipe these werewolves from a safe position.

Being too dense has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the gathering power is stronger.

The disadvantage is that it is easy to be found by the other party when they gather in a pile.

When Xika was evacuating, he found a figure following him: "Come out, don't follow me."

Brando walked out directly: "Haha, I was discovered. I'm so sorry."

When the two were walking forward, a werewolf suddenly appeared.

"Undead skeleton!" Brando took out the magic book and summoned a skeleton.

When he had just summoned the undead skeleton, the broken pages on Sika's body trembled again, and Sika felt a strange thing filling his mind.

Immediately afterwards, a bunch of strange words drilled into his mind and melted in his mind.

When Sika came back to her senses, she found that there was another spell in her magic book.

The magic book is divided into two pages: front and back.

The first pages are used to store magic, that is, to record magic.

The magic behind is the magic that I know.

Usually a magic book represents a magic contract, and the normal situation will not change.Special sacrificial ceremonies are not within this rule.

Xika has a certain sense of this magic book, and now Xika can clearly feel that there is an extra magic in the magic book.

Undead skeletons.

"What's going on here?" Sika was very puzzled.

In my mind, I remembered that Hall and Sandor once said that darkness and light appeared in their bodies, which itself is a strange existence.

Is it because of that?No, it should be the effect of this broken page, right?

Sika didn't have time to think: "Undead skeleton!"

After singing, another skeleton appeared directly.

Brando was stunned: "Are you also a dark undead?"

Sika didn't explain much.

Facing the two skeletons, the werewolf roared and attacked the skeletons fiercely.

Brando found that the skeleton did not have the power to attack a werewolf by itself, and sang again: "Undead Link!"

With a buzz, another magic appeared in Xika's mind.

Undead link.

"The speed and efficiency of learning magic is too high." Xika couldn't help complaining.

The moment the undead link was used, a very empty chain appeared on the skeleton, directly linking to Brando.After linking, the speed possessed by the skeleton man directly skyrocketed.

Multiplied superimposed, equivalent to the speed of two people.

The werewolf is not low and wants to run.

But found that the same is true of the other skeleton man, and grabbed the werewolf fiercely.

The werewolf's complexion changed a little. These two first-order magicians were stronger than he expected.

The skeleton man picked up a rib from his chest, held it in his hand as a weapon, and stabbed the werewolf fiercely.

Both skeletons savagely kill the werewolf at the same time.

The werewolf didn't even have a chance to dodge, so he was stabbed back and forth at the same time.Then get angry and attack the skeleton again.

The skeleton felt no pain at all, picked up the ribs, and poked.

That's what it looks like.

You hit and you hit, and I stab and let me stab.

In the end, the werewolf fell completely to the ground.

"...You learned the same as me." Brando found that it was fate, and it turned out to be the same.

However, Sika was in a daze. What was going on?
Sika really didn't understand why such a thing happened.

The last time I was exposed to dark magic, it seems that this residual page has also changed.

Sika looked at Brando and smiled: "What kind of magic do you know? Can you try it?"

Brando:? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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