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Chapter 554 Extraordinary

Chapter 554 Extraordinary
Although Manjusri Bodhisattva controlled it a bit, the sound of that fart was even harsher.

Many great gods like Tathagata pointed to Manjusri Bodhisattva and said, "The farting of gods is really extraordinary."

As soon as Tathagata finished speaking, his face darkened, and he farted, blowing the stone bench to pieces.

Manjusri Bodhisattva laughed and said, "The Tathagata Buddha also farted."

"I haven't let it go for thousands of years, and today is the first time."

After answering the question, Tathagata turned around and saw that Guanyin Bodhisattva was no longer there.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help but let out a fart, which made the Queen Mother cover her nose with her hand.

The gods here have been farting non-stop since they drank the burning fairy grass, making the whole flat peach club a miasma of smoke.

The Barefoot Immortal walked up to the Jade Emperor while fanning his fan, and said, "Your Majesty, the flat peach festivals in previous years were all harmonious, but this year's flat peach festival has completely disgraced the gods. Before the gods drank and burned the fairy grass, they were ..."

"Pfft—" Barefoot Fairy let out a very special fart.

"Your Majesty, the gods may have farted because they drank the burnt grass. There must be something wrong with the burnt grass. Your Majesty, please strictly investigate the person who sent the burnt grass."

The Jade Emperor stared angrily and said, "Where is Guo Qishuai?"

Guo Qishuai tremblingly walked in front of the Jade Emperor and knelt down respectfully to the Jade Emperor, saying: "Xiaomin Guo Qishuai has seen the Jade Emperor."

"I ask you, what is your burning fairy grass made of? Why do all the gods fart after drinking it?"

Guo Qishuai said: "Xiao Min doesn't know either. The old man who burned the fairy grass has drank it before, and Xiaomin has drank it before. After drinking it, there is no abnormality in his body. This time, Xiaomin really doesn't know what happened. What's the matter?" Jade Emperor said to Taishao Laojun: "I'll leave it to you to investigate whether Laojun's burnt fairy grass is poisonous."

"Wei Chen obeys!"

"God Erlang!"

"The end is here!"

"Take Guo Qishuai immediately and put him on death row. After the results come out, if this matter is really related to him, I will turn him into a dog."

Guo Qishuai said: "Your Majesty, Xiaomin was wronged, Xiaomin was wronged!"

God Erlang pulled him down and sent him to the death row in the Heavenly Court.

The cells there were all made of seals, so there was no way for Guo Qishuai to escape.

After the Taishang Laojun finished researching his share of burning fairy grass, he found that there were some special ingredients in it. After he told the research results to the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor said: "It seems that Guo Qishuai is to blame. !"

Taishang Laojun said: "Your Majesty, Guo Qishuai is also a victim. When he delivered the goods, he didn't even know that there was medicine in the burnt fairy grass that could make gods fart."

"What kind of solemn event is the Pantao Festival? More than 1000 gods fart one after another at the Pantao Festival. How decent is it? I'm going to throw Guo Qishuai into the mortal world and turn him into a dog."

Taishang Laojun said: "Your Majesty, please calm down. Guo Qishuai himself does not know how to make burnt fairy grass. He bought this burnt fairy grass from other places. He doesn't know if there is any medicine in the burnt fairy grass. Fortunately, Immortals from all walks of life, powerful mana, just farted a few times, there is no other uncomfortable place. If His Majesty punishes Guo Qishuai for this matter, many immortals will think that His Majesty is too cruel, just because of the big fart If things turned Guo Qishuai into a dog, then they must have opinions."


"Please think twice, Your Majesty!"

"Report, Qizuo Jade Emperor, King Tota, please see me!"


King Tota came to the Jade Emperor holding a seven-story pagoda in his hand.

"Your Majesty, Li Jing, kowtows to His Majesty."

"Tianwang Tota, there is no need to be too polite, please come up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Heavenly King Tota got up, the Jade Emperor asked him, "Heavenly King Tota, why did you come to see me? Could it be that you got drunk and wanted me to punish Guo Qishuai severely?"

King Tota said: "Your Majesty, I came here this time to beg Your Majesty to release Guo Qishuai."

The Jade Emperor was surprised and said, "What does Heavenly King Tota mean by this? Why do you speak for the person who poisoned you?"

Tota Heavenly King said: "After drinking the burning fairy grass, I just farted a few times. Not only did the rest of my body not feel uncomfortable, but it was even better than before. The minister's son Nezha also said that he a few days ago My stomach is bloated and I feel very uncomfortable. After drinking the burning celestial grass today, my stomach feels much more comfortable. This burning celestial grass is a good thing. If you want to drink it in the future, you have to find Guo Qishuai, so I implore His Majesty to let Guo Qishuai go."

The Jade Emperor glared and said: "No, Guo Qishuai made so many gods make a fool of themselves at the Pantao Festival, this matter cannot be easily dismissed."

King Tota said: "If His Majesty deals with Guo Qishuai because of this matter, all gods will think that His Majesty has punished a mortal because of a fart. If this matter spreads to the six realms, what is His Majesty's majesty?"

Taishang Laojun said: "Your Majesty, what King Tota said is reasonable, please think again, Your Majesty."

The Jade Emperor said: "Old Lord, Heavenly King, you don't need to talk about it. What a big deal Guo Qishuai made all the gods fart at the Pantao Festival. How can you let it go lightly?"

"Your Majesty, many gods mentioned this just now. Many gods said that Guo Qishuai's burnt fairy grass is not only delicious, but also curative. Those gods eat food rich in spiritual energy in the sky. Over time, the intestines of the body cannot Bear it, so my stomach often hurts, but I can't pull it out, and I can't breathe. Now, Guo Qishuai's burning fairy grass has relieved the serious illness of the gods who have not farted for thousands of years. In front of you, I would like to say a few good words for Guo Qishuai, and I hope His Majesty can release Guo Qishuai."

"Queen Mother, why are you also speaking nicely for Guo Qishuai?"

"Your Majesty, this Guo Qishuai is a grandson I recognized before. I still know what he is like. This time he sent the burning fairy grass to the sky. Maybe I don't know what kind of consequences this fairy will have after eating the burning fairy grass. .If you want to punish him, you also have to give him a chance to defend himself, right?"

The Jade Emperor's expression softened a lot.

"Didn't Your Majesty himself fart for thousands of years? Today, His Majesty's stubborn illness has been relieved, so, Your Majesty, not only should you not be angry, but you should also thank Guo Qishuai."

The Jade Emperor nodded and said: "Since it is the Queen Mother who intercedes, then I will let Guo Qishuai go. However, the death penalty can be avoided, but the life penalty cannot be escaped. Old gentleman, pass on my order and call Guo Qishuai here."


Guo Qishuai took the Jade Emperor's oral order to the death cell in Heaven.

Erlang God Yang Jian saw the Taishang Laojun coming, he said respectfully: "Old Lord, what does Your Majesty mean?"

Taishang Laojun waved his fly whisk and said: "Your Majesty wants to punish Guo Qishuai severely, I'm afraid he will be in danger."

Yang Jian said: "Guo Qishuai made the gods fart at the Pantao Conference. It's really disgusting. I want to chop him up."

Guo Qishuai looked at the Taishang Laojun inside the seal, and said: "Old Lord, I am wronged, I really didn't know that burning fairy grass would make all the great gods fart."

(End of this chapter)

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