Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 612 Can’t Let Those 5 Xixia Soldiers Cross the River Safely (Part 1)

Chapter 612 Can’t Let Those Fifty Thousand Xixia Soldiers Cross the River Safely (Part [-])
Chapter 621

On this side, Zhong Shidao, under the guard of more than a hundred horsemen, slowly moved forward and came to about twenty steps away from Liang Yibu and others, and then he turned over and dismounted.

"Sinner Liang, I met General Zhong..." Liang Yibu took a deep breath, and bowed deeply to the teacher Zhong who was walking fast.

Zhong Shidao hurriedly walked a few steps, and helped Liang Yibu who had prostrated himself up, seeing this man who used to want to eat his flesh and lay his skin on him, he couldn't help but express his feelings.

"Sir, you don't need to be like this. Although you and I used to be our own masters, Zhong still admires Mr.'s talent and military strategy. I hope that in the future, you and I will be ministers in the same palace and do our best to serve our master."

"Thinking of me, Liang. For decades, I have been loyal and devoted to Xixia, but in the end I was harmed by traitors. Today, I, the Liang family, are regarded as an enemy bandit, bent on bringing the death of the Liang family. Liang is already a Depressed..."

Speaking of this, he turned his head and looked at the large number of trusted generals behind him. Liang Yibu cleared his throat, and then he spoke with emotion and authenticity. "Liang is old, so what does it matter if he dies? It's just that I don't want the brothers behind me who have followed Liang for many years to suffer bad luck because of Liang's fault..."

Shidao Zhong smiled, nodded slightly from time to time, and even expressed his approval for Liang Yibu's dedication to the brothers around him.

He also took out a letter written by Su Dongpo, Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy's pacification envoy, privy envoy, and Longtuge bachelor, and read it out, telling Liang Yibu and the brave soldiers who were willing to abandon darkness and surrender to the light, to express their affirmation and approval.

And tell them that the will of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty will soon reach Shaanxi Road. At that time, they will definitely be given certain treatment, so that they can feel the warmth of the court of the Song Dynasty. After returning to the Song Dynasty, even if they don’t If they become officials again, they will definitely be able to live a prosperous and peaceful life.

Of course, the Song Dynasty would definitely select some of the outstanding talents who returned to the Song Dynasty, who were loyal and willing to sacrifice their lives and blood for the Song Dynasty, to serve as officials in the Song Dynasty, and to contribute their due share to the country and the country of the Song Dynasty. Power and responsibility.

In addition, there is also Han Zhongchan, the second in command of the Privy Council, and the content of the personal letter written by the Deputy Envoy of Shaanxi Road Jinglue to appease is similar.

With these two well-known and important ministers as security guards, and seeing the harmony of Zhong Shidao and other generals, Liang Yibu and other Xixia generals finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After that, various tasks of recruiting and surrendering began, but to Shidao Zhong's satisfaction, most of the surrendered troops were Han Chinese, so there was no obstacle in language communication, and more importantly, the two sides They are all Han Chinese, and many of them are descendants of Han Chinese who were taken captive to Xixia in their parents’ or grandfather’s generation.

Coupled with the repeated explanations before Zhong Shidao came again, the handover work seemed to be very smooth, and after the soldiers and horses under Liang Yibu handed over their weapons and equipment, they voluntarily withdrew from Hongzhou City to show their sincerity.

However, most of the upper echelons of the surrendered army, such as Liang Yibu, stayed in the city except for some officers who stayed with the Song army to appease the surrendered soldiers. The general was even invited by Zhong Shidao to participate in the military meeting to show the Song Dynasty's benevolence towards them.

And Liang Yibu took the initiative to report to Shidao Zhong what happened inside and outside Hongzhou after the mutiny was launched before, as well as the current situation of the entire Jianing Army Division.

"Sa Chen... I have never heard of this person. However, since he was appointed as the commander-in-chief by the Xixia Kingdom and planned to seize Hongzhou, it shows that this person has some abilities, but he is not as good as Mr. Liang... ..." Zhong Shidao stroked his long beard and nodded with a smile.

The reason why Liang Yibu is called Mr. is naturally because they have surrendered to the Song Dynasty. The official positions of Xixia in the past can no longer be used by them, but the appointment of the Emperor of the Song Dynasty has not yet been completed, so they can only be called this way for the time being. .

The information provided by Liang Yibu also made Zhong Shidao vigilant. After all, although the Great Song Dynasty took over Yanzhou, Liang Yibu offered the Jianing Army Commander to the Great Song Dynasty. This is absolutely rare for the Great Song Dynasty Great news.

However, even if Xixia is now unable to compete with Song Dynasty, perhaps unable to regain Yanzhou and Jianing Army Division, but no one can guarantee it.

In particular, Beiliao was eyeing a tiger. Over the past few decades, he had been secretly manipulating the battle between Xixia and Great Song, which made Great Song have no spare power for the Northern Expedition.Now, Xixia has lost troops and generals, and also lost a large area of ​​territory, and it will continue like this.

It is very likely that Xixia will no longer have the courage of the past and become a weak country. At that time, the Song Dynasty, which has no one to restrain it, will inevitably take action against Beiliao again.

Therefore, Beiliao will definitely react to deal with the situation in front of them.

The Song Dynasty captured the Jianing Army Division composed of Youzhou and Hongzhou, which was equivalent to cutting off the Xia and Long Prefectures of the Xiangyou Army Division in the southeast of Xixia, as well as the Yin and Shi Prefectures of the Zuoxiang Shenyong Army Division. The connection with Xingqing Mansion.

Moreover, to the east of these four prefectures are the Jinning Army, Linzhou, and Fuzhou of our Song Dynasty; to the south, there are the Suide Army and Yan'an Mansion; and to the west, it is naturally the Youzhou, Hongzhou and Yanzhou.

The two military commanders now have about [-] soldiers and horses. If these [-] troops are allowed to cross the river safely through the ancient city of Nawuyan, the strength of the Xixia people in the four states will definitely increase.

It has increased the difficulty for Da Song to win these four states in the future. What's more, under the situation of the opponent's concentrated force, it will make Da Song a dilemma.

"...So, Liang thinks that the [-] troops in the ancient city of Wuyan should not be allowed to easily cross the Wuding River and enter the land of the four prefectures."

Liang Yibu's analysis with all his heart made Teacher Zhong think it was true, but now, there are almost [-] soldiers here, and although there are [-] troops under his command, he certainly cannot withdraw them all.

After all, he still had to go to Youzhou, and then bring the land in the north under the rule of the Song army, as well as the land of the fortresses. The [-] soldiers and horses under his command might not be enough.

Now, it's really the turn of the teacher to make trouble. He didn't want to let the [-] Xixia soldiers and horses cross the Wuding River so easily, but he really didn't dare to use the [-] troops under his command. Attack the opponent's main force.

Even if Liang Yibu had already made a guarantee, among the opponent's army, except for the 1 garrison troops who were the elite imperial guards from Xingfu Mansion, the remaining [-] were soldiers and horses from Yanzhou. There are nearly ten thousand disabled with leg injuries, and two or three thousand defeated troops who fled to Yanzhou after the defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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