Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 613 Such things cannot be brought up by us (Part 2)

Chapter 613: We cannot bring up such matters (second update)

Chapter 622

Thinking back and forth in the teacher's way, he really racked his brains, but there was nothing he could do.However, he was the first to send a messenger to the Dingbian army to report the situation here to Mr. Han Zhongyan, and to ask for reinforcements by the way.

The [-] troops he brought did not lack siege weapons. This was to prevent Liang Yibu from lax control of his subordinates. When some fortresses were not captured by Liang Yibu, he just used these siege weapons to clear them. Those disobedient guys.

However, Wuyan Ancient City has a full 1 Xixia soldiers and horses, even if more than [-] are disabled soldiers, but they still have [-] troops alive and kicking, and they can still defend Wuyan Ancient City, which is very painful .

"Mr. Liang, I don't know the situation of the Wuding River. How long will it take for those Xixia soldiers and horses to cross the river?" Zhong Shidao finally cast his eyes on Liang Yibu, hoping that the former Xixia Prime Minister could give him some good advice.

"General Zhong, actually you don't need to worry too much. Although the ancient city of Wuyan is built on the river, there is indeed a ferry there to cross the river, but..." Liang Yibu's lips raised slightly.

"The ferry there has been destroyed by Liang's order, and all the ships sailing in the Wuding River originally controlled by Jianing Military Division have been burned by Liang's order."

"So, if they want to cross the river, they will have to spend at least a long time collecting wood to make rafts before they can start crossing the river. Or they can wait another month or so until the Wuding River is completely frozen. And after freezing hard, walk directly across the ice..."

Hearing this, Zhong Shidao breathed a sigh of relief, but when he looked at Liang Yibu, he looked a little unhappy. After all, since the other party already knew the result, why didn't he tell him, causing him to worry for a long time in vain.

"It's just that Liang has another worry. If Sa Chen and others find that they can't cross the river in a short period of time, and they are worried that they will be trapped in the ancient city of Wuyan by the army of the Great Song Dynasty Huben, maybe they will send more than [-] wounded soldiers to Wuyan. The ancient city is euphemistically called 'Stick to Wait for Help'.

And lead the more than [-] soldiers and horses and continue to advance along Hebei, as long as they capture the Sanchakou in the north, it is equivalent to breaking through the last checkpoint between the Jianing Army and Xiazhou..."

Listening to Liang Yibu's analysis, Zhong Shidao's expression became obviously more serious. "Sir, what you said is very true. It seems that there is no need to rush to encircle and suppress the ancient city of Wuyan, and what we need to do in Song Dynasty is to control the Jianing Army Commander, so that this place is not in danger of being returned by Xixia again. .”

After the military meeting was held, Zhong Shidao sent [-] large Song cavalry soldiers, together with the generals sent by Liang Yibu, such as Hu felt, to Yuzhou in the north with Liang Yibu's seal and his own letter.

As for the Xixia soldiers and horses in Wuyan Ancient City, since they can't move, they can only ignore it for the time being, and hurry up to take down Nayou Prefecture as well.

After all, the importance of Youzhou is far greater than that of the ancient city of Nawuyan.As long as you can control Youzhou and Hongzhou where you live, you can think of a way. I believe that Han Xiang will come day and night after receiving the news.

At that time, if we join forces together, we will not worry about being unable to deal with the tens of thousands of Xixia troops. Of course, Zhong Shidao will not forget to send a messenger to contact the direction of Yanzhou, so that Zhe Kexing, Wang Wushan and others can know that Hong and You Er The situation here in the state.

After the military discussion, Zhong Shidao seemed to have thought of something, and asked Liang Yibu to stay first.

Liang Yibu himself couldn't help being a little stunned, but he still waved his hands at the generals who were looking at him eagerly.

"It seems that the master's prestige is really high. No wonder he can let nearly [-] teachers belong to my Great Song Dynasty. It is really a blessing for my Great Song Dynasty to have the help of my master."

After a few words of modesty, Liang Yibu sat apart from the host and guest of that kind of teacher, but the next sentence of the teacher made Liang Yibu startled and almost jumped up from his seat.

"Sir, you may not know that some of the surrendered soldiers currently stationed in the camp outside the city are secretly communicating with each other at the moment. There are even some surrendered soldiers who quietly left the military camp and went to the ancient city of Wuyan..."

"General Zhong..." Liang Yibu's face turned slightly pale, and he started to defend himself, but Zhong Shidao shook his head. "Chong Mou naturally believes in Mr., but among the [-] troops commanded by Mr., there will always be some people who are unwilling and unwilling..."

"After all, those people were once your subordinates and confidants. Zhong has said before that since you are willing to submit to the Song Dynasty, Zhong will naturally welcome you on behalf of the Song Dynasty. If you are not willing, that kind of person will naturally not Forced to stay, only if someone sincerely wants to cause trouble."

"General Zhong, please rest assured about this. If someone really dares to do this, please tell the general to tell Liang, and Liang will definitely give the general a satisfactory explanation."

"As expected of Mr. Liang, it's okay, here are some things collected in the past two days, and I will hand over to Mr. Liang..." Having said this, Zhong Shidao took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Mr. Liang. He missed Liang Yibu who was in front of him.

After Liang Yibu took it, he swept it hastily, couldn't help but took a deep breath, and bowed respectfully to Master Zhong before leaving.

It wasn't long after Liang Yibu, who was obviously a little angry, left, a general returned to the hall and asked Zhong Shidao.

"General, why don't you handle this matter yourself, and let Liang Yibu handle it?"

"Right now, the Xixia army has just surrendered to our Great Song Dynasty. It is a time when people's hearts are restless. If something is done, it may have the opposite effect."

"Hey...the dispatch of troops was too hasty. The important thing is that we didn't expect Yanzhou to be empty. As a result, Chong felt that there was not enough troops in this division...I can only hope that Prime Minister Han can quickly march into Hongzhou. That's the way to go. Stabilizing the overall situation can also shock some surrendered generals who have other thoughts."

Liang Yibu and others left the state government office and came to their new residence, which is a large mansion next to the state government office. They and the important generals lived here temporarily.

Zhong Shidao very considerately allowed Liang Yibu and others to leave a hundred guards, but these guards could only guard inside the courtyard, while the outside of the courtyard was guarded by Song Army soldiers.

A group of people gathered in the living room of this house, roasting a warm brazier and drinking tea. Wen Qi finally couldn't help his curiosity and asked Liang Yibu.

"My lord, why don't you mention to General Zhong, let us lead the army to the ancient city of Wuyan to attack Sachen, maybe Zhong Shidao will agree to our request for help, in this way, we will make new achievements when we surrender, For us, and for the soldiers under our command, it is of considerable benefit."

Liang Yibu glanced over many surrendered generals in front of him who were not qualified to participate in this military discussion, and cleared his throat to explain. "Wen Qi, it's not that the old man doesn't want to mention it, but at this moment, such a matter cannot be brought up by us."

(End of this chapter)

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