Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 611 Liang Yibu, Former Prime Minister of Xixia Kingdom (Part 2)

Chapter 611 Liang Yibu, the former prime minister of Xixia Kingdom (second update)
Chapter 620

"Nowadays, in the land of the four states of Yinxia, ​​the road to Xingqing Mansion from the south of the Sand Sea is almost cut off. Their biggest wish now must be to defend themselves, and they will not dare to send troops easily..." Liang Yibu stated leisurely.

"And after reinforcements came from Yanzhou, they didn't escort nearly ten thousand wounded soldiers back to Yanzhou. Doesn't it mean that something happened in Yanzhou?"

Dendrobium's eyes lit up immediately. "It is very likely that the Song Army has already dispatched troops to Yanzhou. Therefore, the soldiers and horses of Yanzhou would not dare to escort these wounded soldiers to Yanzhou rashly. If so, it would be tantamount to sending nearly ten thousand wounded soldiers to die..."

Liang Yibu and Huzhi didn't expect that it took only one night and half a day for Song Dynasty to take Yanzhou, but they just believed that the Song army had already sent troops to Yanzhou.

Before Liang Yibu came down from the city wall, he warned the guard. "No matter what, keep an eye on them for me. If there is any abnormality, report it to me immediately. When the army returns to the Song Dynasty and the army's morale is uneasy, we cannot talk about war lightly, but we cannot let him go to freedom."

Hurriedly going down the stairs, Liang Yibu slipped under his feet, and Hu felt beside him hurriedly supported him. "Xiangguo, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's just that I haven't slept a little in the past few days. I'm not in good spirits, so it's okay. Sigh... I don't know where Song Jun is. If he comes a few days later..." Liang Yibu said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Xiangguo. Song Ting has been spying on the commander of the Jianing Army for a long time. Now, since Song Ting has judged that Song Ting sent troops to Yanzhou, people from Hongzhou must come soon. The most important thing for you now, Xiangguo, is to have a good rest. That's right, after Song Ting's people arrive, there are still many important matters that need to be decided by you." Hu felt quickly comforted.

Liang Yibu nodded, stood up slowly and continued down the steps, continuing to speak. "Now that the old man is determined to return to the Song Dynasty, the bargaining chips in Li Qianshun's hands are running out."

"That's right, if he hadn't acted recklessly, how would we be here today? He was responsible for the Liang family first, so naturally he has to bear the consequences." Hu Zhi couldn't help but said with a cold smile.

"Alas... this old man wanted to guard the Jianing Army Division for him because he was his nephew, but he cooked beans to burn the beanstalks. Why did he fry them too quickly? He ruined my Liang family lineage. I want him to be famous. Remove your name from this world." When he said the last sentence, Liang Yibu's tone was full of killing intent.

Hu felt looked at En Xiang with a ferocious face and red eyes in front of him, he naturally knew very well the reason why En Xiang was like this.

Since he had clearly betrayed Xixia, those Liang clan members that Li Qianshun had used as a trump card to blackmail Liang Yibu had naturally become useless.

With the impulsive temperament of the young ruler, it is likely that when he learned that Liang Yibu had surrendered to the Song Dynasty, it would be the day when the entire Liang family in Xixia was bleeding into rivers.

As for the Liang family who survived, apart from Liang Yibu, his eldest son Liang Shou, his third son Liang Rui, and his nephew Liang Zuo, there is probably no one else.

There were hundreds of people in the clan, only four survived in a blink of an eye, and more importantly, it was Liang Yibu himself who made the decision to let those clansmen lose their lives, so he must have had a hard time in his heart.

Naturally, he would also put his hatred and despair on Li Qianshun. If it weren't for Li Qianshun, a bastard who disregarded family affection and only wanted to stop being influenced by his relatives for the sake of his position as the king, he would turn his face and deny his mother. If the family resolutely attacked, how could he, Liang Yibu, turn his back on Xia and vote for Song?

As the saying goes, where there is a cause, there is an effect, and the cycle of karma and retribution is not good.

At this time, the camp a few miles away from Hongzhou City was slowly and quietly moving towards the northeast with crude stretchers and trailers. After arriving at the bank of the Wuding River, they then proceeded along Hebei.

In addition, the [-] elite garrison troops have already taken the lead, heading towards the ancient city of Wuyan with a murderous look.As for the more than one thousand defenders of Wuyan Ancient City, most of them are sleeping at this moment.

The vanguard sent by Sa Chen, with the darkness of night remaining, first sent dead soldiers to the city quietly, some sneaked into the city and set fire to it to cause riots, and some attacked the city gate from inside and outside.

The thousands of defenders were totally caught off guard, and when they reacted, the city gate had already fallen into the hands of the guards, so they had to flee in all directions. It took less than an hour for the guards to seize the city on the back of the Wuding River. ancient city.

When Liang Yibu received the bad news from the remnants of Wuyan Ancient City, he was powerless. At this moment, the sky was already bright.

The [-] army under the command of Sa Chen had withdrawn slowly and orderly to a distance of ten miles to the north of Hongzhou City. Liang Yibu had to send more scouts to grasp the movement of the army, and at the same time sent people south to rush to the city. Changcheng Ridge, check whether the Song Army has arrived.

After a night of rest, Mr. Zhong had breakfast, refreshed, and just ordered to move out of the camp and continue northward, when he received news from Hongzhou that the ancient city of Wuyan had been captured, and the tens of thousands of Xixia who originally planned to attack Hongzhou The army has retreated towards the ancient city of Wuyan.

Although Zhong Shidao felt a little regretful in his heart, it didn't fluctuate too much. Compared with the tens of thousands of Xixia troops, he cared more about Youzhou, Hongzhou and the entire Jianing Army Division.

As long as the Jianing Army Division is taken down and all the fortresses and fortresses here are under control, at that time, not to mention the [-] Xia Army, even if it is twice as many, there is no need to worry about cultivating the way of teachers.

After all, the frontier army of the Song Dynasty is best at using fortresses to deal with these Xixia barbarians who are good at field warfare but not good at attacking the city. What's more, the Xixia barbarians have lost [-] elites in the Battle of Hongdezhai and have been betrayed by Xixia The famous Liang Yibu took away [-] to [-] troops, and killed and injured [-]. It's really hard to say how many capable soldiers are left.

Unless that guy Li Qianshun is like a gambler eager to lose, ignoring the danger of the whole country and coming with all his troops, but even then, the great Song Tigers relying on a strong fortress, just relying on a strong city to stand by and wait for help.

Maybe that way there is still a chance to capture Li Qianshun, the lord of Xixia.

The Song Army was only twenty miles away from Hongzhou City, and after traveling for an hour, they could already see Hongzhou City standing on the banks of the Wuding River.

However, on top of the city of Hongzhou, apart from the Liang character flag, there is not a single Wang Banner belonging to Xixia.In addition, Hongzhou City seems to have discovered the arrival of the Song Army. Soon, the south gate of Hongzhou City opened, and a soldier and horse of nearly a thousand people galloped out from inside, heading straight towards the Song Army. Come.

"General Zhong, the leader is my uncle, Xixia, um, Liang Yibu, the former prime minister of Xixia, and the one with a goatee on the left side behind him is my uncle's most powerful adviser, the Tubo native Huzhi, and the tall and burly man is Uncle's confidant general..." Liang Zuo, who was following Shidao Zhong, hurriedly introduced.

Soon, when the forwards of the two sides were less than a hundred steps apart, they had already slowed down. Liang Yibu raised his hand and waved his hand. The Qianyu riders behind him reined in their horses and stopped moving forward. Then they all got off their horses and stood by the side of the road. .

(End of this chapter)

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