Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 475 The Steel Arm Crossbow Is About to Be Born (Part 1)

Chapter 475 The steel arm crossbow is about to be born (first update)
Chapter 474

"Isn't it just because the accumulated steel is just left for nothing, the lower officials see it, and feel distressed... So I want to see if I can use the excess steel, maybe it can improve me. The production of bows and crossbows in the Song Dynasty is a tedious and time-consuming process."

Looking at Wang Yang who was blushing with excitement in front of him, Mr. Lu stroked his long beard and nodded. "...Okay, okay, it's rare for you, Mr. Wang, to have such thoughts and wishes. If that's the case, then the old man will just wait for your good news. I just hope that next time you have some good news, say Slow down, let the old man be prepared."

Wang Yang laughed in embarrassment, and within a short time, someone brought ten old craftsmen from the Nufang Department and ten magic-armed crossbows.

When Wang Yang saw the God Arm Crossbow in front of him, he couldn't help being a little excited. It was sturdy but still beautiful as a cold weapon. This thing reminded him of the steel crossbow that he used to play with his friends.

It's just that this thing is much bigger than the steel crossbow, and the length is also extremely long, almost reaching the abdomen.

"Such a magic arm crossbow is an important weapon for protecting our family and country in the Great Song Dynasty. It must not be lost." After Wang Yang said goodbye, Mrs. Lu was afraid that Wang Yang would not understand, so he made a special confession.

After Wang Yang responded, he picked up a god arm crossbow and looked at it with great interest. He asked the craftsmen how the crossbow was made, and the old craftsman next to him saw Wang Yang's appearance and boldly explained it. stand up,

The production of crossbows is as complicated as that of bows, and even worse. For example, the god arm crossbow must be harvested from high-quality wood, peeled and taken out, and then dried indoors for half a year. Bending in various ways, every once in a while, bending at an angle, and then glue, sticky objects, etc... Just the process of a crossbow arm makes Wang Yang slap his tongue.

Not only is the crossbow made like this, but the bow is also incredibly cumbersome to make.But this also made Wang Yang understand one thing, that is, this divine arm crossbow is also made of composite materials like the Song Dynasty's bow, otherwise it would not have such a powerful attack power.

"Whether it's a crossbow or a bow, the main point is the crossbow arm and the bow arm. It is precisely because of the sharpness of our Song crossbow that we can use it to control barbarian cavalry..." At this time, Master Lu couldn't bear it either. Live to show off his classical Chinese.

Back in his office, Wang Yang continued to ponder over the crossbows in front of him. In order to understand the structure of the crossbows, he even asked those old craftsmen to find tools and put two of the crossbows in front of him. It was broken into pieces.

While dismantling, inquiring and recording, Wang Yang wrote more than [-] words of notes eloquently in half a day.

The body of the crossbow is made of mulberry wood. This point does not need any changes. After all, this part does not need to be replaced. After all, steel is not something that can be consumed casually.

And the crossbow machine is made of bronze. The technology has been passed down from the Warring States period to the present, and it has already been formed, and it is also made of metal, so there is no need to add more to it.

And Wang Yang finally set his sights on the crossbow arm. Wang Yang has played with compound bows and crossbows in later generations.In comparison, Wang Yang felt that the steel crossbow that could easily pierce through a thick wooden plank was more powerful.

I remember once I went hunting with my friend with this thing. I wanted to hunt a hare, but I accidentally provoked a wild boar. At that time, both brothers turned into Bolt, ran three miles off-road, and rushed back home in one breath. Just remembered to gasp.

Okay, let’s not mention the embarrassing incident, but to this day, Wang Yang still clearly remembers the scene where he enthusiastically assembled the steel crossbow.

Wang Yang couldn't help trusting the pen again, and recorded the new term "steel crossbow arm" on the rice paper.

The arm of the crossbow can be replaced by soft steel, but what level of soft steel is the most suitable, at least not too different from the arm of the crossbow, which takes nearly a year to produce.

You must know that the god arm crossbow still has lethality at about 300 meters. It is because of this lethality that this individual weapon will become the sacred weapon of the Song Dynasty to protect the country.

If it is changed to use steel, the killing distance does not advance but retreats, and if it retreats even more severely, then it is completely unnecessary.

Let's do what we say. After Wang Yang weighed the weight of the crossbow arm, he had an idea in his heart. Soon, a batch of mild steel plates with a width of one inch and a thickness of one to four minutes were sent to Wang Yang. in front of.

Eyes were drilled on both ends of the steel plate, and then the young craftsmen from the Jiafang Administration came to test it. A steel plate that was more than three centimeters thick and as thick as four centimeters, even a strong old driver like Wang Yang, was really good. It couldn't be pulled. The sturdiness of this thing made Wang Yang think of the steel plate used for tanks. Even if it is mild steel, the thickness is too thick for manpower.

Give up on the four-cent thick steel plate, give up on the three-and-a-half-cent thick steel plate, give up on the three-cent thick steel plate... I still had no choice but to give up, and pulled the thing to the hanging position. Wang Yang felt like he was almost holding in his shit.

Although a two-and-a-half-minute-thick steel plate is better than a three-point-thick steel plate, it is still too strenuous. If it is on the battlefield, it is easy for people to be unable to hang the string when they are flustered.

In the end, whether it is Wang Yang or most strong craftsmen with a two-cent-thick steel plate, they can pull up enough arcs by pedaling.Perfect!
Next, Wang Yang designed several combinations of crossbow arms. One is composed of two soft steel plates with short outer sides, and the other is composed of a thick steel plate in the middle and thinner steel plates at both ends. become.

There is another kind, which is made of a single steel plate, and three steel plates with different thicknesses are used for testing.

The group of skilled craftsmen from the Crossbow Factory Department could only dismantle all ten divine arm crossbows with tears in their eyes. Then, Wang Yang directed them to install the soft steel crossbow arms.

With the support of many skilled craftsmen from the powerful Jiafang Department, and a large number of tools invented by Wang Yang, even so, the replacement of the crossbow arms of the ten god-armed crossbows was not completely completed until noon the next day. .

Then Wang Yang led his men to bring these newly made steel arm crossbows to the Nufang Department for testing, and the Bai Shuling of the Nufang Department had already heard yesterday that the number one scholar had obtained the magic arm from him. Crossbows and craftsmen seem to be preparing to transform Da Song's god arm crossbow.

When this Bai Shuling first heard the news, he was stunned at first, but soon became overjoyed, so he wanted to visit Wang Yang early the next morning, but after hearing that Wang Yang had been busy all the time, He was tactful and didn't bother.

Now that he heard that Wang Yang was going to the Nufang Department to test the steel arm crossbow, he naturally gave the green light and led the way himself.Along the way, they also carefully asked Wang Yang about the steel arm crossbow.

He also had some doubts in his heart, could it really be possible to use a steel arm to replace the expensive, time-consuming and laborious crossbow arm in the past?
In the end, the group arrived at the test range of the Nufang Administration, which was an open space with a length of nearly five hundred steps, or one mile, and a width of less than a hundred steps.

(End of this chapter)

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