Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 476 Can You Stop Pointing That Thing At The Old Man? (Part 2)

Chapter 476: Can you please stop pointing that thing at me? (Second more)
Chapter 475

Soon, someone stood on the shooting range with a dummy covered in iron armor.Seeing the iron-clad dummy standing at fifty paces, Wang Yang couldn't help frowning slightly. "Bai Shuling, what is the longest range of the divine arm crossbow?"

"Between 240 steps and 320 steps, at 150 steps, you can penetrate through the armor. If it is like the Xixia wart armor, you need to get close to at least fifty or sixty steps..."

Wang Yang nodded with an astonished look on his face. He had tested it before outside the Yuehua Gate. Whether it was the Song Dynasty Yuan Youjia or the Xixia Haozijia, being able to penetrate the armor in fifty steps was considered quite good.

"Then let's try these steel arms first, oh no... let's try the maximum range of these Yuanyou crossbows..." Wang Yang tilted his head to the side, and ten Yuanyou crossbows using steel crossbow arms started Shoot forward...

After three rounds of shooting, among all the Yuanyou crossbows, the nearest one has a range of 150 steps, another has a range of 230 steps, and there are also two ranges from 320 steps to [-] steps. However, among them, there are two steel crossbows that have the longest range. About [-] steps.

"The ones with the longest range are painted green and black. The green bolts are this kind..." Zhang Shuling pointed at one of the Yuanyou crossbowmen with a rather excited expression.

"My lord, mine is a black arrow head." Another Yuanyou crossbowman raised his hand in disbelief and shouted loudly.

Wang Yang strode up to the two of them. One used a steel arm crossbow with two mild steel plates superimposed on each other, and the other used a steel arm crossbow with a four-cent thick steel plate in the middle and two fen thick soft steel plates at both ends. .

"Steel can actually be used to make crossbow arms..." Bai Shuling looked at the two people in disbelief, still a little unbelievable for a long time.

"Try the five arrows again, and see if their shooting range can remain above [-] paces." Wang Yang's mood suddenly became a little excited.

Fortunately, these gadgets did not disappoint me at last. It seems that no matter what era it is, as long as there are suitable steel materials, there is no chance of making excellent long-range weapons.

Those crossbows that were eliminated were either because the thickness of the steel plate was not enough, the elasticity was too weak, or because the structure was too simple, the kinetic energy could not be achieved.

The next performance of the two Yuanyou crossbows with the best performance did not disappoint everyone. Except for one arrow that fell within a range of 320 paces, the other nine arrows continued to spread within a range of about [-] paces. .

Moreover, the loading time of the crossbow is shorter than that of the god-arm crossbow that requires great effort to hang up the crossbow. Wang Yang puts down the crossbow according to the shooting, and then starts to draw the string with his feet, and then inserts the crossbow bolts again. The process of aiming was silently counted, and it could be completed in about 20 seconds.

As for the god arm crossbow, it takes about 30 seconds to complete a pulling string and aiming action.That is to say, if the crossbowmen are arranged in three rows or four rows to shoot in turn, the arrow rain like a storm will become a nightmare for the enemy.

At 150 steps, two steel-arm crossbows and a god-arm crossbow used for testing easily pierced through the Song-style iron armor, even penetrating nearly an inch.

At [-] paces, the three crossbows pierced through the current standard iron armor of the Song Dynasty again without any accident, and penetrated more than three inches into the wood. This result made everyone present happy.

"Mr. Zhuangyuan, should we go into the palace now to report the good news to the emperor and the empress dowager?" Bai Shuling's mouth was trembling, and now he didn't care whether he was inappropriate or not, and kept talking to Wang Yang. Chi Chi Wai Wai next to him.

Wang Yang thinks so too, now I don’t know if today’s court meeting is over, it’s just time to strike the iron with the heat left, to strengthen the confidence of those main fighters, and strive to crush the Xixia who is like a dog’s skin plaster as soon as possible, and open up the territory for the Song Dynasty lay a solid foundation.

"Alright, then let's set off now. However, we should invite Mr. Lu to come forward. After all, this is the credit of our military inspector. What do you think, Mr. Bai?"

Naturally, there would be no problem with Bai Shuling, and the two hurried to Master Nalu's office. Although Lu is qualified to go to court, the problem is that he is still weak, so the Empress Dowager allowed him to only You need to go to the government office to work, and you don't need to go to court for the time being.

As a result, Mr. Lu, who was about to have lunch, picked up his chopsticks and saw Wang Yanghuo, Bai Shuling and Zhang Shuling rushing in together. The important thing is that Bai Shuling and Wang Yang had their own hands. He rushed in with a crossbow.

He was so frightened that the chopsticks in Mr. Lu's hand fell to the couch, and he almost convulsed again clutching his heart.Seeing this scene, Wang Yang was so frightened that he quickly handed over the Yuanyou crossbow to Zhang Shuling beside him. "Lord Lu, don't worry, the officials and the others have something good to report to you."

"You... um..." Master Lu hurriedly took out the medicine bottle and took another pill in a hurry, and then let out a long breath of relief. "You guys, can you guys report it to me first when you enter my door next time? Also, can you not point that thing at me?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so rude, I'm really rude." Bai Shuling then noticed that the head of the Yuanyou crossbow in his hand was facing the direction of Mr. Lu, and he smiled sheepishly and quickly took the Yuanyou crossbow. The crossbow was carefully put aside and he apologized profusely.

"This, this can replace the crossbow arm of the god arm crossbow? You are not kidding, are you..." Mr. Lu looked at the two crossbows that seemed awkward no matter how you looked at them, with a doggy expression on his face. , I thought that these guys shouldn't be too eager for quick success, right?

"My lord, how can you say that? When did Wang dare to joke with you on such a military matter?"

"My lord, it's true, it's absolutely true. I can swear to the heavens that this Yuanyou crossbow invented by Lord Wang is comparable to the god's arm crossbow. The important thing is that the crossbow arm is only soft steel. No Furthermore, six materials were needed in the past, and it took nearly a year or two to make a good crossbow arm..."

"...of soft steel?" Master Lu took over the substantial Yuanyou crossbow. Well, in fact, it just replaced the composite crossbow arms of the past with mild steel plate crossbow arms.

As for the crossbows of the Song Dynasty, the most important thing and the most difficult to make were the crossbow arms and bow arms. What I didn't expect was that Wang Yang actually made something happen in just one day.

Master Lu slammed his mouth, well, having a subordinate like Wang Yang, I am very happy, but my heart often has an unbearable impulse.

"Let me see the effect first. If there is really a miraculous effect, then I will enter the palace with you and congratulate your majesty and empress."

"Of course it's no problem. Mr. Lu, please..." Wang Yang confidently raised his hand and moved to the side, and then walked out of the office with this supervisor Lu in big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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