Chapter 474 Crossbow...steel...Huh? (Second more)
Chapter 473

Wang Yang began to write and draw on the rice paper again. After tinkering with it for a long time, after he returned to the mansion, he was still calculating non-stop there, and finally sorted out a new assembly line production plan.

With the assembly line production plan in hand, he just entered the Jiafang office early the next morning, and Zhang Shuling rushed over to salute Wang Yang, and asked Wang Yang for instructions to see if the smelted clamp pot steel should be prepared in advance. warehouse.

The current warehouse is already two-thirds full, and if we don't prepare in advance, I'm afraid it won't be long before those newly produced steel tongs can only be placed in the open air.

"There is already so much steel..." Wang Yang couldn't help grinning, and patted his forehead. Also, a blast furnace produces [-] jin of steel for tong pans, and [-] seats, that is [-] jin of steel.

Nowadays, the Jiafang Department consumes no more than [-] kilograms of steel every day. It also provides [-] kilograms of clamping pot steel to the Daoqiangfang and Nufang Departments each day, and the rest is hoarded, accumulating [-] kilograms of steel every day. , it has been more than half a month, and naturally there is quite a lot of steel accumulated.

"There are so many steel products, but they can only be placed like this. It's really..." Looking at those shiny silver steel ingots, Wang Yang felt a dull pain in his heart.

is this okay?But nowadays, a large Song and Yuan Youjia consumes less than a hundred kilograms of tongs steel. It seems that the assembly line operation method should be further optimized.Try to increase the production volume further.

In addition, the remaining high-quality steel materials should not be placed like this.How should it be used?Because these are all high-quality fine steel, such fine steel can only be used for sharp weapons at the weapon store.All the crossbows and arrows of the Nufang Department are no longer the iron arrows of the past, but are all made of pincer steel. Even so, these two parts still exist every day. A surplus of steel products ranging from hundreds of catties to nearly a thousand catties has been preserved.

No matter how large the quantity is sent, it can only be useless, but, do you want to see them rusting here?Of course Wang Yang was unwilling, not to mention him, even that Zhang Shuling also had a sad look on his face.

"It would be great if we could turn all these steels into my Great Song's armor and sharp weapon..."

Wang Yang couldn't help but nodded subconsciously. It felt like there were so many dumplings in the teapot, but you just couldn't pour them out. It was really suffocating.

"Our Ordnance Supervisor, if any other departments need steel, ask them to bring iron ore in exchange. Just follow the old trading rules between us, using ten kilograms of iron ore and one kilogram of pot steel." Wang Yang touched it. He said with his jaw narrowed and his eyes narrowed.

Zhang Shuling scratched his scalp, looking rather helpless and authentic. "We should be able to talk about it with the Sword and Gun Workshop, but there is no way for the Nufang Bureau to do it. Even if we are willing to give it, they have no place to use it... After all, it is a bow and crossbow, not made of steel. the weapon."

"" Wang Yang's head seemed to be drawn by a chain of lightning, causing an unstoppable light to flash across his eyes.

Then, Wang Yang immediately turned around and hurried away, leaving Zhang Xiling with a confused look on his face. "What's going on, Mr. Zhuangyuan?"

Caught off guard, Wu Qilang, who also fell in a daze, thought for a while, and was very old-fashioned. "It seems that my young master must have thought of some new idea."

"No way, this is still a human brain?" He stared blankly at Wu Qilang chasing in the direction Wang Yang left, and Zhang Shuling, who had been standing at the door of the warehouse for a long time, couldn't help but pop up. Say this.

At this moment, Mr. Lu was staying in his office, with a cup of ginseng tea in front of him, closing his eyes to relax, when he heard the messenger coming to report that Wang Jiancheng wanted to see him.

Lord Lu couldn't help but sat up subconsciously, thinking about it, what else could he do, he could only ask the guard to invite Wang Yang in with a forced smile.

"Master Lu, are you feeling better today?" After the excited Wang Yang entered, he saluted Master Lu, who still looked haggard, and asked with concern on his face.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Zhuangyuan. The old man feels that he has recovered a lot. I don't know why Mr. Zhuangyuan came to find this old man?" Elder Lu looked at the culprit who caused his stroke that day, and said helplessly.

"Lord Lu, I have an idea, but I need your consent, Lord Lu, so I came here to ask."

"I didn't tell you, but you just have to make the decision on all matters related to the Jiafang Department. Just let me know when the time comes." Mr. Lu really didn't want to meet Wang Yang, mainly because he was worried about being intimidated by this guy again. Gotta have another stroke.

In that case, how could this dignified Jianqing Lu have the nerve to continue to work, and I'm afraid he would have to go home in disgrace to spoil his grandchildren.

"It's not about the Jiafang Department, but about the Nufang Department. I want to borrow ten god-armed crossbows and ten craftsmen from the Nufang Department to use them." Mr. Lu, who was a little nervous, explained.

"It turned out to be such a trivial matter. Since you are the military supervisor, you have the right to mobilize these resources. Why ask the old man again." Master Lu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and said with lingering fear. What's wrong.

"Your Excellency, you are the person in charge of our Military Weapons Supervision. After all, I am only in charge of the affairs of the Jiafang Department. It is better for the affairs of the Nufang Department to be handled by your lord." Wang Yang replied very respectfully.

Hmm... It's not because there are always people who have too much time to impeach themselves, so Wang Yang adheres to the principle that more things are worse than less things, at least there can be no more mistakes or omissions in the procedure.

Lu Jianqing then sent someone to the Nufang Department to mobilize manpower and kick the crossbow, while curiously asking Wang Yang why he wanted these things.

"Lord Lu, you probably don't know yet. Nowadays, the Jiafang Department's daily production of refined iron can reach [-] catties."

" wait first, um..." Mrs. Lu hurriedly raised his hand, signaling Wang Yang to stop talking, and after drinking a big mouthful of ginseng tea, he calmed himself down, took out a small medicine bottle from his bosom, and took it. After taking a pill that could calm the mind, he nodded to Wang Yang to signal him to continue.

Seeing Mr. Lu's appearance, Wang Yang couldn't help showing black lines on his face. It seemed that this Mr. Lu was really scared, but the problem was that he didn't intend to scare this old driver.

Wang Yang shrugged helplessly and continued. "Even though we have dispatched tens of thousands of catties of steel to the Sword and Gun Station and Nufang every day, the amount of steel stored every day still reaches 50 catties. Now, we have accumulated about [-] catties."

"50 catties, not bad..." Mr. Lu touched his heart, and he could still accept this number. "Then what does this have to do with you going to the crossbow workshop to break up the crossbow and the craftsmen?"

(End of this chapter)

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