Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 451 That face that was slapped... (Part 1)

Chapter 451 That face that was slapped... (first update)
Chapter 450

"In the past, the old man only thought that you, Mr. Xiao Wang, were just quite talented, but I didn't expect that in your eyes, not only poems and songs were in your eyes, but also these matters related to people's livelihood and border guards."

"On behalf of my master of the Great Song Million Tigers, I would like to thank Mr. Xiao Wang for his kindness. To receive this good armor, my Great Song Million Tigers are like gaining an extra life..."

After Wang Yang saluted again, he stood up with his spine straight. "Don't dare, Wang Mou acts, I just want to have a clear conscience. It is my honor, Wang Yang, to contribute some of my modest strength to the people of the Great Song Dynasty and the millions of tigers in the Great Song Dynasty."

"It's a good one who just wants to have a clear conscience. He deserves to be the number one scholar in the Song Dynasty who wrote the impassioned "On Young China." Su Dongpo stood aside at the moment, clapping his hands and sighing loudly.

Zhao Ji looked at Wang Yang who looked so tall and high-spirited standing in the sun, his eyes were full of admiration, while Zhao Xu's eyes when he looked at Wang Yang were full of pride, even his There is an urge to go to my father's mausoleum and announce it loudly.Father can have Mr. An Shi, and I, Zhao Xu, can have Mr. Wu Shan. Da Song will definitely get better and better.

Zhao Xu raised his head, looked away excitedly, and murmured in a low voice. "My Song Dynasty will definitely become stronger and stronger because of the name of Yuanyou, and I will be the Huanghuang of the Han and Tang Dynasties."

Gao Taotao turned his head subconsciously, seeing the Emperor Song who was almost too excited to restrain himself, and his face as young and passionate as Wang Yang, he couldn't help sighing softly, I am really old, it is good to be young.

Fortunately, it's not too late now, Da Song can get the help of Wang Yang, the unparalleled national scholar, Tian De can get Wang Yang's assistance, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and don't need to worry about the follow-up of the Song Dynasty.

However, Gao Taotao couldn't help but feel a headache when he thought of Wang Yang's outburst of anger with others if he didn't agree with him. How much better it would be if this kid could be more stable?
However, when I glanced over Su Dongpo, I saw Su Xueshi chatting with Wang Yang very affectionately over there, and I couldn't help but think of Su Dongpo back then, seems that the temper of student Su back then was not much better, even if he was Now, in the court hall, he still often fights with people.

Thinking about Mr. Anshi back then, his temper was not much better, and that of Sima Guang, whose temper was absolutely unstoppable. It seems that these people with great talents all have distinctive personalities. As a person, I just hope that I can live a few more years so that this kid Wang Yang can temper his temper.

Gao Taotao does not hope that Wang Yang and Zhao Xu will not be able to get along well with each other in the future, but hopes that Wang Yang and Zhao Xu will make the Song Dynasty better and better, just like Emperor Taizong and the good minister Fang Xuanling of the previous dynasty.

And a group of old party ministers who were brazen and gesticulating before now have hot old faces. The three fucking Yuanyou are like three vicious slaps, and the faces of these old guys are swollen from slapping them.

After returning to the main hall again, Gao Taotao returned to the bamboo curtain, calmed down his excitement before asking Wang Yang carefully.

Whether it is the Yuanyou smelting technique or the Yuanyou coking technique, it can greatly improve the fine steel smelted by Song Dynasty.

And this Great Song Yuanyou armor is far less cumbersome to make than the scale armor currently popular in the Great Song Dynasty. Instead, it minimizes workers and working hours, and greatly saves manpower, material resources and time.

I heard Wang Yang talk about his special research and transformation process these days, and Zhao Ji, His Highness Prince Duan, waved the flag for Wang Yang, and the two experienced military supervisory officials were there to support him.

At this moment, even the senior officials of the old party who dislike Wang Yang the most have to admit that no matter which one of these new technologies developed by Wang Yang is used, they will definitely not let Yuanyou down. The title of Emperor of the Song Dynasty, or even the title of Yuanyou of the Song Dynasty, will only be remembered by the people of the world with the development and promotion of these technologies, and will even be firmly remembered by history.

Afterwards, Lord Lu of the Military Armament Supervision was called out. After inquiring about the situation in detail, he learned that there are currently nearly 3 armor craftsmen in the Military Weapon Supervision. After the smelting of bituminous coal, there were too many iron impurities. The iron armor of the Song Dynasty could only rely on increased weight to improve its defense, making it difficult for the soldiers of the Song Dynasty to quickly advance or retreat on the battlefield.

But now, with this kind of Great Song Yuan Youjia, which is much lighter than in the past, it can not only greatly ensure the safety of the soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty, but also allow the soldiers to reduce their load.

The important thing is that the [-] craftsmen of the military supervisor in Bianliang can only produce less than [-] new armors each year, but now it seems that it is not a problem at all to make [-] sets of Song and Yuanyou armors a year.

"Well, it seems that what the Ai family needs to worry about now is not that the soldiers don't have enough sophisticated armor to wear, but that they should worry about how much property is needed every year to ensure that the skilled craftsmen of the military inspector can work every day. "

Hearing Gao Tao's words, all the ministers present couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere seemed extraordinarily relaxed.Wang Yang couldn't help but smile, this is true. In the past, a pair of iron armor, together with labor and various expenses, cost about [-] yuan, that is, [-] guan.

When Wang Yang was casting the Song and Yuan Youjia, he also calculated the cost of the Song and Yuanyoujia. In the past, the most expensive thing was the labor cost. It took 500 people a year to make 150 sets of armor, that is, ten people. A craftsman needs to work for a year to get a pair.

The wages of these ten craftsmen are the biggest expense. However, the Great Song and Yuan Youjia developed by Wang Yang only requires thirty craftsmen and ten days of effort to obtain a pair. Moreover, since it is only available at the end The armor pieces are quenched and tempered in stages, so the fuel consumed is far less than in the past.

In total, the cost of a set of Great Song Yuanyou Armor, which is lighter and stronger than the previous Great Song Iron Armor, is less than one-third of that of the previous Great Song Iron Armor.

"In the past, a pair of iron armor cost about 32 guan, but the cost of Song and Yuan Youjia was only about [-] guan and [-] yuan, and you can get a pair of armor.

Even if it is calculated on the basis of ten guan, it would only cost 16 guan to equip the soldiers of the Imperial Army with [-] pairs of Great Song and Yuan Youjia. armor……"

"What's more, the two steel knives brought by Mr. Wang and the previous steel materials are all good products. If such steel materials can be used for forging, it will definitely reduce a considerable amount of manpower and material resources."

"Therefore, I sincerely hope that the Yuanyou coking technique, Yuanyou smelting technique developed by Mr. Xiao Wang, and the method of making Yuanyoujia in the Great Song Dynasty can be promoted in our Military Weapons Supervisor."

(End of this chapter)

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