Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 450 Making a Fast and Sturdy Great Song and Yuan Youjia (Part 2)

Chapter 450 Making a Fast and Sturdy Great Song and Yuan Youjia (Second Change)

Chapter 449

"In this way, less than 30 people can get a pair of A in ten days. If it is calculated according to the ten-day system of 30 people, it takes a year for 500 people to get how many sets of Da Song Yuanyou A." ?”

"30 people can make 36 sets of armor a year. If there are 500 people, that's [-] sets." Wang Yang's voice was very calm, but these words made all the ministers present deeply moved. He took a deep breath of the scorching summer air.Wang Yang curled his lips secretly. This is just an experimental production. If it is put into mass production in the future, it may not take that much time at all.

It's just that I don't dare to talk too much now, just leave a suspense for these old drivers with bad hearts to be frightened again.

"My lord, this kind of iron armor, I don't know if it's easy to repair because the armor is huge. In addition, if the armor is too big, will it make it difficult for the soldiers to move?"

"My lord, it's very simple. You can tell the officers and soldiers of the imperial army to put on their clothes and try them on." Wang Yang felt that since he had the armor at this time, he was naturally too lazy to talk nonsense, and went directly to dry goods.

There was no need for the emperor or Gao Taotao to order, the general of the imperial army over there couldn't wait to stand up. "Your Majesty, the general is willing to give it a try."

"Alright, then you can put on the armor, by the way, put on the Xixia wart armor too, it will be easier to compare." Zhao Xu nodded in agreement and ordered loudly.

Soon, four young and strong officers and soldiers of the Imperial Army were picked out, and with the help of their companions, they began to put on the Dasong Yuanyoujia and Xixia Warzijia.

At this time, Master Lu from the Military Weapons Supervisor stood beside Wang Yang, and humbly asked Wang Yang for advice. "My lord, since you said that the Great Song and Yuanyou Armor you made was also cold-forged, why is it stronger than the Western Xia Wart Armor in terms of defense?"

"That's because the Western Xia Wart Armor is completely cold-forged, and our Song Yuanyou Armor needs to be quenched and tempered after cold forging, so its strength is even stronger than that of the Western Xia Wart Armor. It's better." It wasn't Wang Yang who answered Mr. Lu, the military inspector, but Zhao Ji, the little prince.

"You mean, after cold forging, it needs to be quenched and tempered again? After so many processes, it took only [-] days for you forty or so people to make these two pairs of armors. ..." This time, Master Lu was really speechless.

"Yes, it is precisely because our armor plates are large that they are easy to handle and repair. The whole body, excluding the helmet, is composed of only 25 armor plates in total." Wang Yang nodded and smiled. road.

"And a pair of fish-scale armor requires about 800 pieces of armor. This number is indeed too different." Master Lu nodded in agreement.

Over there, the four soldiers of the imperial guards had already put on their clothes. Although one of the plate armor had many dents due to the test just now, it did not affect the movement of the soldiers.

Moreover, all the joints are connected by chain armor, which not only provides sufficient defense, but also allows the soldiers to move freely and even perform a series of actions such as running and jumping, turning around, and bending over.

Old General Huyan began to let the four armored Forbidden Army soldiers in various postures run around Yuehuamen. The speed seems to be slightly faster.

"It's flexible enough, and there's no problem with moving. Well, it really is a good armor." The old generals said frequently with their eyes shining.

And Gao Taotao pushed his glasses, fixed his eyes on the four soldiers of the imperial army who were running in the vast square outside Yuehuamen with a spear each, and heard the discussions of these old generals , the heart became more and more joyful.

After letting the soldiers run around the Yuehuamen Square, which was [-] steps long, the old general Huyan finally stopped the four of them, and then went forward to inquire.

After that, both sides started to slash each other with steel knives. Under the condition of heavy armor, the standard steel knives of the Song Dynasty could hardly cause harm to such soldiers of the Forbidden Army.

Under such circumstances, it is more intuitive to see the agility of the movement and attack and defense of the two sides, and thus infer the flexibility of the two armors.

"The flexibility of the two armors seems to be comparable, and there is not much difference." In the end, the veteran generals came to this conclusion. "However, it seems that when the Western Xia wart armor is attacking, once the arm is extended, it is easier to expose the gap, and it is easier for the opponent to grasp the loophole..."

"That's right, the Dasong Yuanyou Armor is protected by chain armor wherever there is no armor protection, and the whole body has almost no flaws. It feels like an iron pot to the old man, haha..."

In the end, after asking both parties to take off their armors, the eunuchs hurriedly brought over the large scales that had been prepared long ago, and weighed the armors one by one.

And Xu Degong, the big manager, was in charge of watching the scales in person. After all the armors were weighed one by one, the big manager Xu sighed helplessly, and put on a very bright smiling face towards Gao A torrent of flattery and authenticity.

"Your Majesty, among the six pairs of Xixia warts, one weighs 61 catties, this one weighs 63 catties, this one weighs 61 catties, and the other three weigh [-] and a half catties. And this The two sets of Great Song and Yuan You armors weighed fifty catties and fifty and a half catties, compared to the lightest pair of Xixia scabies, they were still a full ten catties lighter."

Gao Taotao pursed his lips a little excitedly, and then said with emotion after a while. "...Okay, very good, the Ai family is really happy. Unexpectedly, in addition to Yuanyou cement, a weapon for building a city, my Great Song Dynasty also has a Dasong Yuanyoujia that is far better than Xixia warts. The millions of soldiers of the Song Dynasty are like a tiger with wings added."

"Congratulations to your majesty, your majesty. Our millions of soldiers in the Song Dynasty will be even more powerful after receiving this excellent armor." The nearly one hundred civil and military ministers present bowed and congratulated loudly.

"Okay, okay, all the Qing family, hurry up and get flat." After Gao Taotao raised his hand to help him with a smile, his eyes fell on Wang Yang, and his eyes became more and more benevolent.

Well, after giving him half a month, he actually gave himself an unbelievably big surprise, which really made Gao Taotao not know what to say.

Now, Gao Taotao suddenly felt that there was an adjective that only Wang Yang could match, and that was: Peerless National Scholar.

Gao Taotao felt it was worth it even if he exchanged one hundred thousand tigers for such a talented person.

"Master Xiao Wang, please be respected by the old man..." At this time, the old general Huyan suddenly walked up to Wang Yang, and after a deep bow, Wang Yang jumped sideways in fright.

"Ho Yan, the old man, this is not possible, hey, hey ... you are the eldest man, you are ..." Wang Yang saw a large vote of Wuchen who came towards himself, sincerely facing himself in and sincerely towards himself. A salute.

Wang Yang could only smile wryly and hurriedly returned the gift. "My lords, don't let the officials down."

(End of this chapter)

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